Fillable Printable Private Road Maintenance Agreement - Los Altos Hills, California
Fillable Printable Private Road Maintenance Agreement - Los Altos Hills, California

Private Road Maintenance Agreement - Los Altos Hills, California

This Private Road Maintenance Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into this
____ day of _____________, ______, by and amongst the undersigned parcel owners
(“Participating Owners).
A. [Inset name of Road] is a private road situated within the Town of Los Altos
Hills, as more particularly shown on Exhibit A
, attached hereto (“Roadway Property”).
[Exhibit A should include a legal description of the Roadway Property and drawing
prepared by a licensed engineer showing the Roadway segment.]
B. The undersigned Participating Owner s are the owners or users of the
Roadway Property.
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NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Road Commission Agent. A Road Commission Agent shall be elected by a
majority of the Participating Owners. The Road Commission Agent will serve a term as
agreed to by the Participating Owners and shall be subject to removal by a majority vote
of the Participating Owners. The Road Commission Agent shall be responsible for
monitoring the condition of the road surface and initiating maintenance activities as
needed to maintain road surface standards.
2. Road Maintenance and Road Improvements. Road maintenance and road
improvements will be undertaken and made whenever necessary to maintain the road in
good operating condition at all times and to insure the provision of safe access, ingress,
egress and passage by the Participating Owners and by emergency vehicles. A majority
vote of the Participating Owners is required to approve any proposed road improvements
and related contracts with a value in excess of $_________. Before authorizing
expenditures for future road improvements, Participating Owners will be notified by the
Road Commission Agent, cost estimates will be provided, and a majority agreement will
be required. If any Participating Owner performs improvements, maintenance, repairs, or
replacements to the Roadway Property without prior approval of a majority of the
Participating Owners, the Participating Owner performing such work shall be solely
responsible for the costs incurred.
3. Cost Sharing. Road maintenance, road improvement and emergency
funding costs shall be shared on a pro-rata basis amongst the Participating Owners
sharing access to the Roadway Property. Each Participating Owner’s share of costs
incurred shall be determined as follows: [INSERT ALLOCATION FORMULA]. The Road
Commission Agent shall provide the Participating Owners and the Town an updated
copy of the cost allocations whenever the cost allocation is amended.
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4. Prepayment. Prepayment of maintenance, improvement and emergency
fund costs will be made to the Road Commission Agent by each Participating Owner.
Annually, on or before a date as specified by the Road Commission Agent, each
Participating Owner will contribut e their pro-rata share of the estimated annual cost for
road maintenance, road improvements and emergency repair funding. The Road
Commission Agent shall send each Participating User a notice of the annual payment
due not less than two weeks prior to the due date and each Participating Owner shall
pay the invoice within two weeks of receipt of the notice.
5. Future Parcels. Any additional parcels gaining access to the Roadway
Property by way of subdividing an existing parcel shall be bound by all terms and
conditions of this Agreement, and will be required to pay that portion of the maintenance,
improvement and emergency repair costs incurred after the split as determined using the
formula contained in Section 3 above.
6. Bank Account, Budget and Annual Report. The Road Commission Agent
shall establish and maintain a bank account to hold the funds paid by the Participating
Owners and to pay maintenance, improvement and emergency repair costs. All checks
or payments issued from the account shall require the approval/signature of the Road
Commission Agent and one Participating Owner as designated by a majority of the
Participating Owners. The Road Commission Agent shall also prepare and distribute to
the Participating Owners an annual income and expense report and a year-end balance
sheet, accounting for all funds received and disbursed. Not later than sixty (60) days
prior to _____________ of each year, the Road Commission Agent shall prepare a
budget of the anticipated road maintenance, road improvement and emergency repair
contingency funding for the next fiscal year (defined as ______ to _______ months). The
Participating Owners shall consider, amend as desired and approv e the final budget by a
majority vote of all participating owners not later than thirty (30) days prior to the
beginning of the next fiscal year.
7. Emergency Repairs. If the Road Commission Agent determines that an
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emergency repair to the Roadway Property is necessary, the Road Commission Agent is
authorized to make or arrange for the emergency repair provided the costs of the
emergency repair do not exceed the amount of the then available emergency repair
funds. The Road Commission Agent will thereafter notify the Participating Owners of the
emergency repair and the amount due from the Participating Owners to replenish the
emergency repair contingency fund.
8. Effective Term. This Agreement shall be perpetual, and shall encumber
and run with the land as long as the Roadway Property remains private.
9. Binding Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties
hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.
10. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only by a two-thirds
majority consent of all Participating Users.
11. Enforcement. This Agreement may be enforced by the Road Commission
Agent, a majority of Participating Owners. or the Town of Los Altos Hills City Manager. If
a court action or lawsuit is necessary to enforce this Agreement, the party commencing
such action or lawsuit shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and costs, if the party
12. Disputes. If a dispute arises over any aspect of the improvements,
maintenance, or repair, the parties [shall or may] engage in binding arbitration to resolve
the dispute. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on all of the
Participating Owners. In selecting a third party arbitrator, each Participating Owner shall
be entitled to one vote, and the nominee receiving a majority of the votes shall be the
arbitrator. All parties shall share in the cost of any arbitration.
13. Notices. Any notice required herein shall be sent to Participating Owners at
the address or email address provided to the Road Commission Agent in writing by the
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Participating Owner. If an address of a Participating Owner is not known, a certified
notice will be mailed to the address to which the Participating Owner’s property tax bills
are sent.
14. Invalidity. Should any provision in this Agreement be deemed invalid or
unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected and each term and
condition shall be valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by law.
15. Other Agreements. This Private Road Maintenance Agreement replaces all
previous Private Road Maintenance Agreements regarding the described Private Road.
16. Participating Owners and their agents shall hold harmless and indemnify
the Town, its officials, employees, consultants and agents for any failure by the Town to
perform its obligations identified herein, and nothing in this Agreem ent shall be construed
as imposing any obligation upon the Town to perform maintenance or improvements to
the Roadway Property or to enforce this Agreement.
17. Recording This Document. Original and amended copies of this document ,
including added signatures, shall be recorded and provided to the City Clerk by the Road
Commission Agent.
The parties hereto have executed this Agreement effective as of the date written
PARTICIPATING OWNERS: [All Owners of Property must sign and all signatures must
be notarized]
[name of Participating Owner, address, and APN]
[name of Participating Owner, address, and APN]
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[name of Participating Owner, address, and APN]
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Exhibit A
[Insert legal description of Roadway Property.]