Fillable Printable Prison Service Application Form - Cayman Islands
Fillable Printable Prison Service Application Form - Cayman Islands

Prison Service Application Form - Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands Government Employment application must be completed by
the applicant in his/her own handwriting, in black ink and must be in block letters
and signed by him/herself.
To qualify, all applicants must:
• Poss ess a good level of education.
• Be physically fit.
• Not have any criminal convictions in this jurisdiction or elsewhere .
• Hold a full valid driving license.
• Truthfull y decla r e all the information required i n the application form.
Please note – the application must include the following (failure to do so
will res ul t i n your applic ation not being proces sed):
• One passpor t sized photograph, photocopies will not be accepted
• Completed Prison Officer Skills Assessment Form (see attached).
• Completed Additional I nform ation Form (see attached).
Applicants must be able to pass the Prison Officer Selection Test, and
applicants are asked to read through the document attached advising of
the requirements of this Test.
Please notify us immediately if you do not wish to pursue this application

Your answers to the following questions will be used to determine who will be invited to
the testing stage of the recruitment process. Please answer all questions as fully as
possible. You may use examples from any area of your lif e, for example voluntar y work,
community activities or hobbies as well as the workplace.
1. Prisoners will often want to talk to a Prison Officer about a personal problem.
Please describe one situation when someone came to you for help with a
personal problem.
What was the situation?
How did you help them?
And why did you do it this way?
2. Sometimes you will have to give prisoners and colleagues positive and negative
feedback about something they have done. They might not like what you have to
tell them. Please describe one situation when you had to give someone
unwelcome feedbac k.
What was the situation?
How did you give them feedback?
And why did you do it this way?

3. You will come across prisoners who are in conflict, perhaps arguing or even
f ighting. You will ha ve t o be able to find out what is wrong, calm them down and
help sort out their differences. Please describe one situation when you had to
help resolve a conflict between two people.
What was the situation?
How did you help resolve the conflict?
And why did you do it this way?
4. As a Prison Officer you will encourage prisoners to lead law abiding lives by
considering the consequences of their behaviour and life choices. Please
describe one situation where you helped someone to make a sensible decision
affecting their life.
What was the situation?
How did you help them to make their decision?
And why did you do it this way?

Additional Information required for a pplication to be consi dered
Please compl ete al l q uest io n s
Hobbies, sports, extra-curricular activities:
Have you ever served or been employed in a military or parliamentary organization? Yes No
If yes, please state period and position held
Have you ever been dismissed from a job? Yes No
If yes, please state reasons
Have you ever been subject to disciplinary action? Yes No
If yes, please gi ve reas ons
Have you ever been arrested or prosecuted for any offence? Yes No
If yes, please gi ve deta ils
Do you have any court convictions ? Yes No
Please give details of conviction for any offences including traffic convictions and or appearances
before any court. Also state any formal cautions by the police for offences including warning
letters. You must also include spent convictions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Law
(revised 1998).

If you have been convicted or cautioned for any offences, you may still be eligible for
consideration depending on the nature and circumstances of the offense.
Failure to disclose details of such convictions may be considered as a deliberate attempt to
conceal inf or mation.
Next of Kin:
Telephone numbers of Next of Kin (please include two contact numbers)
If selected when could you start work:
If you are presently in the Public Service, this application must be submitted through your
department Head with his / her comments:
Signed: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________
Cayman Islands Government, Head of Department (if applicable)
I declare that the preceding information is corr ect and true.

This document has been produced to advice candidates of t he recruitment process for t he position
of Prison Officer in HM Cayman Islands Prison Service.
Applicants must complete the application form in full, sign the application form and provide all
the information required. T he Skills Assessment form must also be completed and returned with
the application form. Failure to do so will result in applications not being considered.
If your application is successful you will be invited to attend a Prison Officer Selection Test
(POST) at Northward Prison. This assesses the following essential job related abilities:
• Numeracy;
• Listening, taking notes and recalling heard information;
• Completing a standard form;
• Checking information for discrepancies, errors and omissions;
• Applying rules;
• Reading comprehension;
• Writing legibly (and motivation) - You will write at least 100 words explaining what skills
and personal qualities you could bring to the role of Prison Officer.
IMPORTANT: You are advised to consider what skills and personal qualities you have in
order to become a prison officer before attending this test. This will help you to complete this
section of the POST quickly. However, you will not be allowed to refer to pre-prepared notes
during the test.
• Recalling information from memory
You will only be accepted to the next stage of the recruitment process if you are able to
demonstrate all of these abilities at the required level.
Stage 2 -
Fitness Test
Prison Officers are sometimes required to undertake physically demanding tasks as part of their
duties. It is essential that they possess a standard of physical fitness that enables them to perform
these tasks successfully and safely. In order to assess your fitness, as part of the selection process,
you wil l be required to undertake a job related fitness test. The fitness test incorporates 5 separate
tests which are the same for both males and females and whatever your age.
The ability to perform physically demanding activities will be based on your level of endurance
fitness. The multi stage fitness test will assess your capacity to continue prolonged physical
activities and involves running to and fro on a measured track in line with a series of bleeps on an
audio disk. The test is progressive in that the timing of the bleeps starts off slowly but become
faster making it more difficult to keep up with the required speed. If you fail to arrive at the line
by the time the bleep sounds you will be given a warning. If three warnings are received, the test
has been failed.
The ability to apply force repeatedly over a period of time is an essential requirement of the
prison officer role. Common tasks requiring dynamic strength are the application of control and
restraint techniques, which require dynamic strength in the muscles of the upper body.
The speed agility run measures your ability to respond quickly and safely to incidents whilst
negotiating obstacles and changing direction. Moving at pace around objects and corners is
needed when responding quickly to an incident. The test involves two straight line shuttle sprints
separated by an agility course. The agility course involves running around a series of cones in a
slalom fashion and is designed to assess your ability to change direction at speed.
Prison Officers are sometimes call ed upon to use protective equi pment, i ncluding shields. During
an incident the shield may need to be held up to protect yourself and your colleagues for some
time. The test will involve holding a 6 kilogram shield in front of the body in a functional

position, arms semi flexed, one leg forward of the other, This position will successfully need to
be held for 1 minute.
Performance on these tests will provide a good indicator of your capability to perform various
prison officer tasks safely and without risk of injury. These tests run consecutively and minimum
standards must be ac hieved on each test in order to pass. But don’t worry — you don’t have to be
a body builder or a marathon runner to pass. The required standard can be easily reached by
anyone who keeps themselves moderately fit and active.
Those candidates who successfully complete the fitness test will then be invited to complete role
play situations and an interview.
Stage 3 -
Job Simulation Assessment Centre (JSAC).
The JSAC is designed to measure the interpersonal skills that are required to be effective in the
Prison Officer role.
The JSAC may consist of up to 4 (but no less than 2) role-play simulations which are used to
assess 5 core behaviours: non verbal listening skills, suspending judgment, showing
understanding, assertion, exploring and clarifying. You will need to meet the minimum
accredi ta tion stand ard in o rd er to pass the JSAC.
When you are selected to att end the JSAC centre you will be given a briefing on each of the role
play situations that you will have to deal with, during which you will be able to take notes.
Although you will not be allowed to take the notes into the simulations with you, you will be
given time to re-read them between simulations to prepare yourself for the next role-play.
When you enter the simulation room you wil l be alone with one role player. Role players will be
Prison Officers who are all fully trained to enact scripted role specifications accurately and
A camera will also be in the room. The camera will be inconspicuous and allows for assessors to
observe and video the simulation from another room. Whilst your performance will be assessed
as each role-play takes place, if an assessor is uncertain about your performance they can review
this from the video footage before making a final decision. Taking videos of the role plays also
allows for assessors ratings to be independently checked and monitored. This quality control
measure ensures that all candidates are treated fairly and consistently.
Your assessors will be Prison Officers. All assessors will adhere to strict pre-determined mar king
criteria guidelines.
Each role-play simulation lasts for a maximum of 10 minutes. You will be expected to be
yourself and deal with t he sit uations in the same way t hat you would deal with t hem in every day
Once the role-play simulations have been completed you will then attend an interview.
Those candidates successful at interview will be offered a conditional appointment. The Prison
Service will contact and obtain the necessary references and security checks, and candidates will
be required to provide a Police record and copies of qualifications. The Prison Service will also
arrange for candidates to attend the Hospital where they must complete a medical examination.
Once all references have been returned, and the medical examination report has been returned and
the Prison Service is satisfied with the information then candidates will be contacted and a start
date for em ployment will be given.