Fillable Printable Home inspection checklist Report
Fillable Printable Home inspection checklist Report

Home inspection checklist Report
Your Do-it-yourself Home Inspection Checklist
This checklist is not meant to substitute for getting a professional home
inspection job done; however, if you are a buyer or seller, this list may help you
with the “inspection” that you do when looking at houses or getting your house
ready for sale. There are many areas of the home that may be dangerous for
either the homeowner or a home buyer to do more than just make a visual
inspection, so those areas are treated in a rather cursory way and a thorough
inspection is best left to the professionals.
Outside Inspection Checklist
___Propane Tank (If any) . See if it is securely mounted, and the line isn't where
people will trip on it. If it is near the driveway, it should have posts or other safety
___Grading and Drainage. Does the lot slope towards the house, potentially
causing water to enter? Are there any spots where water collects and causes
___Landscaping. Are trees too close to lines or roofs? Are there any dead trees
that will have to be removed for safety? What other work will the landscaping
need? Are flower beds trapping water against the house?
___Building Exterior. Is the paint in good condition? Any cracked or crumbly
stucco? Any flaking of bricks? Are there any obvious signs of rotting trim? Are
siding boards warped or cracked? Are gutters clogged or coming loose? Are
there gutter extensions to take water away from the house?
___Roof. How long before the shingles will need replacing? Are shingles curling
or splitting? Are there more than two layers of shingles? Any obvious sagging in
the roof? Any gaps around chimneys and pipes? Is the trim rotting? Are the
soffits sagging? Does there appear to be a drip molding at the roofs edge?
___Doors. Are the doors in good shape? Are they mis-aligned (this may indicate
settling of the walls or foundation)? Do the locks work? How is the caulking
around the doors?
___Windows. Are windows in good condition? Any broken glass or broken seals
(do you see condensation between the panes)? Any rot around the edges? Do
they all have screens? How is the caulking around the windows?
___Foundation. Are there any visible cracks in the foundation (over 1/8" or
cracks that are mis-aligned are a potential warning sign)? Is the top high enough
off the ground so insects can't easily reach the wood?
___Driveway. Will it need any resurfacing or repairs? Are there any cracks larger
than 1 inch wide?
___Porches. Are the porch boards solid? Does it need paint or stain? Are the
supports sufficient? Is there a railing around the porch and, if so, is it solid?
___Sheds. Are the shed doors working? Can you see light coming in anywhere
when you are inside? IS the roof on the shed in good condition? Is the shed floor
___Electrical. (See the electrical checklist below.)
___Fences. Are the fences in good condition? Are the bases of the fence posts
Garage Inspection Checklist
___Firewall. Is there a firewall (usually 5/8" taped-joint drywall) between the
garage and the house?
___Floor. Is the floor level? Is it cracking badly? Is there a drain, and does it
___Walls. Are the walls in good condition?
___Doors. Does the garage door work? Are the other doors in good working
Living Room, Dining Room And Bedrooms Inspection Checklist
___Walls. Are there any cracks, bulges, peeling paint or wallpaper? Are there
any water stains?
___Ceiling. Is there any peeling paint? Is the ceiling sagging?
___Floor. Does the floor feel level? Is the carpeting pulling lose anywhere? Are
there any large stains or damaged areas?
___Lights. Test all light switches.
___Electrical outlets. Test all outlets (Get a little tester at a hardware store). Are
all outlets working and anchored firmly to the walls? Are there covers on all
___Windows. Can the windows be opened and closed easily? Are the blinds and
curtains functioning?
Kitchen Home Inspection Checklist
___Walls. Are there any cracks, bulges, peeling paint or wallpaper?
___Ceiling. Is there any peeling paint? Is the ceiling sagging?
___Floor. Does the floor feel level? Is there any loose or bulging linoleum? Loose
flooring tiles? Are there any large stains or damaged areas?
___Lights. Test all light switches.
___Electrical outlets. Are all outlets working and anchored firmly to the walls?
Are the electrical outlets ground faulted?
___Windows. Can the windows be opened and closed easily? Are the blinds and
curtains functioning?
___Appliances. Check any appliances included in the sale, to see that they are
___Exhaust Fans. Does the fan work?
___Faucets, Sinks and Drains. Turn on any faucets, watching the color of the
water, how long it takes for hot water to get there, and whether the sink drains
easily. Check under the sink for any moisture from leaky drains.
Bathroom Home inspection Checklist
___Walls. Are there any cracks, bulges, peeling paint or wallpaper?
___Ceiling. Is there any peeling paint? Is the ceiling sagging?
___Floor. Does the floor feel level? Is there any loose or bulging linoleum? Loose
flooring tiles? Are there any large stains or damaged areas?
___Lights. Test all light switches.
___Electrical outlets. Are all outlets working and anchored firmly to the walls?
Are wall outlets ground faulted?
___Can the windows be opened and closed easily? Are the blinds and curtains
___Exhaust Fan. Test the fan. Does it sound normal?
___Faucets, Sinks and Drains. Turn on any faucets, watching the color of the
water, how long it takes for hot water to get there, and whether the sink drains
___Bathtub and Shower. Does the shower work? Does the tub drain easily? Is
there any damage to walls around the tub? Are there heavy mineral stains in the
___Toilet. Flush the toilet to test it. Is there any dripping from valves behind the
toilet? Can you still hear dripping after the tank is full?
___Mirrors. Is the mirror delaminating? Are there any cracks?
Attic Inspection Checklist
___Insulation. Is there sufficient insulation, and is it in good condition?
___Wires. Is the wiring updated (no bare wires on insulators)?
___Roof. Can you see light coming in through the roof anywhere? Is it sagging?
Do the supports look normal and sufficient? Do you see any evidence of water
running down boards or trusses? Can you see black spots or patches that might
be mold?
___Vents. Are there air vents? Are they properly screened?
___Pests. Is there any sign of animals (droppings, fur, chewed wood)?
Electrical Inspection Checklist
___ Mast. Is the electrical connection (the mast) attached solidly to the house?
Are the wire ends bare? (They need to be re-taped.)
___Outside wires. Are any wires rubbing against the house? Is there a proper
drip-loop, to keep rain water from entering into the service panel? Are the lines
more than 10 feet above the ground or driveway? Are there any lines going to
exterior lights? Do these lights work?
___Breaker Box. Are there breakers, and not fuses (some insurance companies
won't insure a house with fuses)? Are they labeled? Are the breakers the right
size (no 40 amp breakers with 30 amp wire)? Is the breaker box covered? Are
any of the terminals corroded? Are any of the circuits “doubled up” – more than
one set of wires running to them?
___Wiring. Does the wiring look normal? Is copper wire mixed with older
aluminum wire? Are there any exposed splices?(These need to be in junction
boxes.) Are there any wires with evidence of burning? (Fire hazard.) Is there
exposed wiring? (Needs to be in conduit.) Any exposed wire ends? (Need to be
capped.) Wiring in open framing (garage) is supposed to be 7 feet above the
___Outlets. All should have undamaged covers. Outdoor outlets should have
weather protection.
Basement Home Inspection Checklist
___Water. Is there any standing water? Are there any stains indicating there is
water at times?
___Floor Joists. Do the floor beams look good (no sagging or rotting or insect
___Walls. Are there any large cracks in the walls? Do they bulge in anywhere? Is
the3re discoloration along the floor line that might be evidence of water
effervescence through a block walls?
___Supports. Do the supports look good? Are any of the supports new? If so,
ask the seller why.
___Faucets, Sinks ad Drains. Try any faucets and rains.
___Sump Pump. Does the sump pump work?
___Floor. Are there any large cracks in the floor?
Fireplace Checklist
___Damper. Does the fireplace damper open and close easily?
___Structure. Are there any gaps or cracks? Is there a spark-arrester screen?
___Chimney. Is the chimney in good condition? Are the bricks coming apart? Is
the chimney pulling away from the house? Is there creosote build-up? If the
chase is wood, is the bottom sound or rotted? Is there a chimney cap on the
Home Inspection Checklist - All The Rest
___Entry. Is the entry well lit? Is there any damage to the floor or walls?
___Furnace. Is the furnace working (turn down the thermostat to get it to turn
on)? Does the fan sound smooth when it's on? Is the flame blue (best) or
orange? (Yellow is a problem.) Are the ducts firmly attached? Is there any smell
of gas? If there’s a humidifier, does the pad look clean and is the water hooked
up and working?
___Water Heater. Is the hot water hot? Is the water heater in good condition? Is
there any staining around it that indicates leakage? Are any of the fitting rusting?
Is there a water shut-off valve? Does the water heater have the proper overflow
relief valve pipe installed (the pipe should extend from the valve to about 1-2
inches from the floor).
___Crawl space. Are the crawl spaces big enough to actually crawl in? When
you look into them, is there any standing water? is there any sagging in the
floorboards, or any damage?
___Stairways. Are the stairs comfortable and safe for walking on? Any loose
steps? Any broken edges? Do all stairways have handrails?
___Air Conditioning. Turn on the air conditioning to see if it works. Is the
drainage causing any stains or damage? Are there plants too close to the outside
condenser unit? Are the condenser units cooling fins clean and in good
condition? Does the condenser unit run quietly?
___Are there smoke detectors on each level? Is there a carbon monoxide
detector in the basement or lowest level?