Fillable Printable Personal Business Letter Format
Fillable Printable Personal Business Letter Format

Personal Business Letter Format

[Your Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]
[phone number - optional]
[email address - optional]
August 28, 2009
[Name of Recipient]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]
Dear [Name of Recipient]:
Re: [Account No.__]
As you may be aware, I have been experiencing very serious financial troubles for some
time, and it finally reached the point where the only reasonable thing I could do was to
declare personal bankruptcy, which I did on [Date].
Since you are one of my creditors, I’m writing to let you know how all my debts will be
handled. The “trustee in bankruptcy” in this case will evaluate each and every debt and
determine whether it is to be placed in line for payment or discharged through the
bankruptcy process; he or she will contact you regarding my account with you once the
determination has been made.
For further information, please contact my bankruptcy attorney, [Name of Attorney] at
[Phone No.].
Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.
[Your Name]
Personal Letter to Creditors Advising
Them You are in Bankruptcy

Instructions & Checklist for a Personal Letter
to Your Creditors Advising Them You are in
□ This package contains: (1) Instructions & Checklist for a Personal Letter
to your Creditors Advising Them You are in Bankruptcy; and (2)
Personal Letter to your Creditors Advising Them You are in Bankruptcy.
□ This form is designed to assist you in drafting a personal letter to your
creditors letting them know that you -- as an individual and not as a
business -- have declared bankruptcy, and directing them who to contact
if they wish to make inquiries about the debts you owe them.
□ Be sure to include any “enclosures” mentioned in the letter. If there are
no “enclosures” you may delete “Enclosure” from the bottom of the letter.
□ Be sure to sign the letter and to make a copy before sending it out.
□ Bracketed instructions may be included on this form to assist you in
completing it and should be removed before printing. Generally in
Microsoft Word, you can click on the bracketed instruction and start
□ These forms are not intended and are not a substitute for legal advice.
These forms should only be a starting point for you and should not be
used without consulting with an attorney first. An attorney should be
consulted before negotiating any document with another party.
□ The purchase and use of these forms, is subject to the Disclaimers and
Terms of Use found at here.