Fillable Printable Parenting Plan Model - North Dakota
Fillable Printable Parenting Plan Model - North Dakota

Parenting Plan Model - North Dakota
North Dakota law requires parents to create their own parenting plan that will direct them
in their efforts to maintain a parent-child relationship beneficial to the child. This
information is offered to assist parents as they live apart and to promote the best interests
and welfare of their children. A powerful cause of stress, suffering, and maladjustment in
children of separated parents is not simply separation itself, but continuing conflict
between parents, before, during, and after their separation, whether through divorce,
separation, or as unmarried parents.
Co-parenting after separation presents many challenges. It is not easy to put your
children’s needs ahead of your own often intense feelings and fears. When parental
maturity, personality, and communication skills are adequate, the ideal arrangement is
reasonable parenting time with the other parent on reasonable notice, since that provides
the greatest flexibility. A good arrangement is a detailed parenting plan made by the
parents to fit their particular needs and, more importantly, the needs of the individual
child. If the parents are unable to agree, this model can be useful, unless a different
parenting plan is court ordered. For most parents, this model should be considered as
only a minimum direction for interaction with the children.
PARENTING TIPS referring to these parenting tips from time to time may help you
master successful co-parenting.
Parents should always speak positively about one another and should firmly encourage
such conduct by relatives or friends. Each parent should encourage the children to respect
the other parent. Children should never be used by one parent to spy or report on the
other. The basic rules of conduct and discipline should be respected so that the children
receive consistent messages about appropriate behavior.
Children benefit from continued contact with all important people in their lives for whom
they have an established healthy bond. Such relationships should be protected and
encouraged, and all should speak positively of both parents in front of the children.
Parents should have their children maintain ties with both the maternal and paternal
relatives. Usually the children will visit with the paternal relatives during times the
children are with their father and with the maternal relatives during times they are with
their mother.
Neither parenting time nor child support is to be withheld because of either parent's
failure to comply with a court order. Only the Court may enter sanctions for non-
compliance. Children have a right both to support and to parenting time, neither of which
is dependent upon the other. In other words, unpaid support does not mean no parenting
time, and no parenting time does not mean you don’t pay your support. For a violation of
a support order, the remedy is to apply to the court for appropriate sanctions.
Children benefit when parents:
Communicate with each other in a courteous manner.
Are on time and have children ready at exchange time.
Avoid any communication that may lead to conflict at exchange time.
Encourage the children to carry “important” items such as clothing, toys, and
security blankets with them between the parent’s homes.
Follow reasonably similar routines for mealtime, bedtime and homework time,
while respecting each parent’s right to have some different routines in their own
Communicate about rules and discipline in order to handle them in similar ways.
Support contact with grandparents and other extended family so the children do
not experience a sense of loss.
Are flexible in developing the parenting plans to accommodate their child’s
extracurricular activities and special family celebrations.
Make time to spend alone with their children when the parent has a new partner.
Are with their children during scheduled times and communicate with their
children when they cannot be with them.
Respect the other parent’s scheduled times with the children and do not schedule
plans that will conflict.
Discuss any proposed schedule changes directly with the other parent.
Provide an itinerary of travel dates, destination and places where the child or
parent can be reached when on vacation.
Support the child’s relationship with the other parent and trust the other’s
parenting skills.
Assure the children that they did not cause the divorce or separation and that they
do not have the power to reverse the process.
Encourage the children in maintaining and establishing relationships with
important people in the other parent’s life, including a new partner, and/or new
(step) siblings.
Children are harmed when parents:
Encourage children to choose between them.
Make promises they do not keep.
Criticize the other parent to the child or in the child’s range of hearing.
Discuss their personal problems with the child or in the child’s range of hearing.
Use the child as a messenger or negotiator or seek information about the other
parent from the child.
Withhold access to the child for any reason unless there are safety concerns.
Involve the child in the court process or share legal information.
Introduce a new partner without adequate preparation. Remember that children
need time to grieve the loss of family as they knew it and may not be ready to
accept a new partner.
Domestic Violence:
A high percentage of divorces include domestic violence on some level. Often the parties
themselves do not identify the negative aspects of their relationship as abuse. That makes
it difficult for a court to determine what is in the best interest of the children when
domestic violence is a factor. By law, the court must take domestic violence into
consideration when mapping out parental rights and responsibilities.
In trying to figure all of this out, always holding the best interests of the child as its
highest priority, the court will look for believable evidence that domestic violence has
occurred. If someone suffered serious bodily injury, or was threatened with a gun, or if
there was a fairly recent pattern of repeated abuse, the court will assume that the parent
who behaved in these ways is not the best caretaker. As a result, the court will more than
likely decide that the child should live with the non-abusive parent. In the law it is called
“residential responsibility.”
Sometimes this arrangement just can’t work and protect everyone. In those cases the
court may look for a third party who can protect the child and stay neutral in parental
conflicts. The court’s first choice of a third party will most often be a suitable adult
It is important to note that if the abused parent has had to seek help or treatment because
of the abuse that in itself will not disqualify the parent as a caretaker with “residential
responsibility” as long as the child will be safe and well cared for with him or her.
"Decision making responsibility" means the responsibility to make decisions concerning
the child. The term may refer to decisions on all issues or on specified issues, but not
child support issues.
"Parental rights and responsibilities" means all rights and responsibilities a parent has
concerning the parent's child.
"Parenting plan" means a written plan describing each parent's rights and responsibilities.
"Parenting schedule" means the schedule of when the child is in the care of each parent.
"Parenting time" means the time when the child is to be in the care of a parent.
"Primary residential responsibility" means a parent with more than fifty percent of the
residential responsibility.
"Residential responsibility" means a parent's responsibility to provide a home for the

(Instructions for Completion: This form is designed to help parents in discussing
and deciding how to address parenting issues. Parents are encouraged to tailor a
plan to fit the needs of their children. Please note that some sections may not apply.
Please check the boxes that apply or fill in the appropriate blanks. In the event that
there is a conflict between a specific written statement by the parents, and a
generalized checkbox chosen by the parents, the written statement will have
priority. Feel free to attach additional worksheets to this document.)
To encourage the positive development of our children, we, as parents agree on the
following parenting plan and believe that it is the most conducive to frequent and
meaningful contact for the children with both parents. This plan is intended to protect
the children’s best interests, clarify parental authority and responsibility, reduce parental
conflict, and help prevent the necessity of future court action.
A. Children:
Name or Initials Birth Year State of Residence for
Last 6 months
Special needs of children: special medical needs/ physical disability requires parental
time / emotional disability / mental disability:
B. Parents:
Employer Phone No. Residential
Mother: _______________________
____________ _______________________
Father: ________________________
____________ ________________________
A. Records. Both parents may have access to the children’s medical, dental, and
school records. Each parent must communicate with the other parent with regard
to grade reports, extra curricular activities, and any other notices from the
daycare, the school and related entities concerning the children. The children’s
daycare and school(s) must be notified of the split households and advised to send
copies of the children’s school documents, notices and related information to each
parent. Both parents retain the right and shall notify and authorize the daycare,
the school, and the children's doctors and other professionals to communicate
directly with and outside the presence of the other parent. Each parent shall be
listed as the children’s parent and as an emergency contact with the daycare, the
school, and all health professionals unless directed by court order to the contrary.
Each parent shall immediately notify the other of any medical emergencies or
serious illnesses of the children. If the child is taking medications, the parents
shall communicate regarding instructions, dosage, and related information.
The parent who has medical insurance coverage on the children shall supply to
the other parent an insurance card and, as applicable, insurance forms and a list of
insurer-approved or HMO-qualified health care providers in the area where the
other parent is residing.
B. Communication Between Parents. The parents shall communicate only in
positive ways. The parents shall not make and shall not allow others to make
derogatory remarks about the other parent in the child’s presence.
We believe the most positive way to communicate is by:
a. ____________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________
(Options may include telephone, e-mail, text, exchange of notebook, or face to
face communication at a pre-arranged time. Parents each know how they
communicate best, and the best option for the parties can be detailed by them.)
Parents should always keep each other advised of their address, telephone
numbers, and emergency contact information.
C. Restrictions on Contact with the Children: Until further order of the Court, the
child’s time with mother/father will be subject to the following conditions:
(Example, “not using alcohol”, or supervised)
D. Timeliness: If a parent is more than __________minutes late to pick the children
up for a visit, that visit will be canceled, or:
E. Children’s Clothing/Personal Items: (Check any or all that apply).
□ Each parent shall supply the appropriate children’s clothing with them for
their scheduled time with the other parent, OR
□ Each parent shall supply appropriate clothing for the children to remain at that
parent’s home during parenting time, OR
□ ______________________________________________________________.
□ These clothes are to be considered the children’s clothes and shall be returned
clean (when reasonably possible) with the minor children by the other parent.
□ The child shall leave personal items at each parent’s home and shall not
remove those items from that home.
□ The child shall take personal items between each parent’s home, and it is the
responsibility of each parent to ensure that the personal items remain with the
□ ______________________________________________________________
□ Both parents shall advise, as far in advance as possible, of any special
activities so that the appropriate clothing belonging to the children may be
□ In the winter, or cold months of the year, the children are required to have
adequate boots, gloves, hats, and jackets to be provided by both parents.
□ In the winter, or cold months of the year, each parent shall ensure that the
children have appropriate winter clothing to wear, regardless of parenting
F. Neither parent will permit the child to be subjected to: (Complete blanks or
check all that apply—suggested topics: alcohol, drugs, smoking environment,
profane language, sexual content, violence.)
□ _________________________________________________________
□ _________________________________________________________
□ _________________________________________________________
□ _________________________________________________________
□ Temporary Removal of the child from the state, except as agreed by the
parties or authorized by the Court.
□ Violations of these provisions may subject the offender to court sanctions, or,
if continuous and serious, may result in modification of the parenting plan.
□ We agree that violations of these terms will result in
________________________________ (e.g. cancellation of the parenting
time, modification of the parenting plan).
G. Transportation and Exchange Arrangements. Transportation and exchange
arrangements for the children between parents will be as follows: (Check any and
all that apply.)
□ When we live in the same community, the responsibility of picking up and
returning the children should be shared with pickup at__________________
and drop off at _____________.
□ Pick up at ___________________
□ Drop off at __________________
□ Alternative Pick up/Drop off at _________________
□ A parent may not enter the residence of the other parent, except by express
invitation by that parent, regardless of whether a visiting parent retains a
property interest in the residence.
□ The children shall be picked up and returned to the front entrance of the
appropriate residence.
□ The parent dropping off the children should not leave the premises until the
children are safely inside.
□ Parents should refrain from surprise visits to the other parent's home.
□ A parent's time with the children is his or her own, and the children's time
with that parent is equally private.
□ Any change in pick up or drop off location will be determined by:
□ The person picking up or returning the children during times of parenting time
has an obligation to be punctual, arriving at the agreed time and place, not
substantially earlier or later.
□ Other:_________________________________________________________
H. Communication – Communication between parents and children shall be
liberally permitted at reasonable hours and at the expense of parent initiating
contact. The children may, of course, communicate with either parent though at
reasonable hours and frequencies and at the cost of the parent contacted, if there is
a cost. During long vacations the parent with whom the child is on vacation
should make the child available for contact ____________________________.
(for example, daily, once every 3 days). At all other times, the parent with whom
the child is staying shall not refuse to allow contact or take any action in order to
deny the other parent contact. Each parent should facilitate the communication
between the child and the other parent. (Check any and all that apply.)
□ Parents may agree on a specified time for communication to the children so
that the children will be made available.
□ A parent may wish to provide a child with a telephone calling card or cell
phone or computer to facilitate communication with that parent.
□ Each parent has an unrestricted right to send cards, letters, packages, and
audio and video cassettes or CDs.
□ Children also have the same right to send items to their parents.
□ Neither parent should interfere with any of the above mentioned rights.
□ A parent may wish to provide a child with self-addressed stamped envelopes
for the child’s use in corresponding with that parent.
□ If the child and the parent have internet capability, communication through e-
mail should be fostered and encouraged but with consideration for the number
of e-mails and the amount of time spent on the computer.
□ Other:_________________________________________________________
I. Exchanging Information. Both parents shall notify the other parent in writing of
any change in residence, telephone numbers, names and addresses of employers,
changes in health insurance coverage for the children, and changes in health
insurance available through employer which could cover the children.
J. Changes to Parenting Plan. As parents we recognize that the parenting plan
imposes specific requirements and responsibilities; however, when family
necessities, illnesses, or commitments reasonably so require, we will modify the
parenting plan fairly. The parent requesting modification shall act in good faith
and give as much notice as circumstances permit. If we cannot agree, we will
look to the dispute resolution provisions in this document, or bring the matter to a
parenting coordinator. We also anticipate that at some point circumstances may
fundamentally change, and agree that we will review the parenting plan upon the
following events: (Check any and all that apply.)
□ the oldest child reaches age _____
□ if either parent intends to move more than ___ miles from his or her current
□ in two years
□ after recommendation of the parenting coordinator
□ after recommendation of a professional (i.e. doctor, therapist, pastor)
□ after arrest or criminal activity by one or both parties
□ upon verified chemical abuse /relapse
□ upon an agency or Court finding of child abuse or neglect by one or both
□ upon a court finding of domestic violence by one or both parties
□ Prolonged lack of contact with the child
□ Other:
□ The parents may change this plan by agreement, but all changes must be in
writing, signed, and dated by both parents.
These provisions set forth where the children will reside and what contact the children
will have with each parent. As parents, we recognize that the children benefit from
ongoing and frequent contact with both of us. Thus, if events beyond our control such as
illness or family emergencies, prevent parenting time from occurring; we agree it is in
our children’s best interest to arrive at a mutually agreeable substituted parenting time, as
quickly as feasible. We also recognize that there will be times that substituted parenting
time will not be possible due to the children’s schedules, or our own. We agree to follow
our dispute resolution plan in resolving any conflict which may arise.
A. Residential Responsibility. We agree residential responsibility for our children
shall be (check one):
□ Shared equally between the mother and the father.
□ Primary residential responsibility shall be with the father.
□ Primary residential responsibility shall be with the mother.
□ _______________________________________________________________
B. The legal residence of our children for school attendance shall be (check one):
□ The mother’s place of residence.
□ The father’s place of residence.
□ _______________________________________________________________
C. Parenting Time Schedule: We intend the following schedule to be the ongoing
consistent parenting time schedule for the children. We also recognize that there
will be times when the schedule requires adaptation for the best interest of the
children. We intend the following schedule to be an attempt at consistency and
stability for the children: (Please fill in the following 4 week schedule with as
much specificity as possible, including pick up times.

Additional Detail for Parenting Time Schedule:
D. Alternate Schedules. The above schedule will be the default “normal” schedule
except as outlined below, or as modified by mutual agreement. The alternate
schedules will be as follows:
□ Summer time: Summer time is defined as: (Examples include “According to
the public school calendar”; “From June 1-August 15”; or some other
arrangement. Please define.)
The summer time alternate schedule will be:

□ School Release Days: School Release Days are defined as: (Examples include
“Days as defined by the public school calendar”; “non-holiday school breaks”,
or some other arrangement, please define.)
The school release days alternate schedule will be:
Additional changes to normal parenting time schedule will be:
□ Summer time/school release days with the other parent takes precedence over
summer activities (such as sports), when the parenting time cannot be
reasonably scheduled around such events.
□ Vacation with Parents. Each parent shall have vacation with the child as
follows: (Examples may include: two consecutive weeks in the summer time;
two non-consecutive weeks at any time; to be scheduled during normal
parenting time; only upon 30 days written notice; etc.).