Fillable Printable Proposed Parenting Plan Form - Wisconsin
Fillable Printable Proposed Parenting Plan Form - Wisconsin

Proposed Parenting Plan Form - Wisconsin

FA-4147V, 01/09 Proposed Parenting Plan §767.41(1m), Wisconsin Statutes
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
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Enter the name of the
county in which this case
is filed.
Check marriage or
paternity. If paternity,
enter the initials of the
For Official Use
Enter the name of the
petitioner. If joint
petitioners, enter the name
of the wife.
In RE: The marriage paternity of
Petitioner/Joint Petitioner-Wife:
First name Middle name Last name
Enter the name of the
respondent. If joint
petitioners, enter the name
of the husband.
Enter the case number.
Respondent/Joint Petitioner-Husband:
First name Middle name Last name
Proposed Parenting Plan
Case No.
I understand that Wisconsin law states that in an action in which legal custody or
physical placement is contested:
• I am required to file a proposed parenting plan within 60 days after the court waives mediation
or within 60 days after the mediator notifies the court that no agreement has been reached.
• If I fail to file such a plan, I may lose my right to contest the plan submitted by the other
parent unless I can show good cause for my delay.
I am the mother father of the minor children of this case.
A. Legal Custody
1. Legal custody of the minor children shall be as follows:
2. Specific Decision Making Authority
Decisions in the following listed areas will be made as follows:
Name of Child
Date of
Legal Custody
to Mother
Sole Legal
Custody to
Decision Jointly By Mother By Father
Non-Emergency Health Care
Education/School Activities
c. Child Care Providers
Non-School Activities
Check mother or father.
Note: Legal custody is
the right and
responsibility to make
major decisions about a
child, except for those
specific decisions
described in 2, if any.
Enter the name of each
child and check who you
believe should have legal
Check who will be
making the specific
decisions for each
subject area in a-d. If
other, please specify.

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FA-4147V, 01/09 Proposed Parenting Plan §767.41(1m), Wisconsin Statutes
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
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B. Physical Placement
In allocating the time the minor children spend between the parents, the court should award
the placement on a day-to-day basis as follows:
AND the physical placement schedule shall be:
a. as listed in the attached document.
b. as proposed below (on a biweekly basis):
Week 1
Week 2
C. Summer and Holiday Placement Schedule
The summer and holiday placement schedule should be as follows:
1. as proposed here:
With Mother the
following years
With Father the
following years
a. Mother’s Day
b. Memorial Day
c. Father’s Day
d. July 4th
e. Labor Day
f. Halloween
g. Thanksgiving
h. Christmas Eve
i. Christmas Day
j. New Year’s Eve
k. New Year’s Day
l. Religious Holiday
m. Religious Holiday
n. Father’s Birthday
o. Mother’s Birthday
p. Children’s Birthday(s)
q. Other:
r. Other:
s. School Spring Break
t. School Teacher Conventions
u. Summer Break to be shared as follows:
Name of Child
Equal Shar
Placement to
Placement to
Enter the name of each
child and check which
parent you believe should
have physical placement
of that child.
And check a or b. If a,
attach a schedule. If b,
describe how placement
will be shared in the
chart provided.
Note: Physical
Placement is the right to
have a child physically
placed with a party.
Check 1, 2 or 3.
If 1, enter the year
[every/odd/even] in
which the schedule will
begin. Check which
parent you believe should
have the children for
each holiday break.

Proposed Parenting Plan Page 3 of 5 Case No. _____________
FA-4147V, 01/09 Proposed Parenting Plan §767.41(1m), Wisconsin Statutes
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
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2. According to the attached County standard
placement schedule.
3. Other:
See attached
D. Child Care
1. The children do not require child care.
2. The child care will be provided by
And the cost of child care will be paid as follows:
a. The mother to pay %.
b. The father to pay %.
E. Transportation Issues
1. The physical transfer of the children for placement should be as follows:
a. All transportation to and from placements will be provided by the mother.
b. All transportation to and from placements will be provided by the father.
c. Transportation will be shared with:
1. parent with children shall deliver.
2. parent without children shall pick up.
d. Other:
2. Transfers of children shall take place at:
a. parent’s home.
b. halfway point:
c. other location:
d. Inter-spousal battery/domestic violence is an issue in this relationship and in order to
ensure the safety of the children and/or parent, transfers of the children between the
parents shall be:
1. supervised by
2. at a neutral public site
3. at a home of the following person
4. Other:
3. Transportation Costs shall be:
a. paid by party who incurs the costs.
b. paid as follows:
F. Child Support
The noncustodial parent shall be responsible for child support as follows:
1. as required by the state support guidelines (see divorce/paternity summons).
2. according to the attached proposal.
Note: If the proposal is different from the state guidelines, the reason why it is different must be given.
G. School
1. The children will attend school at:
Name of Child School/ School District
2. Education costs will be paid as follows:
a. The mother to pay %.
b. The father to pay %.
Check 1 or 2.
If 2, enter the name of
the childcare provider
and indicate in a and b
the percent you propose
each parent should pay
toward the cost.
The total amount must
equal 100%.
For 3, check a or b.
If b, enter how you
propose the
transportation costs
should be paid.
Check 1, or 2.
Enter the name of each
child and indicate which
school you propose
he/she attend.
Check a, b, c, or d.
If c, check 1 or 2
If d, enter the other
For 2, check a, b, or c.
If b or c, enter the
location for the drop-off.
If d, check 1,2,3 or 4. For
each enter the requested
If 2, write the name of
the county whose
schedule you are using.
If 3, enter the other
Enter the percentage
each parent should
pay. The total amount
must equal 100%.

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FA-4147V, 01/09 Proposed Parenting Plan §767.41(1m), Wisconsin Statutes
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
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H. Residence
1. Current
a. I currently reside at:
City State Zip
b. This is an inter-spousal battery/domestic violence case; I decline to give a specific
address, but my general location is currently .
2. Future
a. For the next two years it is my intention to reside at:
City State Zip
b. This is an inter-spousal battery/domestic violence case; I decline to give a specific
future address, but it is my intention to generally reside for the next two years at:
I. Current Employer
1. I am currently employed at:
Employer City
State Days/Hrs.
2. This is an inter-spousal battery/domestic violence case; I decline to give my specific
employment, but where I generally work is .
J. Health Care
1. Providers: Healthcare services will be provided to the children by the following:
Insurance/Health Plan (if any)
2. Expenses
a. Healthcare Insurance for the minor children shall be:
1. paid by me.
2. paid by the other parent.
3. shared equally by both of us.
4. paid as follows:
5. See attached plan.
b. Uninsured healthcare expenses shall be:
1. paid by me.
2. paid by the other parent.
3. shared equally by both of us.
4. paid as follows:
5. See attached plan.
K. Religious Upbringing
1. The minor children will be raised in the following religion:
2. No religious affiliation is planned.
L. Maintaining Contact with Other Parent
I shall assist the children in maintaining contact with the other parent by:
1. direct contact through periods of placement.
2. telephone contact.
3. cards/letters.
4. e-mail.
5. providing copies of children’s school projects.
6. providing photographs of children participating in activities.
Enter the name of each
provider. If other, enter
the description along
with the provider name.
Check 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
If 4, describe your
payment suggestion.
If 5, attach the plan.
Check 1 or 2.
If 1, enter the name of
the religion.
Check a or b.
If a, enter the address.
If b, enter your general
Check a or b.
If a, enter the address at
which you intend to live
for the next two years.
If b, enter the general
location of where you
intend to live for the next
two years.
Check 1 or 2.
If 1, enter your current
employer and your
general work schedule.
If 2, enter your general
Check 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
If 4, describe your
payment suggestion.
If 5, attach the plan.
Check all that apply in 1-
10. If other, enter a

Proposed Parenting Plan Page 5 of 5 Case No. _____________
FA-4147V, 01/09 Proposed Parenting Plan §767.41(1m), Wisconsin Statutes
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
Page 5 of 5
7. assisting children with gift purchasing for other parent for birthdays and holidays.
8. assisting children with letter writing to other parent.
9. creating personal web-site for posting pictures, letters, information, comments.
10. Other:
(Note: Each parent is expected to take personal responsibility for contacting the schools to
obtain school calendars and report cards and attending parent-teacher meetings.)
M. Resolving Disagreements
If there are disagreements between myself and the other parent on issues that are to be joint
decisions, the way to resolve the disagreements will be:
1. the parent who has primary physical placement will decide.
2. the parent who has physical placement at the time of the disagreement will decide.
3. to allow the parent who generally made this type of decision before these court
proceedings were started to make the same type of decision in the future.
4. to review the issues from the other parent’s or children’s standpoint and reconsider my
5. to determine whether my opposition is in good faith and in the best interests of the
children or whether it is an attempt to spite the other parent, if it is not in good faith or the
best interests, reconsider my position.
6. to determine whether this is a situation in which the children is/are attempting to
manipulate one parent against the other; if it appears to be manipulative, attempt to
consult with the other parent to prevent the children from trapping us in this position.
7. to ask for assistance from friends, relatives, clergy, or others who can be neutral and fair.
8. I would suggest the following person(s) to serve as a third-party neutral(s):
9. to contact the family court mediation program.
10. Other:
Only one party needs
to sign.
However, if both
parties agree, both
should sign and print
their names.
Enter the date on which
you signed your name.
Note: This signature
does not need to be
Print or Type Name
Print or Type Name
Check 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, or 10.
If 8, enter the name(s) of
the individuals.
If 10, enter your
suggested method.