Fillable Printable Party Wall Agreement Form Sample
Fillable Printable Party Wall Agreement Form Sample

Party Wall Agreement Form Sample

To: …………………………………………………… (Adjoining Owners)
Of: …………………………………………………… (Adjoining Address)
Dear Sir or Madam
The Party Wall etc Act 1996
Notice of proposed works – Party Structure Notice
As the owner/s of:
(Building Address)
Which is adjacent to your premises at:
I/We: …………………………………………………..
Of: …………………………………………………..………………………………
(Owners Address)
notify you that in accordance with our rights under Section 2 of the Party
Wall etc Act 1996 I/We intend to carry out building works.
The works proposed are:
(*delete as appropriate)
1. Cut halfway into party wall (100mm min) to obtain beam support
on suitable bearing plates, as part of our loft conversion.
2. Build a dormer cheek upon part of the Party Wall
3. Build up the Party Wall to form a New Extended Party Wall
4. Cut into the Party Wall in order to insert a lead flashing to fully
weather our loft conversion
I/We intend to start works on a date after a 2 month period following the
date of this notice or on an earlier date with your written agreement.
If you consent to the proposed works please complete, sign and return the
attached letter within 14 days.
Under Section 5, if you do not consent to the works within 14 days you
are deemed to have dissented and a difference is deemed to have arisen.
If in the unfortunate event that you do decide to dissent from the
proposed works, Section 10 of the Act requires that both parties should
concur in the appointment of a surveyor, or should each appoint one
“Agreed” surveyor, and in those circumstances I/We suggest using Mr
James Lewis Suryeyors Ltd. 69 Dartnell Park Road, West Byfleet, Surrey,
KT1 6PX , Tel 01932 820374, Mob 07957 323145,
Yours Sincerely
) ……………………………………… Date: ………………
(joint owner)
……………………………………… Date: ………………

The Party Wall etc Act 1996
Acknowledgment of Notice
To: ………………… …………… (Building Owner)
Of ……………………………………………………
…………… ………… (Building Address)
As Adjoining Owner/s under the Act of ..............................................................
And having received the notice dated: ………...........................................
In respect of proposed works in association with your loft conversion
At: ……………........................................................
………………………………………………… (Building Address)
And without prejudice to any of my/our rights under the Act
1. *I/We consent to the proposed works set out in your notice.
2. *I/We dissent to the works set out in your notice and concur in the
appointment of James Lewis BSc (Hons) MRICS as an Agreed Surveyor.
3. *I/We dissent to the works set out in your notice and appoint the following
surveyor………………………of………………….. to act on our behalf.
( *delete as necessary)
I/We: …………… ……………..………….. (Adjoining Owner/s)
are content*/not content* for you to start work on the earlier date of:
Yours sincerely
Signed : ………......................... Adjoining Owner
: ……………………….. Joint owner
Names : ……....................…….. (Print Names)
: ……………………….
Date: ............................ ……
Please note all joint owners should sign.
Please also print your name/s and date the letter.

To the Occupier of
Our ref:
Dear Sir/Madam
Re: Party Wall etc. Act 1996
On …
… notice was served upon you concerning proposed works affecting your
property. As you were advised at that time, the above Act required you to appoint a surveyor
if you dissent from the proposals. You have not signified your assent within 14 days and
therefore you are deemed to have dissented and must now appoint a surveyor.
In accordance with Section 10 of the above Act, I formally call upon you to appoint a
surveyor or to concur in the appointment of James Lewis BSc (Hons) MRICS of James Lewis
Chartered Surveyors 69 Dartnell Park Road, West Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6PX.
Tel: 07957 323 145
If you fail to do so within ten days, as required by that section, we will be empowered by the
act to make an appointment on your behalf.
Yours sincerely
Building Owner