Fillable Printable Petition for Divorce - Georgia
Fillable Printable Petition for Divorce - Georgia

Petition for Divorce - Georgia
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Petitioner: _________________________________
VS. Civil Action File No:__________________
Respondent: _______________________________
I, _______________________________________, representing myself, state that:
1. Subject Matter Jurisdiction: I am the Petitioner in this action, and (Check (a) or (b))
a) I have been a resident of the State of Georgia for more than six (6) months prior to filing
this action.
b) I am not a resident of the State of Georgia, but my spouse has been a resident of the
State of Georgia and a resident of Douglas County for at least six (6) months prior to my
filing of this action.
2. Venue: My spouse’s name is _____________________________. He/She is the Respondent in
this action. (Check (a), (b), (c), or (d))
a) The Respondent is a resident of Douglas County and is subject to the jurisdiction of this
Court. (Check (1), (2), (3) or (4))
1) The Respondent has consented to the Jurisdiction of this Court and has
acknowledged service of process and jurisdiction of this Court. (Check the box
below if you and your spouse have a separation agreement that you want to have
made a part of your divorce decree.)
Attached to this Complaint for Divorce is a Separation Agreement which my
spouse and I desire to be incorporated into our final judgment and decree for
2) The Respondent may be served at Respondent's residence address of
3) The Respondent may be served at Respondent's work address of
The Respondent works in _____________County and shall be served by
second original.
4) The Respondent's whereabouts are unknown to me as shown by my Affidavit of
Due Diligence attached hereto and incorporated by reference, marked Exhibit A.
The Respondent shall be served by publication as is provided by law in the case
of those who cannot be found within the State pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 9-11-
4(f)(1). The clerk shall mail a copy of the Notice, Order for Service by Publication,
Petition for Divorce to the last known address of Respondent which is
within 15 days of filing of the Order of Service by Publication.
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b) The Respondent is a resident of _______________ County, but Respondent and I lived
together in Douglas County at the time we separated, Respondent has only moved from Douglas
County within the past six months from the date of this filing, and I am a resident of Douglas
County. The Respondent shall be served by second original at his/her home/work address of
c) The Respondent is a resident of ________________ County, and I live in Douglas County.
The Respondent has consented to the jurisdiction of this Court and has acknowledged service of
process and venue of this Court. (Check the box below if you and your spouse have a
separation agreement that you want to have made a part of your divorce decree.)
Attached to this Complaint for Divorce is a Separation Agreement which my spouse
and I desire to be incorporated into our final judgment and decree for divorce.
d) The Respondent is not a resident of the State of Georgia, but I am resident of Douglas
County and (Check (1), (2) or (3)
1) The Respondent was formerly a resident of the State of Georgia and presently is a
resident of the State of _______________. Respondent may be served by second original
pursuant to the Long Arm Statute, O.C.G.A. § 9-10-91(5). Respondent may be served at
Respondent's residence address of
2) The Respondent's whereabouts are unknown to me as shown by my Affidavit of
Due Diligence attached hereto and incorporated by reference, marked Exhibit A. The
Respondent shall be served by publication as is provided by law in the case of those who
cannot be found within the State pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 9-11-4(f)(1). The clerk shall mail
a copy of the Notice, Order for Service by Publication, and Petition for Divorce to the last
known address of Respondent which is _______________________________________
within 15 days of the filing of the Order for Service by Publication.
3) The Respondent has consented to the Jurisdiction of this Court and has
acknowledged service of process and jurisdiction of this Court. (Check the box
below if you and your spouse have a separation agreement that you want to have
made a part of your divorce decree.)
Attached to this Complaint for Divorce is a Separation Agreement which my
spouse and I desire to be incorporated into our final judgment and decree for
e) I am a resident of Douglas County and the Respondent’s whereabouts are unknown to me
as shown by my Affidavit of Due Diligence attached hereto and incorporated by reference marked
Exhibit A. The Respondent shall be served by publication as is provided by law in the case of
those who cannot be found within the State pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 9-11-4(f)(1). The clerk shall
mail a copy of the Notice, Order for Service by Publication, and Petition for Divorce to the last
known address of Respondent which is

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3. Date of Marriage: (Check (a) or (b))
a) The Respondent and I were lawfully married on _________________________.
b) The Respondent and I are common law married having entered into a common law
marriage before January 1, 1997 as of _________________________.
4. Date of Separation: Respondent and I separated on _________________________ and have
remained in a bona fide state of separation since that date.
5. Children: (Check (a) or (b))
a) There are no minor children of this marriage.
b) Respondent and I are the parents of _____ minor children:
Name of child Sex(m/f) Date of Birth Resides with mother/father/other
6. Custody/Visitation: (If there are minor children check (a), (b) or ©)
a) I am entitled to the temporary and permanent sole legal and physical custody of these
b) I am entitled to joint legal and physical custody of these children.
c) I am entitled to reasonable visitation with these children.
7. Children’s Place of Residence (If there are minor children, please complete)
The minor children of the parties currently reside at_________________________ with
_________________________. During the past five years, the minor children have lived at the
addresses below with the following persons:
Name Address Resided with

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8. Other Custody Actions: (If there are minor children, check (a) or (b))
a) I have not participated as a party, or witness, or in any capacity in any other litigation
concerning the custody of the minor children in this or any other state. I do not know of
any custody proceeding concerning the minor children which may be pending in a Court in
this or any other state.
b) The minor children have been involved in the following custody actions.
County/State/Court Type of custody action Date Filed Status
9. Other Persons with Claims to Children: (If there are minor children, check (a) or (b))
a) I know of no other person, not a party to this proceeding, who has physical custody of the
children or claims to have custody or visitation rights with respect to the minor children.
b) The following persons who are not a party to this proceeding have custody or visitation
rights with the minor children:
Name Claim
10. Child Support/Alimony: (Complete if there are minor children and/or you are seeking alimony)
a) I am employed by _________________________ earning _________________________
per month. The Respondent is an able bodied person capable of earning sufficient money to
support (the minor children/ the minor children and me/ me). Respondent is employed by
_____________________________ earning _________________________ per month and I
am in need of financial assistance from the Respondent for the support of: (Check one:)
the minor children the minor children and me me.
b) The issues of child support and alimony cannot be decided in this action because Georgia
does not have personal jurisdiction over my spouse.
11. Health Insurance for Minor Children:
(Complete if there are minor children. (Check (a), (b) or (c) )
a) Respondent should be ordered to maintain a policy for dental, medical, and hospitalization
insurance for the minor children. Respondent should also be responsible for any other
expenses for the children's medical or dental treatment, if such expenses are not covered
by insurance policies.
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b) Respondent and I should share the costs of dental, medical, and hospitalization insurance
for the minor children.
c) The issue of health insurance for the children cannot be decided in this action because
Georgia does not have jurisdiction over my spouse.
12. Life Insurance for the Minor Children: (Check if there are minor children, and you want your
spouse to have life insurance for the minor children. Check (a) or (b))
a) Respondent should be ordered to maintain life insurance for the benefit of the minor
b) The issue of obtaining life insurance cannot be decided in this action because Georgia
does not have personal jurisdiction over my spouse.
13. Alimony: I am/am not seeking alimony because
The issue of alimony cannot be decided in this action because Georgia does not have personal
jurisdiction over my spouse
14. Marital Property: (Check (a), (b), or (c))
a) Respondent and I have no marital property.
b) Respondent and I have already divided our marital property to our mutual satisfaction.
c) Respondent and I have the following marital property that I have checked, and I am
seeking an equitable division of this property:
house located at _______________
pension (mine-_______________, spouse’s-_______________)
motor vehicles (model/year )
furniture (list or attach list )
bank accounts and investments (list or attach list )
other (list or attach list )
d) The issue of the division of marital property cannot be decided in this action because
Georgia does not have personal jurisdiction over my spouse.
15. Joint Debts: Check (a) or (b):
a) Respondent and I have no outstanding joint debts
b) Respondent and I have the following outstanding joint debts and he/she should be (solely
liable for payment of these debts/ jointly liable for payment of these debts/responsible for
payment of the debts that I checked.)
Creditor Balance
c) The issue of the division of joint debts cannot be decided in this action because Georgia
does not have personal jurisdiction over my spouse.
16. Restore Former Name: My former name is _________________________ and I request that it
be restored to me.
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17. Grounds for Divorce. My grounds for an absolute divorce are: (Check the grounds that you can
prove at trial:)
a) The marriage is irretrievably broken. My Spouse and I can no longer live together.
There is no hope of that the two of us will get back together.
b) Cruel treatment. My spouse committed the following acts of cruel treatment to me such
that I am afraid that he/she will hurt me in the future:
c) Adultery. My spouse has had sexual intercourse outside of the marriage.
d) Desertion. On or about _________________________, my spouse, without just cause
or reason, intentionally abandoned and deserted me for a period of at least one year as
e) Intermarriage. My spouse and I are related as follows:
f) Mental incapacity. I did not have the mental capacity to enter into a marriage when we
married because
g) Impotency. My spouse was impotent at the time of our marriage, and I was not aware of
h) Force, menace, duress, fraud in obtaining the marriage. I entered into this marriage
against my will as a result of
i) Pregnancy of the wife at the time of the marriage unknown to the husband. I did not
know that my spouse was pregnant by another man when we got married
j) Conviction of party for an offense involving moral turpitude. On or about
_________________________ my spouse was sentenced to serve at least two years in
the penitentiary for the following:
k) Habitual intoxication. My spouse is repeatedly intoxicated.
l) Incurable mental illness. My spouse has been adjudged mentally ill by a court of
competent jurisdiction. My spouse has been confined in an institution for the mentally ill
for a period of at least two years immediately preceding this action. My spouse's mental
illness has been determined to be incurable by competent examiners, and I have attached
a certified statement that it is this person's opinion that my spouse is hopelessly and
incurably mentally ill.
m) Habitual Drug Addiction: My spouse is addicted to drugs as follows:
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FOR THESE REASONS, I request (check all that apply)
a) That a Rule Nisi be issued directing the Respondent to show cause why my prayers
should not be granted;
b) Temporary and Permanent Custody of the minor children;
c) Joint custody of the minor children;
d) Visitation with the minor children;
e) Child Support;
f) Medical, Dental and Hospitalization insurance for the children;
g) Life Insurance for the benefit of the minor children;
h) Alimony;
i) An award of the marital property listed in paragraph (14c);
j) Respondent to pay the joint debts listed in paragraph (I5b);
k) That all issues of child support, health insurance for the minor children, life insurance for
the minor children, alimony, division of property and debts be held in abeyance until such
time as this court has personal jurisdiction over my spouse;
l) A change back to my former name
m) A restraining order to restrain and enjoin the Respondent from harassing, molesting or
threatening me in any way whatsoever;
n) A total divorce, a vinculo matrimonii, from Respondent;
o) Respondent be served with a copy of my Complaint for Divorce;
p) That the Separation Agreement attached to this petition be made the Order of this Court;
q) Any other appropriate relief.
This the ______________day of _______________________________, _____.
[date] [month] [year]
Respectfully submitted,
(Sign your name here) PRO SE
Petitioner’s name (print or type): _________________________________
Petitioner’s address: ________________________________________________
Petitioner’s telephone number: ( ) _________________________________________