
Fillable Printable Permanent Cosmetics/Tattoo Consent Release Form

Fillable Printable Permanent Cosmetics/Tattoo Consent Release Form

Permanent Cosmetics/Tattoo Consent Release Form

Permanent Cosmetics/Tattoo Consent Release Form

I acknowl edge by signing this release f orm that I have been given the full oppo rtunity to ask any and all qu est ions I might have
about obtaining a tattoo from ____ __________. I acknowledge that al l m y questions have been answered to my ful l and total
satisfa ct i on. I specifically ackno wledge that I have been advised of the fact s and matters set forth belo w, and I agree as follows:
I am not under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
I do not have acne, frec kles, moles, or sunburn in the area to be tattooed that mi ght be agitated by the tattoo process
(healing ex cluded).
I have looked over my design, checked the spell i ng i f applicable, andgive my full consent to the appl ication of my
I acknowl edge that I am not pregnant.
I acknowl edge that I amfree of communi cable disease.
I acknowl edge that I have truthfully represented to the associates, agents and repres entatives of _____________ that
I am over ei ghteen (18) y ears of age.
I acknowl edge it is not reasonably possible for the associates, agents and repre sent atives of ________________ to
determine whether I m i ght have an alle rgic reactio n to the dyes, pigments, or processes used in my tattoo and I agree
to accept that such risk s are possible.
I acknowl edge that infection is alw ays possible as a result of obtaining a tat too particula rly in that event that I do not
take prope r care of my t attoo, and I have been advised of the signs and sym ptoms of infection that indicate a need to
seek medical care.
I acknowl edge receipt of written instructions advising me of prop er care of my tattoo and recognize the abs olute
necessity of following those written instructions. All questions about t he body art procedure have been answered to m y
I acknowl edge that v ariations in color a nd design may exist bet ween any tattoos as selected by me and as ul timately
applied t o m y body.
I acknowl edge that t attooing is a permanent change t o my appearance and that no representations have been made to
me as to the ability to later change, al ter or remove my tattoo.
I acknowl edge that t he obtaining of my tattoo is my choice alone and I consent to the appli cation of the tattoo and to
any action s or conduct of the associates, agents or representat i ves of _________________ that are reasonabl e
necessary to perform the tattoo procedure.
I agree to release and for ever discha rge and forever hold harmless ______ ______________________and its
associates, agents off icers and sh areholders f rom any and all claims, damages, or legal act i ons arising from or
connected in any way with my tattoo or the procedures and conduct used t o apply my tattoo and any and all tattoos
applied by ______________________ and its associates, agents and repre sentatives in the future.
I acknowl edge that t attoo inks, dyes an d pigm ents have not been approv ed by the federal Fo od and Drug
Administration and the health consequences of using these products are unkno wn.
I acknowl edge that t here is a chance I might feel lightheaded, diz zy during or after being t attooed. I agree to
immediately notify the practitioner i n the event I feel lightheaded, dizzy and/or faint before, during or after the
I agree to f ol l ow all i nstructions concerni ng the care of m y tattoo, and that any touch-ups needed bec ause of my own
negligenc e will be done at my own expense.
I, _______________________________________ _______have been fully i nformed of the ris ks of tattooin g i ncluding but not
limited to infection, scarring, di fficulties i n detecting mel anoma, and all ergic reacti ons t o tattoo pigment , latex gloves, and
antibiotics. Havi ng been inform ed of the pot ential risks associated wit h getting a tattoo, I still wish to proceed with tattoo
application and I assume any and all risks that may arise from tat tooing.
If single-use presteril ized equipm ent is used please provide L ot/ID numb er.
Lot/ID #:
Procedure description:
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