Fillable Printable Police Report Form - San Antonio
Fillable Printable Police Report Form - San Antonio

Police Report Form - San Antonio

SAPD FORM 133 -FOIA Rev. (09-03-14)
Don’t wait in line. Order your report online!
Simply go to the city website at, scroll to the bottom of the website and select “Open Records,”
then select the “Submit a Request” icon and follow the steps to “Create an Account.” If you do not have access to a
computer, please feel free to submit this form as your request.
What you should know
Name Searches:
Requesting records based upon a person’s name may constitute a criminal history background check. SAPD Form 3155 is
required to provide notarized consent from the person with the criminal history for all criminal history background
Reports Prior to 2005:
Requests for police r eports may be conducted dating back to 2005 ba se d on t he report numbe r. Any police report p ri or t o
2005 requires the exact date and address of the occurrence.
Traffic Accident Reports:
Transportation Code sec. 550.065 requires that for the release of information about traffic accidents, the requestor must
provide two or more of the following:
1. the d ate o f the a cc id en t; ( lis t in ite m #10)
2. the name of any person involved in the accident, and (list in item #12)
3. the specific address or the highway or street where the accident occurred (list in item #13).
Confidential Information:
To ensure that privacy concerns are protected and legal standards are met, the City may object to the following types of
report data being made available to the public. Among the exclusions are:
1. Sexually oriented reports
2. Reports involving juveniles / children / minors
3. Reports with suspects and witness information (information on people not arrested)
4. Atte mpted Su icide reports
5. Emergency Detent ion repo r ts
6. I nform ation reg ard ing activ e crim inal inv estig ation s
Large volume requests may be subject to labor fees ($18.00 per hour). You will be notified of any fees, which must be
paid prior to release of any records.
The San Antonio Police Department Records Office will make every effort to get the information that you request to you
immediately. The time taken will vary depending on the volume of requests received by the Records Office. If the
request cannot be met within ten (10) business days (excluding weekends and holidays), the Records Office will notify
you with a reasonable date of expectancy.
Please fill out the below listed information, print clearly, and include as much information as possible to ensure this
request is processed efficiently:
1. Date of Request: ____________________________________________________________
2. Name of the Requestor: ______________________________________________________
3. Send the information to me by: Email / US Mail / I Will Pick Up (Circle One )
4. Requestor’s Email Address: ___________________________________________________
5. Requestor’s Address: ________________________________________________________
SAPD FORM 133 -FOIA Rev. (09-03-14)
City: ______________________________State: ____________Zip Code: _____________
6. Requestor’s Phone: __________________________________________________________
7. Requestor’s Company Name (If Applicable):_________________________________________
8. I Want: an Offense Report / a Traffic Accident Report (Circle All that Apply)
9. SAPD Case Number: ________________________________________________________
(This is usually provided by an SAPD Officer on a business card on the day of incident. Provid ing this
information will greatly expedite your request).
10. Date of the Incident: _________________________________________________________
(This is manda tory for an y record s prior to the year 2005).
11. Approxim ate Time of the Incident: ____:____am/pm (Circle one)
12. Name and Date of Birth of Complainant, Victim or Drivers Involved: __________________
13. The Address, Block or Intersection of Where the Pol ic e were Dispatched to: _____________
14. The Phone Number Used to Dial 911 (If Applicable):___________________________________
15. If the information you want is not listed as an option, please give a detailed description of the information that you
seek: ____________________________________________________
For police report s related to a pending criminal prosecution, t he Ci ty can object to release of the report. However, except
for cases involving a minor, the public portion of the report must be released. The public portion of a report includes:
a. The basic inform ation of th e arrested per son (s)
b. The basic inform ation of the victim/complainant/reporting person
c. The basic narrative
The public portion of a report does not include:
d. Any other details of the arrested person(s) other than their name.
e. Any details of a suspected person(s) (a person that was not arrested).
f. Any other details of the victim/complainant/reporting person other than their name.
g. Any details of any witnesses.
Do you agree to only receive the public portion of the report: Yes / No (Circle One)