Fillable Printable Letter To Increase Rent
Fillable Printable Letter To Increase Rent

Letter To Increase Rent

Housing Authority of Cook County
175 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 350
Chicago, Illinois 60604
(312) 663-5447
Landlord Name:
Client Name:
Vendor Number:
Client Number:
Landlord Address:
Client Address:
Landlord City,
State, Zip:
Client City,
State, Zip:
The policy regarding rent increase is as follows:
The owner must not change the rent during the initial lease term. Subsequent requests for rent adjustments must be consistent
with the lease between the owner and the family. After the initial occupancy period, the owner may request a rent in accordance
with the owners’ lease. Rent increases will not be approved unless any failed items identified by the most recent HQS inspection
have been corrected.
The owner and family must first negotiate the rent for a unit and submit the negotiated rent to the assigned housing specialist. If the
rent request submitted is greater than the payment standard in effect, the client will be contacted for notification of the effect to their
rent portion. Payment standards are subject to change at any time and amount requested over the payment standard will remain
the client’s rent portion regardless of any future income changes.
All rent increase requests are subject to a rent reasonableness analysis and may be denied. Increases over five percent
(5%) are subject to additional review and may not be approved. The HACC may request owners to provide information concerning
the rents charged for other units on the premises if the premises include more than four units. In evaluating the proposed rents in
comparison to other units on the premises, the HACC will consider unit size and length of tenancy in the other units.
All rent increases will be effective the first of the month sixty (60) days after the HACC’s receipt of the owners request or
on the date specified by the owner, whichever is later.
Date of Request:
Current Rent Amount:
Proposed Rent Amount:
Renewal Month:
By signing this document, I agree to the proposed rent amount. I have read and understand the policy as it is written
above. I understand that this is only a request and is subject to Housing Authority approval. I understand that the
increased rent amount may increase the amount that the tenant pays and not the amount of the subsidy
Landlord’s Signature
Client’s Signature
Rev 3/2013
For Housing Authority Use only
Rent Increase
Approval Amount
Effective Date
Reviewed by
Date Stamp by Mail Room: