Fillable Printable Private Road Easement Agreement- - Michigan
Fillable Printable Private Road Easement Agreement- - Michigan

Private Road Easement Agreement- - Michigan

(“Grantor”) on this ______ day of ________________, 20__ do/does hereby create this Private
Road Agreement, including the easement and restrictions contained herein, as follows:
WHEREAS, Grantor owns certain real property located in Section ______ of Alpine
Township, Kent County, Michigan; and
WHEREAS, more specifically, Grantor owns _____________ (_____) separate parcels,
and which are legally described as follows:
Parcel 1:
Parcel :
(individually, each of the above-mentioned parcels is referred to herein as a “Lot,” and
collectively as “Lots”); and
WHEREAS, Grantor desires to sell one or all Lots and to hereby create a private road
and to have the private road serve all Lots; and

WHEREAS, Grantor intends that the present and future owner(s) of each Lot shall jointly
and equally share in all decisions regarding the private road, as well as the maintenance,
snowplowing and repair costs thereof.
NOW, THEREFORE, the following permanent easements and restrictions are hereby
imposed upon the Lots and lands involved:
1. A permanent sixty-six (66) foot-wide private road easement is hereb y created for
the benefit of the Lots and is legally described as follows ("Easement"):
2. The Easement shall be used for private road and utility purposes only. The
Easement may also be used by firefighting, emergency and other public vehicles and personnel
for public services, emergencies, fires and similar events. It is intended that the Easement shall
permit year-around access for vehicles and foot traffic to and from (i.e.
the public road) for the Lots.
3. The Easement shall be jointly maintained b y the then-owners of the Lots, with the
owner of each Lot paying an equal fractional share of the reasonable costs of repairing
and maintaining the private road located within the Easement. The owners of each Lot shall
also pay an equal fractional share of the reasonable costs of snowplowing the Easement once
three (3) or more inches of snow has fallen. No maintenance, repair, upgrading of the private
road or snowplowing work shall be done, however, until the owners of a majority of the Lots
jointly agree on the contractor or contractors to do the work, as well as what work will be done.
At the time the first house is built on one of the Lots, electrical lines and telephone lines shall be
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installed within the Easement for the joint use of all Lots and the joint utility lines shall end at
the cul-de-sac at the end of the Easement. The owners of each Lot shall pay an equal fractional
share of the costs of installing and maintaining such common utility lines. The cost of installing
such utility lines shall be paid for at the time the utility lines are installed.
If the owners of the Lots by majority vote cannot agree on the installation or maintenance
of utilities or how maintenance, alteration, repair, upgrading, or snowplowing work for the
private road will be done or cannot agree upon the costs thereof, the owners of the Lots shall
together choose one (1) arbitrator whose decision(s) regarding such item(s) shall be final and
shall bind the parties.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, the owner of each Lot shall
maintain, repair and snowplow the private road right-of-way so as to always comply with the
requi remen ts of al l ap pl i cab le Alpine Township ordinances and in such a manner as to assure
that the private road is safe for travel at all times.
The owners of each Lot shall also pay an equal fractional share of the cost of installing
the private road with the Easement in compliance with all applicable Township ordinance
requirements. Such allo cation of the expense of installing the private road among the o wners of
the Lots can be varied only by written agreement between the Lot owners as to the cost
allocations, so long as the owners of one or more of the Lots in total pay 100% of the cost of
installing the private road.
4. A private road sign built to the specifications of the Kent County Road
Commission shall always be maintained at the intersection of the Easement with
______________ (the public road) and the private road shall be given a name. No structures
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(except utilities), signs, or similar items shall be placed, installed, or maintained within the
Easement without the consent of the owners of a majority of the Lots, unless the arbitration
procedure mentioned in Paragraph 3 hereof is utilized.
5. No vehicle shall be parked on or within the Easement, nor shall any impediment
be placed, stored or maintained on or within the Easement. It is the intent of this document that
the Eas ement shal l remai n free and cl ear to allow th e owner of each Lot (and his or her in vitees)
to have full, unimpeded access to their respective Lots and the individual driveways which
branch off of the Easement.
No person shall in any way prohibit, restrict, limit or in any matter interfere with
normal ingress and egress and use of the Easement (or the private road therein) by any of the
other lot owners b enefitt ed b y the Eas ement or their invitees. Normal ingress and egress and use
shall include not only use by the owner or owners of each lot, but also by their family, guests,
invitees, trades people and others bound for or returning from any of the properties having a right
to use the private road.
6. If any part of the Easement, private road or properly placed structures within the
Easement are damaged by the owner of a Lot (or by his or her family or invitees), then that
owner shall be fully responsible for repairing the damage and paying for the same.
7. No Lot shall ever be further split, subdivided, divided or a common boundar y line
adjusted without prior zoning and land division approval by the Township. No more than one
(1) residential dwelling shall be built, maintained or placed upon each Lot.
8. Grantor, their successors, and any and all future owners of any Lot shall
indemnify, save and hold Alpine Township (as well as its officers, agents, and employees)
harmless for, from and against any and all claims, causes of action, costs, or damages for
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personal injury and/or property damages arising out of or related to the use of the Easement or
the private road, or the failure to properly construct, maintain, repair, and/or install the
appurtenance thereto. The owners of all properties benefited by the Easement shall be jointly
and severally liable and responsible for maintaining the entire length of the private road
in the Easement and to maintain the same in full compliance with all Alpine Township
ordinance requirements and standards. This Agreement shall also be enforceable by the Alpine
Township Board at its option. If the private road is not maintained to the requirements of all
Alpine Township ordinance requirements, the owners of the Lots utilizing or benefited by the
Easement shall be deemed, by the recording of this Agreement, to have petitioned for the
creation of a special assessment district by the Township Board to maintain or upgrade the
private road within the Easement. Alternately, the Alpine Township Board, at its option, can
improve and maintain the private road so that it meets the requirements of all Alpine Township
ordinances, and the Alpine Township Board can charge the owners of each Lot who utilize or
are benefited by the private road for the reasonable costs of maintenance or improvement
thereof, with all such costs secured by either placing a lien on the benefited Lot(s) or by placing
the costs on the tax roll for the Lots.
9. If the owner of any Lot fails to pay the costs properly incurred pursuant to
Paragraphs 3 or 6 hereof within thirty (30) days, such unpaid costs shall accrue interest at the rate
of seven per cent (7%) pe r annum (or at the hi ghest i nterest rate permitted by Michigan law), and
such costs, together with relevant interest, shall become a lien upon the Lot involved.
10. Each lot shall be used in compliance with the Alpine Township Zoning
11. Unless otherwise expressly approved by Alpine Township, each Lot shall have
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only one (1) driveway and such driveway shall access the private road within the Easement at
only one place.
12. Alpine Township and the owner of each Lot shall each have the right to enforce
the restrictions and provisions of this Agreement by filing a lawsuit in the Kent County Circuit
Court or other court having jurisdiction at the time. If Alpine Township or the owner of a Lot
who seeks to enforce any provision of this Agreement prevails in court in whole or in part, that
person as the prevailing party shall be awarded its, his or her actual attorney fees and costs. In
no event, however, shall attorney’s fees or costs be assessed against the Township.
13. The Easement/private road shall never serve more than the Lots
without zoning and land division approval by the Township, nor provide access to more than on e
(1) dwelling on each of t he Lots.
14. If a private road entrance is secured by a security gate, retractable gate or similar
barrier or mechanism, the Alpine Township Fire Chief or his/her designee shall always be given
a current key, security code or other mechanism to ensure access to all portions of the private
road in case of a fire or other emergency.
15. No restriction or requirement contained in this Agreement shall be amended to
less en a requi remen t or st andard co ntain ed her ein except in a record able writi ng sign ed b y all of
the then-owners of all Lots and also by the Supervisor of Alpine Township (or its
successor municipality). This Agreement can be amended to add additional restrictions
and covenants by the recording of a document signed by all of the then-owners of all Lots, so
long as any such amendment does not attempt to remove, lessen or negate any of the
restrictions contained herein which are based upon Alpine Township ordinance requirements
or any Township approvals for the private road.
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16. The Easement and restrictions, terms and conditions of this Agreement shall
permanently run with the land and shall both bind and benefit Grantor, all future owners of the
Lots and their heirs, assigns and successors in and to the land.
17. The Easement and restrictions, terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be in
addition to any existing deed restrictions binding the Lots (if any) and shall in no way lessen,
negate or alter any existing deed restrictions.
18. The street or road covered by this Agreement is private and is not required to be
maintained by the Board of Kent County Road Commissioners. See MCL 560.261. Nor shall
any public funds of Alpine Township be used to build, repair or maintain such street or road.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of ____________,
20__, by ______________________________ of _____________________________, who is
personally known to me or who has produced his or her driver’s license as identification.
Notary Public, ______________ County, Michigan
Acting in _______________ County
My commission expires:
Drafted by:
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