Fillable Printable Red Lobster Application for Employment Form
Fillable Printable Red Lobster Application for Employment Form

Red Lobster Application for Employment Form

Name (Print in Ink) Today ’s D at e
Current Address
Previous Addres s E-mail addres s
Hom e Phone N um ber
Work Phone N um ber
Cellular/ Alt ernat e Phone N um ber
Posit ion(s ) apply ing f or (M us t chec k specif ic posit ion lis t ed to be cons idered)
Line Cook
Product ion
Alley C oordinat or
Did s om eone ref er y ou t o apply for this pos it ion?
If yes, who?
If you are applying f or a s erv er or bart ender position, do you meet the legal provinc i al age
requirement t o s erv e alc ohol?
If hired, can you s ubm it the required doc uments t o prove your legal right t o work in
Dat e y ou are av ailable t o start
employ m ent
How m any hours per week do you expect
to work?
Expec t ed H ourly R at e Expec t ed W eek ly Earnings
Relatives Employed by Darden: Name: Location: Relationship:
(Relat iv es em ploy ed by Darden will not neces s arily exc lude y ou from employm ent but will be c ons idered f or job plac em ent to av oi d a direct s uperv is ory relations hip bet w een relat ives)
Work Sche dule Avai labilit y
What shifts/ hours are you available to work ? Shifts start as early as 7AM and end as late as 2AM (please list start & end tim es in each Lunch & Dinner s hift box)
Lunch to to to to to to to
Dinner to to to to to to to
Are you willing to wor k a split shift?
No Are you willing to stay late in an emergency?
Are you willing to work holidays / weekends?
No Is your schedule f lexible so you can attend training?
Education Name a nd loc ati on of s chool Last year compl eted Courses majored i n Graduate? List Degrees.
High School 9 10 11 12 Diploma:
College 1 2 3 4
Hav e y ou ev er been c onv ict ed of a v iolat ion of the crim inal c ode f or which you have not receiv ed a pardon? [ Note: You need not ident if y conv ictions t hat
have been s ealed, dis m is sed, or otherwis e eradic at ed by stat ure or court order, any convic t ion f or a marijuana off ense if the conv icti on is m ore t han t w o
years old, a c onv iction for a provinc ial of f ense or any informat ion pert aining t o ref erral to and partic i pat ion in any pre-t rial div ers ion program.] (Pleas e not e:
Any s uc h c onv iction may be relevant if job-relat ed, but does not neces s arily bar you from em ploy ment. )
If you answered “Yes,” please explain
Work History – List your last 3 jobs. Pl ease fi ll out all inform ation compl etely
Current or Most Recent Job Previou s Job Previou s Job
Com pany N am e
Com pany Addres s
Com pany Phone N um ber
Nam e and T it l e of Immediat e
Job Title / Position
Dat es of Employ m ent
_______________/ ___ _____________
Mont h/ Year to M ont h/Year
_______________/ ___ _____________
Mont h/ Year to M ont h/Year
_______________/ ___ _____________
Mont h/ Year to M ont h/Year
Reas on f or Leav ing
May w e contac t this em ploy er
Rate of Pay
$_____________ $____________
$_____________ $____________
$_____________ $____________
In order f or you to be considered for employm ent, this application must be filled out in its ENTIRETY.
All statem ents m ade by applicants for employment on this application for m will be checked f or acc uracy.

MIL ITARY/ LEADERS HIP EXPERIENCE (If applicable) Skills Acquired
VOLUNTEE R EXP ERIE NCE, List Activities & Skills Acquired: (Exclude any information indicating legally prot ected c haracteristics, e.g., race, religion, colour, ancest ry,
age, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orient ation, family stat us, ethnic origin, record of of f e nses and c it iz enship.)
Are you presently or have you ever been, em ployed by; any Darden restaurant, inc luding LongHorn St eak house, Red Lobster, Oliv e Garden, Bahama Breeze, The
Capital Grille, S easons 52, the Darden Support Center, Sm okey Bones or China Coast.
Ye s
If yes, stat e rest aurant, location, dates of applic at ion or employment and reason for leaving.
Are you pres ently or have you ever s ubmitted an application f or employment at any Darden res t aurant, including LongHorn St eakhouse, Red Lobster , Olive Garden,
Bahama Breez e, The Capital Grille, Seas ons 52, or the Darden Support Center.
Ye s
Special Empl oyment Notices (P lease read carefully before si gni ng below)
I underst and that Red Lobst er, Olive Garden, LongHorn Steakhouse, Bahama Breez e, Seasons 52 and The Capit al Grille rest aur ants are owned and operated by
certain subsidiaries of Darden Restaur ants, I nc. (the “Darden Companies”).
Ini tial ______
The Darden Com panies do not discrim inat e in hiring or employment on the basis of r ace, religion, colour, ancestry, age, nat ional origin, gender, disability , sexual
orient ation, fam ily status, m arital s tatus, ethnic origin, record of offens es and cit izenship (as defined by applicable law).
Ini tial ______
I affirm that all information in this application is true and complete. Any misrepresentation, false statement, or omission of facts called for s hall be cause f or dism issal or
grounds for r efusal of employm ent.
I underst and that any violat ion of company rules, polic ies, standar ds, and/or pr ocedures shall be grounds for dism iss al. I agree to conform to the rules, policies,
st andards, and regulations of the Darden Companies. I understand that my employm ent and compensat ion can be terminated with cause and wit hout notic e, or
without cause and wit h notice or pay in lieu thereof , in acc ordance wit h Ontario E mploymen t Stan dards Act, 2000, or other provincial statutory equivalent, in the
jurisdic t ion where your are work ing at t he time of t erminat ion. I t is the policy of the Darden Companies to hire only people who are authorized to work in Canada. All
employ ees will be ask ed to v erify employment eligibilit y prior to beginning work.
I underst and and agree t hat t his applicat ion will be kept on act iv e file f or 30 days from t he date completed, after which time I would have to reapply in acc or dance with
establishe d c ompan y procedures .
I hereby acknowledge the notice as described above.
Ini tial ______
_________________________ _____________________________________________________
Signat ure of Applicant
_________________________ __________________