Fillable Printable Receipt Templates
Fillable Printable Receipt Templates

Receipt Templates

2008 © Kindergarten Parents Victoria Receipt for Registered Child Care A8 -i
What is Registered Child Care Benefit?
Who is eligible to claim CCB?
A work related commitment can be one, or a combination of, the following activities:
How to register your organisation for CCB
The registration form asks for the organisation’s licence number and expiry date.
How can families claim the fee benefit?
Receipts for fees paid, which include certain information, must be included with the claim form.
Child Care Benefit (CCB) is a family subsidy paid by the Australian Government to reduce the cost of childcare or
kindergarten fees. Working families using registered care are entitled to minimum rate CCB.
Registered childcare is care provided by grandparents or other relatives, friends or nannies who are registered as carers with
the Australian Government’s Family Assistance Office (FAO).
Kindergartens and preschools can also register with the FAO so eligible families can claim the minimum rate CCB. This may
reduce the annual cost of kindergarten by hundreds of dollars.
Both parents (or if only one parent, that parent) must meet the ‘work/training/study test’ at some time during a week to get
registered CCB.
To satisfy the work/training/study test for registered care the parent(s) need to have a work, or work related commitment at
some point during the week, or to have an exemption from this requirement. No minimum number of hours is required.
· Paid work or self employment
· Setting up a business
· Training or studying
· Looking for work
· Voluntary work to improve your work skills
Contact Centrelink telemarketing on 1300 36 76 76 and request form FA019 “Registered Child Care Provider Application”.
Complete the organisation registration and submit to your nearest Family Assistance Office.
Registration for CCB needs to be renewed at the same time as the centre’s licence to operate as a children’s service is
renewed with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
Families claim CCB by completing a Claim form, available from their local Family Assistance Office, which will probably be in a Medicare or Centrelink office. Alternatively download the “Claim for Child Care Benefit for registered care” form from$File/FA018_0607.PDF.
Organisation can use Family Assistance Office (FAO) receipt books (free of charge) or their own receipts. KPV has prepared
a template to simplify this process. Receipts can be provided weekly, monthly, term by term or annually. Providing two
receipts per year reduces the administrative workload.
The receipt template (worksheets Term 1 and 2 and Term 3 and 4) has all the required information and will calculate the
weekly fee for you (see Instructions worksheet)
If you have any questions relating to Child Care Benefit for Registered Care contact the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50 or visit their website at

2008 © Kindergarten Parents Victoria Receipt for Registered Child Care A8-ii
Sample Receipt
Centre Name:
Green Valley Preschool
12 Rosa Avenue, Green Valley
Carer Reference Number (CRN):
(This will be provided to the centre on registration)
Received from:
Jane Smith
Child’s full name:
Freda Jane Smith
Term 1 Week commencing Week ending Hours of care
1-Feb-11 4-Feb-11 12
7-Feb-11 11-Feb-11 12
14-Feb-11 18-Feb-11 12
21-Feb-11 25-Feb-11 12
28-Feb-11 4-Mar-11 12
7-Mar-11 11-Mar-11 12
14-Mar-11 18-Mar-11 12
21-Mar-11 25-Mar-11 12
28-Mar-11 1-Apr-11 12
4-Apr-11 8-Apr-11 12
Term 2 Week commencing Week ending Hours of care
27-Apr-11 29-Apr-11 12
2-May-11 6-May-11 12
9-May-11 13-May-11 12
16-May-11 20-May-11 12
23-May-11 27-May-11 12
30-May-11 3-Jun-11 12
6-Jun-11 10-Jun-11 12
13-Jun-11 17-Jun-11 12
20-Jun-11 24-Jun-11 12
27-Jun-11 1-Jul-11 12
Total 120
Committee signature:
(usually fees officer or treasurer)
Based on the above receipt, this family is entitled to a Family Assistance Office (FAO) payment of
This is calculated by the number of hours attended - 240hrs x CCB rate ($0.632 effective July 1st
2010 - June 30th 2012) = $147.60

2008 © Kindergarten Parents Victoria Receipt for Registered Child Care A8-ii
NB: This worksheet is protected and formulas cannot be changed. For further information
contact KPV on 9489 3500 or 1300730 119

2008 © Kindergarten Parents Victoria Receipt for Registered Child Care A8-ii
Sample Receipt
Green Valley Preschool
12 Rosa Avenue, Green Valley
(This will be provided to the centre on registration)
Jane Smith
Freda Jane Smith
Cost per week
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 225.00
Cost per week
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 22.50
$ 225.00
(usually fees officer or treasurer)
Based on the above receipt, this family is entitled to a Family Assistance Office (FAO) payment of
This is calculated by the number of hours attended - 240hrs x CCB rate ($0.632 effective July 1st

2008 © Kindergarten Parents Victoria Receipt for Registered Child Care A8-ii
NB: This worksheet is protected and formulas cannot be changed. For further information
contact KPV on 9489 3500 or 1300730 119

2008 © Kindergarten Parents Victoria Receipt for Registered Child Care A8 - iv
Receipt for Registered Child Care Benefit
Centre name:
Carer Reference Number (CRN):
Child's Full Name:
Received From:
Full Name:
Week commencing Week ending Hours of care Cost per week
1-Feb-12 3-Feb-12 #DIV/0!
6-Feb-12 10-Feb-12 #DIV/0!
13-Feb-12 17-Feb-12 #DIV/0!
20-Feb-12 24-Feb-12 #DIV/0!
27-Feb-12 2-Mar-12 #DIV/0!
5-Mar-12 9-Mar-12 #DIV/0!
12-Mar-12 16-Mar-12 #DIV/0!
19-Mar-12 23-Mar-12 #DIV/0!
26-Mar-12 30-Mar-12 #DIV/0!
Term Total 0
Week commencing Week ending Hours of care Cost per week
16-Apr-12 20-Apr-12 #DIV/0!
23-Apr-12 27-Apr-12 #DIV/0!
30-Apr-12 4-May-12 #DIV/0!
7-May-12 11-May-12 #DIV/0!
14-May-12 18-May-12 #DIV/0!
21-May-12 25-May-12 #DIV/0!
28-May-12 1-Jun-12 #DIV/0!
4-Jun-12 8-Jun-12 #DIV/0!
11-Jun-12 15-Jun-12 #DIV/0!
18-Jun-12 22-Jun-12 #DIV/0!
25-Jun-12 29-Jun-12 #DIV/0!
Term Total 0
Term 1
(8.5 Weeks)
Term 2
(11 Weeks)
This receipt meets the receipt requirements of the Family Assistance Office as detailed in the
Registered Child Care Provider Application Registration Form & Notes, Form FA018.
2008 © Kindergarten Parents Victoria Receipt for Registered Child Care A8 - iv
Enter hours child attended during this week.
Enter hours child attended during this week.
Enter hours child attended during this week.
Enter hours child attended during this week.
Enter hours child attended during this week.
Enter hours child attended during this week.
Enter hours child attended during this week.
Enter hours child attended during this week.
Enter hours child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter the hours the child attended during this week.
Enter total term fee. The formula will distribute the amount evenly across the number of weeks.
Enter total term fee. The formula will distribute the amount evenly across the number of weeks.

2008 © Kindergarten Parents Victoria Receipt for Registered Child Care A8 - v
Receipt for Registered Child Care Benefit
Centre name:
Carer Reference Number (CRN):
Child's Full Name:
Received From:
Full Name:
Week commencing Week ending Hours of care Cost per week
16-Jul-12 20-Jul-12
23-Jul-12 27-Jul-12
30-Jul-12 3-Aug-12
6-Aug-12 10-Aug-12
13-Aug-12 17-Aug-12
20-Aug-12 24-Aug-12
27-Aug-12 31-Aug-12
3-Sep-12 7-Sep-12
10-Sep-12 14-Sep-12
17-Sep-12 21-Sep-12
Term Total
Week commencing Week ending Hours of care Cost per week
8-Oct-12 12-Oct-12
15-Oct-12 19-Oct-12
26-Oct-12 #DIV/0!
29-Oct-12 2-Nov-12
5-Nov-12 9-Nov-12
12-Nov-12 16-Nov-12
19-Nov-12 23-Nov-12
26-Nov-12 30-Dec-12
3-Dec-12 7-Dec-12
10-Dec-12 14-Dec-12
17-Dec-12 21-Dec-12
Term Total
Term 3
(10 Weeks)
Term 4
(11 Weeks)
This receipt meets the receipt requirements of the Family Assistance Office as detailed in the
Registered Child Care Provider Application Registration Form & Notes, Form FA018.

2008 © Kindergarten Parents Victoria Receipt for Registered Child Care A8 - v
This receipt meets the receipt requirements of the Family Assistance Office as detailed in the
Registered Child Care Provider Application Registration Form & Notes, Form FA018.
2008 © Kindergarten Parents Victoria Receipt for Registered Child Care A8 - v

Receipt for Registered Child Care Benefit
Centre name:
Carer Reference Number (CRN):
Child's Full Name:
Received From:
Full Name:
Week commencing Week ending Hours of care Cost per week
2-Apr-12 6-Apr-12
9-Apr-12 13-Apr-12
Term Break Total
Week commencing Week ending Hours of care Cost per week
2-Jul-12 6-Jul-12
9-Jul-12 13-Jul-12
Term Break Total
Week commencing Week ending Hours of care Cost per week
24-Sep-12 28-Sep-12
1-Oct-12 5-Oct-12
Term Break Total
Week commencing Week ending Hours of care Cost per week
24-Dec-12 28-Dec-12
31-Dec-12 4-Jan-13
7-Jan-13 11-Jan-13
14-Jan-13 18-Jan-13
21-Jan-13 25-Jan-13
Term Break Total
Term Break 1
(2 Weeks)
Term Break 2
(2 Weeks)
Term Break 3
(2 Weeks)
Term Break 4
( 5 Weeks)
This reciept is for services who provide Resgistered Care through the Victorian Schools Term
Breaks and meets the receipt requirements of the Family Assistance Office as detailed in the
Registered Child Care Provider Application Registration Form & Notes, Form FA018.