Fillable Printable Performance Improvement Plan Form - Michigan
Fillable Printable Performance Improvement Plan Form - Michigan

Performance Improvement Plan Form - Michigan

MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Page 1 of 3
Performance Improvement Plan
This form documents a plan for required performance improvement when an employee's overall performance does not meet
minimum expectations on the PDP form.
Employee Name: PERNR:
Organiz ati onal Unit: Org Number:
Last Evaluation Date:
Job Respons ibilities/Priorities
List the employee's primary job responsibilities that require attention and describe the
specific improvement that is needed to meet minimum expectations.
Job Re spon sibi li ty :
Specific Improvements Required:
Job Re spon sibi li ty :
Specific Improvements Required:
Job Re spon sibi li ty :
Specific Improvements Required:
Job Re spon sibi li ty :
Specific Improvements Required:
Job Re spon sibi li ty :
Specific Improvements Required:
(Attach additional sheets of paper if necessary)

MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Page 2 of 3
Behavioral Competencies
Organizational Success Maki ng Peopl e M at t er
Teamwork/Cooperation (within and across units)
Customer Orientation
Commitment to Continuous Quality/Process Improvement
Flexibility/Adaptability to Change
Continuous Learning/Development
Displays Vision
Positive Attitude
Respect for Others
Interpersonal Skills
Supports Diversity and Understands Related Issues
Builds Trust
Recognizes Others' Achievements
Understands Others' Perspectives
Resolves Conflicts Constructively
Job Effect iveness Additional Competenci es f or Super visors
Problem Solving/Judgment
Makes Effective Decisions
Takes Responsibility
Achieves Results
Communicates Effectively
Job/Organizational Knowledge
Coaches/Counsels/Evaluates Staff
Identifies Areas and Supports Employee Development
Encourages Teamwork and Group Achievement
Leads Change/Achieves Support of Objectives
Enables and Empowers Staff
Strives to Achieve Diverse Staff at all Levels
Understands Diversity Issues and Creates Supportive
Environment for Diverse Employees
Identify the specific competencies needing improvement from the table above (or any unit-specific competencies previously
identified) and describe the performance improvement required.
Specific Improvement Required:
Specific Improvement Required:
Specific Improvement Required:
Specific Improvement Required:
Specific Improvement Required:
(Attach additional sheets of paper if necessary)

01/2012 MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Page 3 of 3
Plan Establishment
Support to be provided by Supervisor (e.g. training, equipment):
Pl an Establishment Signatur es:
Employee: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
Supervisor: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________
Department Administrator: __________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
Follow-up Revi ew
Dates of follow-up discussions: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Follow-up Review: (to be completed within 90 days of annual review date)
Employee has achieved the required improvement described above.
Employee has not achieved the required improvement described above.
he employee has problems in the areas described below:
Follow-up Review Signatures:
Employee: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
Supervisor: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________
Department Administrator: __________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
Human Resources _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________
Please return completed form to Human Resources 120 Nisbet Building