Fillable Printable Parenting Plan Format - Kansas
Fillable Printable Parenting Plan Format - Kansas

Parenting Plan Format - Kansas

In the Matter of:
(Name of Spouse Filing) Case No. DG
(Name of Other Spouse) Division
This Parenting Plan is
temporary permanent.
Proposed by Fat her Proposed by Mother Agreed by Mother and Father Developed by the Court.
After due consideration, the Court enters the following Parenting Plan that serves the child(ren)’s best interests on
day of 20 :
This parenting plan applies to the following children :
Full Name of Child Gender Birth Date (Month/Yr) and Age
Section II. Legal Custody (Decision-Making)
A. Joint Legal Custody. Mother and Father shall have join t lega l custody of their minor child(ren). "Joint legal
custody" means that both parents have equal rights to participate in, con tribute to , and have responsibility for
matters of health and education in their child(ren)'s best interests. Neither parent's rights are superior to the other
parent's rights, and they should cooperate to determine what is in their children’s best interests.
B. Sole Legal Custody. Joint legal custody is not in the child(ren)’s best interests. “Sole legal custody” means that the
parent granted sole legal custody has the primary right to decide matters of health and education in the child(ren)'s
best interests. The parent not granted sole legal custody may make emergency decisions affecting the child(ren)’s
health or safety when the child(ren) are in that parent's physical care and control. The grant of sole legal custody to
one parent does not deprive the other parent of access to information regarding the child(ren) unless the court
specifically orders, stating the reasons for that determination.
1. Sole legal custody is granted to
Mother Father for the following reasons:
a. Agreement of the parents.
b. The other parent is unable or should not be allowed to exercise decision-making because:

c. There is a danger to the child(ren) because .
d. Other .
2. Restriction o f In fo rmation Regardi n g the C hi l d( ren) to No n Legal C us t odi an .
Mother Father is restrained from accessing the child(ren)’s health, educational and other personal
information because of the following specific reasons:
Section III. Parenting Time Schedule
Mother shall have parenting time beginning at am pm ending at am pm as follows:
Mother’s Weekday Schedule:
Mother’s Weekend Schedule:
Mother’s Other Times:
Father shall have parenting time beginning at
am pm ending at am pm as follows:
Father’s Weekday Schedule:
Father’s Weekend Schedule:
Father’s Other Time s:
New Year's Day: From (day) at (time)
until (day) at (time)
Memorial Day/weekend: From (day) at (time)
until (
day) at (time)
Mother’s Day/weekend: From (day) at (time)
until (day) at (time)
Father’s Day/weekend: From (day) at (time)
until (day) at (time)
Independence Day: From (day) at (time)
until (
day) at (time)
Labor Day/weekend: From (day) at (time)
until (
day) at (time)
Halloween From (day) at (time)
until (day) at (time)
Thanksgiving Day/weekend: From (day) at (time)
until (
day) at (time)
Winter Break: From (day) at (time)
until (day) at (time)
Winter Break: From (day) at (time)
until (
day) at (time)
Other: From (day) at (time)
until (
day) at (time)
Other: From (day) at (time)
until (
day) at (time)

Other: From (day) at (time)
until (day) at (time)
Other: From (day) at (time)
until (
day) at (time)
Other: From (day) at (time)
until (
day) at (time)
Other: From (day) at (time)
until (
day) at (time)
Other: From (day) at (time)
until (day) at (time)
Holidays and special days specified above will have precedence over weekday and weekend visitation.
Holidays have priority over other special occasions.
There shall be no adjustment for missed weekends or weekdays due to interruption by specified holidays and special
days. The parties are encouraged to compensate for missed weekends so that a parent will not go more than two
weekends with out having weeken d pa rent i n g time.
Section IV. Dispute Resolution Process
Disputes between the parents, oth er th an about child support, sh all be submitted to:
Mediation by :
The following di sp ut e resolution m et hod:
Section V. Military Deployment, Mobilization, or Unaccompanied Tour
Mother Father is a military service member and the following shall apply upon notice of deployment,
mobilization, temporary duty, or unaccompanied tour:
1. A parent receiving deployment, mobilization, temporary duty or unaccompanied tour orders from the military shall be
consid ered a “deployed parent.”
2. The absence, relocation or failure to comply with a parenting order by a “deployed parent,” shall not by itself
constitute a material change in circumstances to make any permanent change to the parenting plan.
3. Any court order limiting previously ordered parenting rights due to the parent's deployment, mobilization, tempo rary
duty, or unaccompanied tour shall state that event as its basis and shall constitute only a “temporary order.”
4. The nondeploying parent shall provid e the court and deployed parent at least 30 days advance written notice of any
change of address or telephone number.
5. The nondeploying parent shall reasonably accommodate the deployed parent’s leave schedule.
6. The nondeploying parent shall facilitiate telephone and electronic communication between the child(ren) and the
deployed paren t .
7. The deployed parent shall provide the nondeployed parent with timely information about the deployed parent’s
anticipated de p l oyment, leave during deploym ent , and rel ease from deployme nt .

8. During deployment, mobilization, temporary duty, or unaccompanied tour, the parents shall make decisions about the
child(ren) by the following methods:
9. During deployment, mobilization, temporary duty, or unaccompanied tour, the child(ren) shall live with:
Mother Father Other and the deployed pa rent shall have the fo llowing parenting time with the child(ren) when
Section VI. Address-Change
A. Mother and Father shall each notify the other parent of any address change in writing no less than 30 days before
changing address by sending written notice to the other parent by certified mail – restricted delivery, return receipt requested,
at that other parent’s last known address.
B. Mother and Father shall each notify the other parent of any plan to remove any child(ren) from the State of
Kansas for more than 90 days by sending written notice to the other parent by certified mail – restricted delivery, return
receipt requested, at that other parent’s last known address.
C. A parent is not required to give written notice of removal to the other parent under either (A) or (B) if the other
parent has been convicted of a crime specified in Article 34 (crimes against persons), Article 35 (sex offenses), or Article 36
(crimes affecting family relationships and children) of Chapter 21 (Crimes and Punishments) of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated to which the child(ren) was the victim.
Section VII. Transportation/ Exchange
A. Transportation and Transportation Costs. Responsibility for transportation and transportation costs, as they
relate to parenting time, shall be as follows:
Transportation arrangements and costs sh all be sole the responsibility of:
Petitioner Respondent.
Transportation arrangements and costs shall be:
Shared Equally
Not necessary at this time.
B. Exchange Point: The exchange point for the child(ren) shall be:
The home of the Petitio ner Respondent parent Other:
Not necessary at this time.
C. Notice of Intent to exercise or not to exercise parenting pime:
The Petitioner/Respondent parent shall notify the other parent days in advance o f i nte nt to exerci se
scheduled parenting time. If notification is not given, the subject parenting ti me will be considered waived.
Except for extreme and exceptional circumstances, a parent is not required to wait for the other parent more than

minutes before the parenting time is con s idered waived.
Not necessary at this time.
Section VIII. Telephone and Mail Contact Between Parent and Child(ren)
A. Telephone Contact. Each parent is allowed reasonable telephone access to their child(ren) at reasonable hours
without interference from the other parent. Telephone contact with a child(ren) should not be used as an
opportunity by either parent to discuss issues not related to the child(ren) with the other parent. When telephone
contact is attempted to be made with the child(ren), the child(ren) should either have direct access to the telephone
or the telephone should be given directly to the child(ren) with a minimal amount of conversation between the
parents unless necessary for discussion of matters related to that contact. Any parent shall not refuse to answer the
phone, turn off the phone or put call block on the line in order to deny the other parent telephone contact with the
child(ren). Current telephone numbers, where the child(ren) may be found or is staying, shall be supplied to both
parents by each pare nt .
Not necessary at this time.
B. Mail & Email Contact. Each parent with whom the child(ren) is not then living should have unlimited ability to
contact the child(ren) by use of either regular United States mail or electronic mail, if such an account is available.
The parent may provide self-addressed, stamped envelopes for the child(ren) to use. If available, current e-mail
addresses where the child(ren) may be contacted shall be supplied to both parents by each parent. And, where
possible for such purposes, reasonable computer access shall be allowed.
Not necessary at this time.
Section IX. Other Issues
Additional issues which the court enters into this parenting plan: .
Section X. Signatures: Required if agreed upon by the parties
Mother Father
Name:______________________ _______________ Name: ______________________ _______________
(Signature) (Signature)
Name: Name:
(Printed) (Printed)
Address: Address:

.02/11 p. 6 of 6
Date Signed:
Date Signed:
Attorney (if any): ______________________________ Attorney (if any): ________ ______________ _________
(Signature) (Signature)
Attorney (if any): Attorney (if any):
(Printed) (Printed)
IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that this parenting plan…
after approval of the agreement of the parties as evidenced by the above and foregoing parenting plan
after trial of the matter and being duly advised of the premises herein
is hereby made the order of the court by reference as though fully set forth herein.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, when mutual decision making is designated but cannot be achieved, the parties
shall make a good faith effort to resolve the issue through the dispute resolution process. If a parent fails to comply
with a provision of this pl an, the other parent's obligations u nder the plan are not affected.
DAY OF , 20 .