Fillable Printable Rental Bond Lodgement Form - Queensland
Fillable Printable Rental Bond Lodgement Form - Queensland

Rental Bond Lodgement Form - Queensland

v2 Jul13
Level 23, 179 Turbot Street | GPO Box 390 Brisbane Q 4001 | t 1300 366 311 |
Bond lodgement (Form 2)
Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008
(Sections 116–119)
The RTA is collecting your personal information for the purpose of carrying out the RTA’s functions under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 and
may provide your information to QCAT and other bodies. For more information see RTA website.
New bond
Existing rental bond number
1 Address of the rental property (rooming accommodation: include room number)
Date agreement starts Date agreement ends
Number of bedrooms
4 Details of dwelling
Flat/unit House Townhouse Student accommodation
Moveable dwelling/site Moveable dwelling/site with electricity supplied and individually metered
Boarding house Supported accommodation Student accommodation
5 Details of the type of management
Lessor/owner Real estate agent Moveable dwelling owner/manager
Community housing organisation Other
Owner Manager/provider Real estate agent Other
6 Details of the lessor, agent or manager/provider
Full name/trading name
Agent’s RTA ID (if known)
Postal address
Phone Mobile
Email Date
7 Details of the weekly rent and bond payment
Total bond Weekly rent Amount of bond money paid with this form Date tenant/resident paid bond
$ $ $
If the lessor is the tenant’s employer, has the tenant been given a rent subsidy? Yes
No N/A
8 Full name and details of the tenants/residents who have contributed to the bond (including individual contributions)
1. First name/s Last name
Date of birth Phone Mobile
Email Date
2. First name/s Last name
Date of birth Phone Mobile
Email Date
3. First name/s Last name
Date of birth Phone Mobile
Email Date

v2 Jul13
Level 23, 179 Turbot Street | GPO Box 390 Brisbane Q 4001 | t 1300 366 311 |
Bond lodgement (Form 2)
Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008
(Sections 116–119)
This form is used when lodging either a full or part-payment of rental bond money (for Queensland tenancies) with the
Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA).
This form should be used when:
1. lodging a full bond, or
2. paying off the bond, or
3. increasing the bond as a result of a weekly rent increase
Only tenants/residents who have contributed to the bond and the lessor, agent or manager/provider should fill out this form.
Please provide your full name as shown on your identification.
All relevant fields need to be completed or processing delays may result.
The lessor, agent or manager/provider must lodge all rental bonds with the RTA within 10 days of receipt even if all signatures
are unobtainable. Failure to do so is an offence and may result in a financial penalty.
The RTA will issue an Acknowledgement of rental bond to all parties to confirm lodgement of the bond with the RTA.
Residential tenancy
If the rent is $700 or less per week, the maximum bond that can be charged is 4 weeks rent. If the weekly rent is more than
$700, there is no limit to the amount of bond which may be charged.
If the tenant rents the property from their employer, there are special rules regarding the charging of bonds.
Moveable dwellings (e.g. a caravan)
The maximum bond that can be charged is 2 weeks rent. Where electricity is supplied in the lessor’s name, and individually
metered, 3 weeks rent may be charged.
Rooming accommodation
If the rent is $500 or less per week, the maximum bond that can be charged is 4 weeks rent. If the weekly rent is more than
$500, there is no limit to the amount of bond which may be charged.
Agents or manager/providers can hold instalments of rental bonds until all instalment payments are made before lodging the
bond with the RTA. The total bond must be lodged with the RTA within 10 days of the last instalment. However, if the full
amount of the rental bond has not been received within 3 months of the first payment and the accommodation agreement
is still current, the agent or manager/provider must lodge any bond money received with the RTA and lodge any subsequent
instalment payments with the RTA within 10 days. Also, if the accommodation agreement ends before all instalment
payments have been received, the agent or manager/provider must still lodge the bond with the RTA within 10 days of the
agreement ending.
Lodging your form
• online – scan your completed form, upload via the RTA website ( and pay using BPAY.
• post to: RTA, GPO Box 390, Brisbane Q 4001. Lodge the signed original form with a cheque or money order
• in person to: Level 23, 179 Turbot St, Brisbane Q 4000. Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5pm. Lodge the signed original form
and pay via eftpos, cheque or money order (no credit card or cash transactions available)
Cheques and money orders should be made payable to Residential Tenancies Authority.