
Fillable Printable Swot Analysis Free Template Powerpoint

Fillable Printable Swot Analysis Free Template Powerpoint

Swot Analysis Free Template Powerpoint

Swot Analysis Free Template Powerpoint

SWOT Analysis Template
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Possible Strengths Response Is it a strength?
Tangible Strengths
Consider your assets including
plant and equipment
Do you have long-term rental
contracts for your business
Are your products unique or
market leading?
Have you got sufficient financial
resources to fund any changes you
would like to make?
Do you have any cost advantages
over your competitors?
Do you use superior technology in
your business?
Is your business high volume?
Can your scale up your volume if
you need to?
Intangible Strengths
Do you have or stock strong
recognisable brands
Your reputation - are you
considered a market leader? or an
expert in your filed?
Do you have good relationship
with your customers? (Goodwill)
Do you have strong relationships
with your suppliers
Do you have a positive
relationship with your employees
Do you have any unique alliances
with other businesses?
Do you own any patents or
proprietary technology?
Do you have a proven advertising
process that works well?
Do you have more experience in
your field?
Are you managers highly
SWOT Analysis Template
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Possible Strengths Response Is it a strength?
Do you have superior industry
Are you involved with industry
Is your business Innovative?
Other Strengths
SWOT Analysis Template
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Possible Weaknesses Response Is it a Weakness?
Tangible Weaknesses
Is your plant and equipment old or
Is your product line too narrow?
Have you got insufficient
financial resources to fund any
changes you would like to make?
Do you have a high overall unit
cost relative to your competitors?
Do you use inferior technology in
your business?
Do you have low volume and are
restricted in your ability to scale
Intangible Weaknesses
Do you have a weak or
unrecognisable brand?
Do you have a weak or
unrecognisable image?
Do you have a poor or impersonal
relationship with your customers?
Do you have a poor relationship
with your suppliers?
Do you have a poor relationship
with your employees?
Is your marketing failing to meet
Are your managers
Do you have low R&D?
Do you lack industry knowledge?
Do you lack innovative skills?
Other Weaknesses
SWOT Analysis Template
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Possible Opportunities Response Is it an Opportunity?
Industry Opportunities
Can you expand your product
Can you diversify your business
Can you expand into your
customer's field?
Can you expand into your
supplier's field?
Can you expand your customer
base? (Geographically or through
new products)
Do you have placid competitors?
Do you have any export
Will the total market for your
products grow?
Macro Opportunities
Are there any favourable changes
to legislation pending
Will there be any changes to any
import/export constraints that will
be favourable for your business?
Is the economic outlook
Are there any favourable cultural
shifts that will benefit you?
Are there any changes in the use
of technology that your business
can utilise such as Ecommerce
or Internet sales?
Other Opportunities
SWOT Analysis Template
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Possible Threats Response Is it a threat?
Industry Threats
Will low cost imports impact your
Do consumers have a choice to
use a substitute product?
Are substitute product sales
Is your market in slow growth or
in decline?
Is the power of your customers or
suppliers growing, can they
dictate price?
Are the needs of your buyers
Macro Threats
Will foreign exchange rate
changes affect your imports or
Are there any changes in
demographics that will impact
your business
Is regulation in your industry
Other Threats
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