Fillable Printable Puppies Themed Holiday Card Template
Fillable Printable Puppies Themed Holiday Card Template

Puppies Themed Holiday Card Template

Holiday Cards,
Photography Book, and
2014 Calendar from
Puppies Behind Bars
The PBB 2014 Calendar features new photos of our
adorable puppies and their dedicated inmate puppy-raisers.
Our popular holiday cards are back as well. For $2.00 per
card, we’ll send you your selected purchase (order form on
back). For $10.00 per card, we’ll mail your selections for
you, and insert a gift card that reads, “In keeping with the spirit
of this holiday season, a generous donation has been made
in your honor by (your name). This gift will allow Puppies
Behind Bars to give a collar, leash and bowl to one of their
newest puppies.” We often sell out by the New Year, so get
your order in early for yourself and your loved ones.
2014 Calendar
Version A reads:
“Dasher, Dancer, Prancer,
Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner,
Blitzen, Guardian & Detector.”
Version B reads:
“Often, we are asked why dogs
raised by inmates are so
Truthfully, the odds are stacked
in our favor.”
Note: this card is square and requires
additional postage
Version D reads:
“Joy Unleashed.”
Version C reads:
“Paws and Give Thanks.”
Version H reads:
“Some stars prefer not to hang out on
the top of pine trees.”
Version E (red background), F (purple), G (yellow) reads:
“The best place to find a miracle is to follow a star.”
Version I reads:
“I salute you and your loved
ones this holiday season.”
Version J reads:
“For faithful friends who
are dear to us.”
Calendar 2014
Puppies Behind Bars trains prison inmates to raise service dogs for wounded veterans and explosive detection
canines for law enforcement. Puppies join the program at eight weeks and live with their inmate puppy-
raisers for approximately 18 months. As the puppies mature into well-loved, well-behaved dogs, their raisers
learn what it means to contribute to society rather than take from it. PBB programs bring the love and healing of
dogs to hundreds of individuals every year. The dogs bring hope and pride to their raisers, and independence and
security to those they serve.
Photography Book

I would like
____ 2014 Calendar(s) @ $15
Your calendars will ship after
Thanksgiving for early December
____ Version A @ $2
____ Version A-g* @ $10
____ Version B @ $2
____ Version B-g* @ $10
____ Version C @ $2
____ Version C-g* @ $10
____ Version D @ $2
____ Version D-g* @ $10
____ Version E @ $2
____ Version E-g* @ $10
____ Version F @ $2
____ Version F-g* @ $10
____ Version G @ $2
____ Version G-g* @ $10
____ Version H @ $2
____ Version H-g* @ $10
____ Version I @ $2
____ Version I-g* @ $10
____ Version J @ $2
____ Version J-g*@ $10
* gift-card version.
Please list recipients at right.
Amount enclosed: $_____________________________
❏ Please charge my credit card:
____ Visa ____ MasterCard
____ AmEx ____ Discover
Name on card:____________________________________
Your Name:_________________________________________
Mailing Address:_____________________________________
State & Zip:___________________________________________
Your note (if any): __________________________________
Your note (if any): __________________________________
Your note (if any): __________________________________
Your note (if any): __________________________________
Your note (if any): __________________________________
Mail your payment with this form to:
Puppies Behind Bars
263 West 38th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10018
If you need more space to list gift-card recipients, please
attach additional sheets as needed.
$10 gift card recipients Your name and address
Puppies Behind
Bars Photography
Book @ $25 (+ $5 shipping and
handling per book)
____ Cloth-Covered Boxed Limited
Edition Book, including signed photo
print @ $50 (+ $5 shipping and
handling per book)