Fillable Printable Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus - New Mexico
Fillable Printable Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus - New Mexico

Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus - New Mexico
9-701. Petition for writ of habeas corpus.
[For use with District Court Criminal Rule 5-802 NMRA]
COUNTY OF ___________________
For Official Use Only
No. ___________
(To be supplied by the
clerk of the court)
(Full name of prisoner)
(Name of warden, jailor
or other person having
power to release the
Instructions — Read Carefully
Make sure that all information provided in this form is true and correct. Make sure that all
necessary documents are attached, or explain why the documents are not being included. If you
are currently incarcerated, you may file the petition without payment of the filing fee. If you are
not incarcerated and are seeking free process, complete Form 9-403.
Finally, you must complete the certificate of service and mail or otherwise serve copies of
this petition on the respondent and the district attorney in the county in which the petition is filed.
You must file the original petition and one copy with the Clerk of the District Court. You should
keep a copy for your own records.
1. __________________ (name of person in custody) is imprisoned or otherwise
restrained at ______________________________ (name of facility and county of detention) by
________________________ (name and title of person having custody).
2. This petition
[ ] seeks to vacate, set aside or correct an illegal sentence or order of confinement
(i.e., ineffective assistance of counsel, illegal search and seizure, involuntary confession, or other
matters relating to the trial or sentence the confined person received).
[ ] challenges confinement or conditions of confinement or matters other than the
sentence or order of confinement. (This applies only to matters arising after the confined person
arrived at the institution, i.e., county jail confinement, mental hospital confinement, detention
facility confinement, good time credit, misconduct report, prison due process violation or
3. State concisely the facts upon which the confined person bases the claim:
4. State concisely the grounds and law, or other legal authorities on which the
confined person bases the claim:
5. Have the grounds being raised in this petition been raised previously in your direct
appeal? If so, explain the result. If not, explain why not:
6. Have the grounds raised in this petition been raised previously in another petition
for a writ of habeas corpus? If so, explain the result. If not explain why not:
7. Briefly describe the relief requested:
8. State the nature of the court proceeding resulting in the confinement (i.e., criminal
prosecution, civil commitment, etc.), including:
(a) case name:
(b) docket number:
(c) name of judge:
(d) name and location of the court in which the proceeding was held:
9. State the date of the final judgment, order or decree for confinement:
10. Attach a copy of the judgment, order or decree. If not, describe your sentence.
11. Was the conviction the result of:
__________ Guilty plea
__________ No Contest plea (nolo contendere)
__________ Finding of guilty by judge or jury
12. Was the confined person represented by an attorney during the proceedings
resulting in the confinement?
__________ Yes
__________ No
13. If you answered “yes” to (12), list the name and address of each attorney who
represented the confined person:
14. Did you appeal your conviction?
__________ Yes (Go to 15)
__________ No (Go to 16)
15. If you answered “yes” to (14), list:
(a) The name of each court to which an appeal was taken:
(b) The case name and docket number for each appeal:
(c) The date each appeal was filed and decided: (Attach a copy of each
opinion or order)
(d) A summary of the grounds upon which each appeal was based:
(e) The result of each appeal:
(f) The name and address of the attorney on appeal:
16. If you answered “no” to (14), state the reasons for not appealing:
17. Apart from any appeals listed in (15), have any other post conviction applications,
petitions or motions, been filed with regard to this same imprisonment or restraint?
__________ Yes (Go to 18)
__________ No (Go to 19)
18. If you answered “yes” to (15), list with respect to each such petition or motion:
(a) The type of proceeding:
(b) The name and date of each case:
(c) the docket number:
(d) the court, the administrative agency, or institutional grievance committee
from which relief was sought:
(e) the result of each proceeding. (Attach a copy of each decision.)
(f) The issues raised in each proceeding:
(g) State whether a hearing was held in connection with each of these
(h) State whether the confined person was represented by an attorney in each
proceeding and, if so, the attorney's name and address:
19. Do you seek the appointment of counsel to represent you?
__________ Yes
__________ No
COUNTY OF __________________
I, the undersigned, being first duly sworn upon my oath, state that I am the petitioner in this
action. I have read the foregoing petition and know and understand its contents, and the
information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and
belief. On ________________, _______ (date), I deposited this petition in the internal mail
system of the institution in which I am confined, properly addressed with any necessary postage
prepaid, for forwarding to the district court at the following address:
________________________________ Court (name of court)
_________________________ (city), New Mexico, _________ (zip code).
PNM No., if applicable
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ________ day of
________________________, ________, by
(Name of petitioner)
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
I hereby certify that true copies of the foregoing petition were served upon the respondent
and the district attorney in the county in which the petition is filed by
___________________________________ (describe manner of service), this ______ day of
______________, ________.
(Signature of petitioner)
1. After this petition is reviewed by the Court, the Court will enter the order granting
or denying the writ or ordering a response before further action. The order shall be prepared by
the Court.
2. Petitioners who are incarcerated at the time of filing the petition need not file a
motion for free process and may file the petition without payment of the applicable filing fee. See
Rule 5-802(D)(2) NMRA
[Adopted, effective August 1, 1989; as amended by Supreme Court Order No. 09-8300-008,
effective May 6, 2009; as amended by Supreme Court Order No. 14-8300-014, effective for all
cases filed on or after December 31, 2014.]