Fillable Printable Project Brief Template - Ithaca College
Fillable Printable Project Brief Template - Ithaca College
![Project Brief Template - Ithaca College](/resources/formfile/images/fb/source_images/project-brief-template-ithaca-college-d1.png)
Project Brief Template - Ithaca College
Continued on the folowing page ▷
is project brief is to be used to help formulate a project’s concept, strategy, and means of direction and execution. e purpose is to
determine the goals of a project and how to best formulate the methods of execution in a manner that will be understood clearly by the
desired target audience. Project briefs are intended to: dene strategy, assist in planning, aid in design, and to structure communication.
Project Name: Date:
Point Person: Who is the one person that is considered the project lead?
In-Hand Date: Shelf Life: Budget:
Approvals Needed: Approvers & stages of approval listed here
Overview/Purpose: Brief (one paragraph or 2-3 bullet points) description of project & goals. What should the project communicate? What single
thought should the audience come away with? What should the tone of the piece be?
Strategic priority: What strategic prioritiy from the institutional and/or unit strategic marketing plans does this project tie to?
Target audiences: Who are we speaking to in this piece? Any specic gender/ethnicity/interest group?
Call(s) to Action: What action do you want the audience to take? (Ex. Register for an event, click a specic link, etc.)
Deliverables: Intended Use/Medium/Format (Banners, trifold, email, web, social media, etc.)
Potential barriers/concerns: Cultural sensitivities, legal considerations, etc.
Assets: Please include only overview information for this project(s). Production details such as size, quantity, account numbers, ink/stock
selections should all be included in the Active Collab milestone, not in this document. For example: "photos provided by client, see Active Collab ticket X"
etc. Include Active Collab links whenever possible. Pre-selected images, colors, design elements, b-roll video, content, previous versions, etc.
Additional comments: Use this section to elaborate or provide additional information that is key to the project such as: maximum hours allotted,
creative direction for photo shoots (location, photographer assigned to project, photographer and/or subject contact information, props or special equipment
needs), student worker information (will this project include student workers? If so, are specic details related to this aspect of the assignment?).
Project brief completed by: Name and contact information for person lling out this form in case questions arise or additional information is needed.
Name: Email: