
Petition Custody Form - New York

FCA §§ 467, 549, 651, 652,654; DRL §§75-l, 240
General Form 17
(Petition-Custody, Visitation)
In The Matter of a Proceeding for
CustodyVisitation under Article 4 5 6
of the Family Court Act or Section 240
of the Domestic Relations Law
PetitionerDocket No.
Relationship to child:PETITION
Relationship to child:
The Petitioner respectfully alleges upon information and belief that:
1. The name, gender, current address and date of birth of each child who is the subject of this
proceeding are as follows [specify address or indicate if ordered to be kept confidential pursuant to Family
Court Act §154-b(2) or Domestic Relations Law §254]:
Name Gender Date of BirthCurrent Address Name of Person
with Whom Child Resides
2. a. Petitioner, , [check applicable box]: resides is located at [specify
address or indicate if ordered to be kept confidential pursuant to Family Court Act §154-b(2) or Domestic
Relations Law §254]:
b. Petitioner is [specify relationship to child; if foster parent, agency, institution or other
relationship, so state]:
3. a. Respondent , , [check applicable box]: resides is located at [specify
address or indicate if ordered to be confidential, pursuant to Family Court Act §154-b(2) or Domestic
Relations Law §254]:
b. Respondent is [specify relationship to child; if foster parent, agency, institution or other
relationship, so state]:
4. [DELETE if inapplicable and SKIP to ¶5] (Upon information and belief) For any child listed
Note: If a custody or visitation proceeding is pending in, or an order of custody or visitation has been issued by, a court
outside of the State of New York, including a Native-American tribunal, the custody/visitation petition for proceedings under the
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act,Form UCCJEA-1 should be utilized instead of this form. If a prior order
of custody or visitation had been entered by a Court of this State, the petition for modification or enforcement, General Forms 40 or
41, should be used instead of this form.
General Form 17 Page 2
in ¶(1) above who resided at the current address and/or with the current person for two years or less, specify
where and with whom the child lived during the two years prior to that time [specify address or indicate if
ordered to be kept confidential pursuant to Family Court Act §154-b(2) or Domestic Relations Law §254]:
Name of Child Child’s Address Duration Name of PersonCurrent Address
(from/to) With Whom Child of the Person With
Resided Whom Child Resided
5. [Applicable when Petitioner and/or Respondent is on active military duty or has recently
returned from active military service; check box(es) if applicable, or if not, SKIP to Paragraph 6]:
a. Petitioner is on active duty, deployed or temporarily assigned to military service as
follows [specify type of service, military branch or National Guard unit, anticipated dates and location of
duty and how duty is likely to affect custody or visitation, if at all]:
Petitioner returned from active duty, deployment or temporary assignment to military
service as follows [specify date of return, type of service, military branch or National Guard unit and how
return from duty is likely to affect custody or visitation, if at all]:
b Respondent is on active duty, deployed or temporarily assigned to military service as
follows [specify type of service, military branch or National Guard unit and how return from duty is likely to
affect custody or visitation, if at all]:
Respondent returned from active duty, deployment or temporary assignment to military
service as follows [specify date of return, type of service, military branch or National Guard unit, anticipated
dates and location of duty and how duty is likely to affect custody or visitation, if at all]:
6. [Delete if inapplicable and SKIP to Paragraph 7]: An order was issued by Court,
County, State of , referring the issue of custody visitation to the Family
Court of the State of New York in and for the County of [specify]:
7. [Check applicable box(es). Delete inapplicable provisions]:
a. The father of the child(ren) who (is)(are) the subject(s) of this proceeding is [specify]:
The father was married to the child(ren)’s mother at the time of the conception or birth.
An order of filiation was made on [specify date and court and attach true copy]:
An acknowledgment of paternity was signed on [specify date]: by
[specify who signed and attach a true copy]:
The father is deceased.
b. The father of the child(ren) who (is)(are) the subject(s) of this proceeding has not been
legally established.
Inapplicable if Petitioner is based at a permanent duty station or has had a permanent reassignment of station.
Inapplicable if Respondent is based at a permanent duty station or has had a permanent reassignment of station.
General Form 17 Page 3
c. A paternity agreement or compromise, pursuant to former Family Court Act §516,
was approved by
the Family Court of County on , , concerning [name parties to
agreement or compromise and child(ren)]:
A true copy of the agreement or compromise is attached to this petition.
8. [Applicable to cases in which either parent is not a party; if not applicable, SKIP to
Paragraph 9]: The name and address of a parent or parents who are not parties to this proceeding are:
[specify; indicate if deceased or if address(es) ordered to be kept confidential pursuant to Family Court Act
§154-b(2) or Domestic Relations Law §254]:
9. [Delete if inapplicable and SKIP to Paragraph 10]: Petitioner has participated as a party
witness other capacity [specify]: in other litigation concerning the custody of
the same children in New York State Other jurisdiction [specify]:
If so, specify type of case, type of participation, court, location and status of case.
10. a. A custody or visitation proceeding concerning the same child(ren) is is not pending in
New York State. [If pending, give court docket number and status of case]:
b. A custody or visitation proceeding concerning the same child(ren) is is not pending in
a jurisdiction outside New York State. [If pending, specify where, court docket number and status of
11. [Delete if inapplicable and SKIP to Paragraph 12]:
The custody or visitation of the
child(ren) has been agreed upon in the following custody, separation or guardianship agreement,
dated [specify, and attach copy]:
12. [Delete if inapplicable and SKIP to Paragraph 13]:
a. Petitioner
Respondent obtained custody of the child(ren) on [specify date]:
, as follows:
b. Petitioner Respondent obtained visitation with the child(ren) on [specify date]:
, as follows:
13. It would be in the best interests of the child(ren) for Petitioner to have custody visitation for
the following reasons [specify]:
14. [Delete if inapplicable and SKIP to Paragraph 15]:
a. An Order of Protection or Temporary Order of Protection was issued [check applicable
box(es]: against Respondent against me in the following criminal, matrimonial and/or Family Court
The agreement or compromise must have been signed prior to the repeal of FCA §516 on May 19, 2009.
If litigation occurred in Native-American tribunal, so indicate.
General Form 17 Page 4
proceeding(s) [specify the court, docket or index number, date of order, next court date and status of case,
if available]:
The Order of Protection Temporary Order of Protection expired or will expire on [specify date ]:
b. Petitioner requests a Temporary Order of Protection pursuant to Family Court Act §655
because [specify]:
15. [Applicable where one or more parties are not parents of the child(ren); DELETE IF
INAPPLICABLE and SKIP to Paragraph 16]]: The subject child(ren) are are not Native-
American child(ren) who may be subject to the Indian Child Welfare Act (25 U.S.C. §§ 1901-1963).
16. [Applicable where a child abuse, child neglect or destitute child petition and/or a
permanency hearing report has been filed regarding the child(ren) and in which petitioner is a
relative or other non-parent or a parent who is not a respondent; DELETE IF INAPPLICABLE and
SKIP to Paragraph 17]:
a. A child protective petition, Docket # [specify]: , was filed in Family
Court, [specify county]: on [specify date]: alleging that [specify names of
respondents on that petition]:
neglected or abused the above-named child(ren). The petition resulted in [specify whether finding was
made and, if so, the disposition; if the disposition has been adjourned pending a consolidated hearing with
this petition, pursuant to F.C.A. §1055-b, so indicate and give next court date]:
b. A destitute child petition, Docket # [specify]: , was filed in Family Court,
[specify county]: on [specify date]: . The petition resulted in [specify
whether finding was made and, if so, the disposition; if the disposition has been adjourned pending a
consolidated hearing with this petition, pursuant to F.C.A. §1096, so indicate and give next court date]:
c. A permanency report, Docket # [specify]: , pursuant to Article 10-A of
the Family Court Act, was filed in Family Court, [specify county]: on [specify date]:
indicating a permanency plan of custody of the child(ren) with Petitioner in this proceeding. The
permanency hearing was adjourned to [specify date]: pending a consolidated hearing with this
petition, pursuant to F.C.A. §1089-a.
d. The child’s birth mother has has not consented to the award of custody to the
Petitioner. If not, the following extraordinary circumstances support Petitioner’s standing to seek custody
of the child(ren) [specify]:
e. The child’s legally-established birth father has has not consented to the award of
custody to the Petitioner. If not, the following extraordinary circumstances support Petitioner’s standing to
seek custody of the child(ren) [specify]:
General Form 17 Page 5
f. The child has been living with the following foster parent(s)[specify]:
since [specify date]:The foster parent(s) has/have has/have not consented to the award of custody
to the Petitioner. [If unaware whether they have consented, so state]:
g. The local department of social services [specify]: in the
related child abuse or neglect destitute child permanency proceeding has has not
consented to the award of custody to the Petitioner. [If unaware whether they have consented, so state]:
g. The attorney for the child(ren) [specify]: in the related
child abuse or neglect permanency proceeding has has not consented to the award of custody
to the Petitioner. [If unaware whether they have consented, so state]:
17. No previous application has been made in any court, including a Native-American tribunal,
or to any judge for the relief herein requested, (except:
WHEREFORE, Petitioner requests an order awarding custody visitation of the child(ren) to the
Petitioner and for such other and further relief as the Court may determine.
Print or type name
Signature of Attorney, if any
Attorney’s Name (Print or Type)
Attorney’s Address and Telephone Number
being duly sworn, says that (s)he is the Petitioner in the above-named proceeding and that the foregoing petition is
true to (his)(her) own knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief and as to
those matters (s)he believes it to be true.
Sworn to before me this
day of
(Deputy) Clerk of the Court
Notary Public
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