Fillable Printable Real Estate Power of Attorney Form - Vermont
Fillable Printable Real Estate Power of Attorney Form - Vermont

Real Estate Power of Attorney Form - Vermont

Know all persons by these presents that I [insert name and address of Principal] (the
“Principal”) do hereby appoint [insert name of Agent] (the “Agent”) to act in my name and place, to the
fullest extent which [I/we] could act if [I/we] were personally present in connection with the transaction
described in Section 1 of this Power of Attorney.
Section 1. Delegation of Power
. The Principal appoints the Agent to act for the Principal in,
Option 1 - for the sale of property
the sale of the lands and premises having an address of or identified as __________, doing any and all
actions the I/we might do if personally present including, but not limited to the execution, modification
and delivery of contracts, deeds, tax returns, tax reports, affidavits, bill of sale, closing statements,
notices, certificates and all other documents; the acceptance of the closing funds and the deposit of those
funds in my/our account identified to the agent, which [my/our] Agent shall deem necessary, appropriate
or expedient for the purpose of closing the sale of the real estate described in this power of attorney.
Option 2 - for the acquisition of property
the purchase of the lands and premises having an address of or identified as __________, together with
the financing of the purchase of such property and the mortgaging of the property as part of the financing,
doing any and all actions the I/we might do if personally present including, but not limited to the
execution, modification and delivery of contracts, tax returns, tax reports, affidavits, bills of sale, note,
mortgages, closing statements, notices, certificates and all other documents required by the lender
providing the funds for the closing; the disbursement and delivery of the closing funds and the withdrawal
of funds for the closing from my/our account identified to the agent, which [my/our] Agent shall deem
necessary, appropriate or expedient for the purpose of closing the acquisition of the real estate described
in this power
Option 3 - for refinancing mortgages
the refinancing of my/our debts, including but not limited to the debts presently secured by a mortgage on
the lands and premises having an address of or identified as __________, together with the mortgaging
of the property as part of the financing , doing any and all actions that I/we might do if personally present
including, but not limited to the modification, execution and delivery of notes, mortgages, closing
statements, notices, certificates and all other documents required by the lender providing the funds for the
closing; the disbursement and delivery of the closing funds and the withdrawal of funds for the closing
from my/our account identified to the agent, which [my/our] Agent shall deem necessary, appropriate or
expedient for the purpose of closing the refinancing of the debts and the mortgaging of the real estate
described in this power
Section 2. Term
. This power of attorney shall become effective on the date the Principal signs
this instrument and shall expire and be of no further force and effect after _________________ . The
expiration of this power of attorney at the end of the specified term shall not affect the validity of any
action taken by the Agent pursuant to this power while this power of attorney was in effect.
Section 3. Durable Power of Attorney
. This power of attorney shall not be affected by the
subsequent disability or incapacity of the Principal.

[OPTIONAL] Section 4. Delegation of Powers. The Agent may delegate the powers granted to
the Agent by this Power of Attorney by a delegation in writing which makes reference to this Power of
Attorney and otherwise complies with applicable law.
[OPTIONAL] Section 5. Transfer/Gift to Agent
. This Power of Attorney specifically
authorizes the agent to convey the property described in this Power of Attorney to the Agent [for nominal
consideration, as a gift /or/ for a valuable consideration]. _______ Initials of Principal. [NOTE:
Without the initials of the Principal on the preceding line, this Section of this Power of Attorney shall not
be effective]
[OPTIONAL] Section 6. Skills and Expertise of Agent
. I/we selected the Agent for his/her
special skills and expertise in [describe special skills and expertise]. _______ Initials of Principal.
[NOTE: Without the initials of the Principal on the preceding line, this Section of this Power of Attorney
shall not be effective]
In witness whereof, the Principal has executed this instrument this ____ day of ______, 2002.
Print Name: __________________________________
Affirmation by Witness
I, ____________________ witnessed the signature
of this Power of Attorney by the Principal, and I
affirm that the Principal appeared to me to be of
sound mind, was not under duress, and the Principal
affirmed to me that he/she was aware of the nature of
this Power of Attorney and signed it freely and
Print Name: ___________________________
Acknowledgment by Principal
(NOTE: If power of attorney is effective for 90
days or less, then witness and notary may be the
same person).
State of ______________________
County of ____________________, S.S.
At ____________________________, in
said County and State, personally appeared
___________________________ the Principal,
who is known to me or was otherwise suitably
identified, did acknowledge to me that the
execution of this Power of Attorney was his/her
free act and deed.
Notary Public
Print Name __________________________
Commission Expires:
Acceptance by Agent
The undersigned, Agent, executes this Power of Attorney, and by such execution does hereby
affirm that the Agent: (A) accepts the appointment as agent; (B) understands the duties under the power
of attorney and under the law; (C) understands that Agent has a duty to act if expressly required to do so
in the power of attorney consistent with 14 V.S.A. §3506(c); (D) understands that I am expected to use
my special skills or expertise on behalf of the Principal, if so specified in the Power of Attorney; and (E)
acknowledges the additional duties of the Agent set forth in 14 V.S.A 3505.
Date: _________________ __________________________________________