Fillable Printable Registration Form NCFR Annual Conference 2015
Fillable Printable Registration Form NCFR Annual Conference 2015
![Registration Form NCFR Annual Conference 2015](/resources/formfile/images/10000/registration-form-ncfr-annual-conference-2015-page1.png)
Registration Form NCFR Annual Conference 2015
Registration Form
NCFR Annual Conference 2015
November 11-14; Hyatt Regency, Vacouver, British Columbia •
Your Information
Register only one person on each registration form. Print name exactly as you wish it to appear on your name badge.
Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
First Middle initial Last
NCFR member number (if applicable) ____________________________________________________________________________
Preferred Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________ State/Prov ____________ Country _________ Postal
E-mail _____________________________________________________ Day
FAX _________________________
Organization (or school you attend) _______________________________________________________________________________
Emergency contact (name, phone number) _________________________________________________________________________
Is this your rst NCFR conference? q yes q no
I am q a student q a new professional who graduated in the last ve years
Registration and Fees
Select either Full Conference Registration or Single-Day Registration; also register here for CEUs, Pre-Con, and special events
Part 1: Conference Registration
Full Conference Registration June 16-Oct 12 Oct 13-Nov 14
q NCFR Member $350 $415
q NCFR Student Member* $135 $180
q NCFR Emeritus Member $185 $230
q Non-member professional $485 $550
q Non-member student* $235 $275
Single-Day Registration** June 16-Oct 12 Oct 13-Nov 14
q Professional $195 $245
q Student* $120 $170
Indicate day of attendance: ___Wed ___Thu ___Fri ___Sat
q Guest badge $50. Permits guest of registrant to attend receptions (only). Guest name ________________________________________________
TOTAL Part 1 $____________________________
Part 2: Continuing Education Units / Gifts to NCFR
q Verication of attendance for Continuing Education Units (NBCC, NASW, California BBS), $25
q Verication of attendance for CFLE Recertication, no charge
q Here is my gift to NCFR. Amount $________ q Unrestricted q Restricted; apply specically to ___________________
(tax deductible according to law)
TOTAL Part 2 $____________________________
Part 3: Special Events/Workshops
TCRM Workshop; Tue, Nov 10, 8am-6pm and Wed, Nov 11, 8am-1pm q $50 professional q $35 student
MAXQDA Workshop; Tue, Nov 10, 9am-4:30pm q $300 professional q $225 student
Eradicating Sexual Violence on Campus (Feminism Section), Tue, Nov 10, 8:30am-6pm q $35 includes lunch
Media Training: Writing and Interviewing Skills; Tue, Nov 10, 5-8:30ppm q $125 includes dinner
Afliate Councils/Student Afliates Workshop; Thu, Nov 12, 7:30-11:30am q $15 Professionals q $10 students
TOTAL Part 3 $____________________________
TOTAL CONFERENCE FEES (add parts 1, 2, 3) $__________________________ Go on to page 2
Join NCFR now to qualify for
member registration rates.
Go to or call toll free
**No discount for members for single-day
* Verication of student status must
be provided if requested.
Payment information
q Check (payable to NCFR) q Visa q MasterCard q American Express q Visa-Japan
Card number ______________________________________________________ Expiration date __________________________
Name on card _____________________________________________________
code (code on card) ____________
Credit card billing information
Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________________ State/Province __________________ Zip/postal code _____________
Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
• All prices are U.S. dollars. Checks/money orders must be drawn on U.S. banks. Overpayments of $10 or less will be considered
contributions to NCFR. Service charge of $30 on all returned checks.
• Payment must accompany registration except for purchase orders which must be pre-arranged with the NCFR nance ofce; in-
voices are due upon receipt; contact
• Refund requests must be in writing and postmarked by October 12, 2015. All refunds are subject to an administrative fee.
• No refunds after October 12, 2015. No refunds for special events/workshops unless the event is cancelled. Refund checks will be
mailed approximately 3 weeks after the conference.
Deadlines/Mailing Address/Contact
• Your registration form must be postmarked by the deadline dates given to qualify for the appropriate registration fee
(June 15 or October 12).
• After October 12, do not mail or fax this form; bring it with you to the conference and register and pay in person.
NCFR Annual Conference Registration
1201 West River Parkway, Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Tollfree: 888-781-9331
FAX: 763-781-9348
ADA requirements, roommates, student aides
• Reasonable accommodations for disability can be provided for participation in conference sessions. Personal aide services cannot be
provided by NCFR.
• NCFR staff can assist you in contacting other registrants seeking to share a room.
• NCFR student members may sign up for the Student Aide Program and receive conference registration at a reduced rate. For infor-
mation, visit
If you have questions about these or other conference logistics, contact Judy Schutz,;
toll free 888-781-9331 ext 2893.
Consent to use of photographic/video images
Registration, attendance, or participation at the NCFR Annual Conference constitutes an agreement by the registrant/participant to
NCFR use and distribution (current and future) of his/her image or voice in photographs, video, and audio.