Fillable Printable Program Evaluation Form Sample
Fillable Printable Program Evaluation Form Sample

Program Evaluation Form Sample

Program Evaluation Form
At Anytown Public Library, we continually strive to improve our programs.
Your input into the program you recently attended will assist us with this process.
Program Location:
Branch XXX Branch XXX
Branch XXX
Program Attended:
Presenter’s Name: ______________________________________
Date: ________________________
Your Name (optional): _______________________________ Phone or email: _______________________
Please indicate your level of satisfaction with each of the following:
Program met my expectations
poor fair satisfactory good excellent
Program content
poor fair satisfactory good excellent
Ability of presenter to communicate content
poor fair satisfactory good excellent
Content and usefulness of handouts
poor fair satisfactory good excellent
Area in which program was held
poor fair satisfactory good excellent
Convenience of program day and time
poor fair satisfactory good excellent
Overall, how would you rate this program
poor fair satisfactory good excellent
If you answered “poor” or “fair” to any of the above please indicate your reasons
Did you use library resources or check out material as a result of this program?
Yes No
Would you recommend this program to friends or family?
Yes No
How did you hear about this program? _________________________________________________________
What changes, if any, would you recommend for this program? _____________________________________
Do you have any suggestions for future programs? _______________________________________________
Additional Comments:
Thanks for providing your feedback!