Fillable Printable Personal Letter Format Example
Fillable Printable Personal Letter Format Example

Personal Letter Format Example

Template for Letter of Recommendation
Student fills in information in black.
OSA fills in information in gray.
Information in red is fixed, do not delete or edit.
After completing the information below, save a copy of the
template and attach it to the email message to osahel[email protected].
Make sure to include the Student Request Form (SRF).
[Full Name of Addressee]
[Name of Organization]
[Street Address]
[Additional Address Info.]
[City, State Zip Code]
Re: [Student’s Full Name], Letter of Recommendation for
[Name of What Letter is For – e.g., scholarship, fellowship, research, etc.]
Dear [Name of Addressee (e.g. Scholarship/Selection Committee) – if person,
Dr./Senator/Representative/Mr./Ms., etc. + Last Name]:
I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation for [Mr./Ms.] [Student’s Full Name] who is
applying for the [Name of What Letter is For]. [Student’s First Name] is a [first, second,
third, fourth] year medical student who received [his/her] [B.A., B.S., other-Student fills in]
degree in [major/major with a minor in-Student fills in] from [Name of Undergraduate
Institution-need to include "the" if appropriate], where [he/she] graduated with [honors-if
applicable; a GPA of –if applicable]. [Student’s First Name] was [Student fills in any
undergraduate honors, awards, honor societies, scholarships, etc. and whether
received, selected, inducted, or awarded]. [Student’s First Name] was actively involved in
[fill in any extracurricular activities with leadership positions held, community service,
etc.]. [Student’s First Name] performed research in the lab of Dr. [Full Name of Research
Advisor] in the Department of [Name of Department] at [Name of Institution]. [Student fills
in brief description of student’s responsibilities for the research and/or brief description
of the research]. The research resulted in [number-fill in] [publication(s)/ poster
presentation(s)/ abstract(s)/ other-Student fills in]. [Student fills in any other additional
research experiences with same information above for each experience].

(OPTIONAL SECTION; ONLY IF APPLICABLE) Prior to medical school, [Student’s First
Name] [Student fills in any other degrees with all of the same information detailed above
and/or Student fills in any work experiences, etc. did between college and medical
school and /or Transfer Student fills in where began medical school, dates (years) of
attendance, any honors, awards, scholarships, extracurricular/leadership activities,
research, etc. in same format as detailed above].
[Student’s First Name] entered the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago (UIC
COM) in [month] of [year] and has distinguished [himself/herself] as a [OSA fills in].
[He/She] has been [Student fills in any medical school honors, awards, A A, ISP,
scholarships, etc. and whether received, selected, inducted, or awarded]. [Student’s
First Name] has demonstrated initiative and leadership skills through [his/her] involvement in
[Student fills in any extracurricular activities with leadership positions held, brief
description of leadership activities and outcomes, etc.].
[Student’s First Name] has also demonstrated commitment to community service as well as
public and civic affairs through [his/her] volunteer work. [He/She] has been actively involved
in [Student fills in volunteer, community service, mentoring, etc. activities].
(OPTIONAL SECTION; ONLY IF APPLICABLE) [Student’s First Name] has also
demonstrated a level of interest in research. [He/She] has performed research in the lab of Dr.
[Full Name of Research Advisor] in the Department of [Name of Department] at [Name of
Institution]. [Student fills in brief description of student’s responsibilities for the research
and/or brief description of the research]. The research resulted in [number-fill in]
[publication(s)/ poster presentation(s)/ abstract(s)/ other-Student fills in]. [Student fills in
any other additional research experiences with same information above for each
In my observation of [Student’s First Name], [he/she] clearly has [OSA fills in]. Therefore, I
[OSA fills in] [him/her] as [OSA fills in] candidate for the [Name of What Letter is For] and
give [him/her] my full and unqualified support.
Sincerely yours,
Kathleen J. Kashima, PhD
Senior Associate Dean for Students
cc: Dr. [Full Name of Student’s Advisor]
Student File
OSA Advisor’s initials