Fillable Printable General Resume Objective Examples
Fillable Printable General Resume Objective Examples

General Resume Objective Examples

Objective Statements
Writing objective statements is one of the most challenging and dicult parts of creating an eective resume. Here are
some strategies and options to help you create an eective resume objective.
What is an Objective Statement?
Immediately below the top section of a resume where you type your name, address, phone number and e-mail address,
should be a short statement with one of the following headings: "objective," "professional objective," or "career goals."
Usually the objective statement includes 1-3 lines of text, and should summarize your career aspirations, what you expect
from a job and/or what you have to oer to the employer.
Why Write an Objective Statement?
Objective statements can improve your resume eectiveness by helping you:
« to establish your professional identity
« to emphasize your main quali+cations by stating what you, as a professional, have to oer to the organization
« to inform your readers of the position(s) you are seeking and your career goals
Drafting Your Objective Statement
Before drafting or revising your objective statement, you should try to answer the following questions:
« What are your career goals?
« What are your main quali+cations (strengths, skills, areas of expertise)?
« What position (or series of positions) are you seeking?
« What type of organization would you like to work for?
Be Speci+c One of the main problems people encounter when writing their objective statement is being able to write a
speci+c objective. Many resume objectives are too general and/or too vague. In order to be eective, an objective
statement must be speci+c. For example, some objective statements read like this:
A position allowing me to utilize my knowledge and expertise in dierent areas.
Such a statement raises more questions than it answers: A position in what area/+eld? What kinds of knowledge and
expertise? Which areas? A speci+c statement helps readers to comprehend what you have to oer and what you are
seeking in terms of a career.
Samples of Resume Objectives
Seeking a position in the accounting +eld where excellent analytical and technical skills can be utilized to improve
the company's pro+tability
A position in data entry and/or accounting where skills in spreadsheet development and troubleshooting can
improve eciency and enhance pro+tability
(Student/Entry Level) A position in the +eld of accounting leading to managerial responsibilities
Administrative Support
Seeking an Administrative Assistant position with a company that will allow me to fully utilize my communication,
organizational, and problem solving skills
Seeking a Secretarial/Bookkeeping position in which I can utilize my extensive oce management,
communication, and accounting skills to bene+t the organization
Computer Technology
(Student/Entry Level) A Programmer/Analyst position which will provide me with the opportunity to develop skills
in software design
Seeking a design engineer position with emphasis on solid modeling
Seeking a position which will allow me to utilize my network administrator skills in a NT/Novell environment
interoperating with WAN/LAN connectivity
Seeking a position as a(n) (English) Teacher at the Secondary School level
To obtain a position as an Elementary School Teacher in which a strong dedication to the total development of
children and a high degree of enthusiasm can be fully utilized
Engineering and Technology
(Student Entry Level) - To obtain a position as an Electronics Technician
A position in the +eld of (Electrical Engineering) with an emphasis on (aviation electronic systems)
A position as Electrician, which will utilize my technical training and bene+t from my experience with (lighting and
sound systems back-stage electrical equipment)
A position in (commercial diving industry) where knowledge of (construction), a high mechanical aptitude, and
unyielding commitment to safety can eectively contribute to the successful and pro+table operation of the +rm
Seeking a ________ position with a company which will require me to utilize my skills, abilities and experience in
the _______ +eld to ensure the company's success
(Student Entry Level) To obtain a position in the ______ +eld where I can utilize my work experience and education
to improve company's operation
(Student Entry Level) To obtain a position as a _________ in a ________ company while continuing my education
Graphic Design
Seeking a graphic design position in a company where I can utilize my graphic and creative skills to produce a
quality product
Health Care
Seeking a (nursing) position, which will require me to expand my practical experience while providing quality
health care to patients
To promote and implement the standards of nursing practice as established by the profession
Seeking an (Occupation Therapist) position that will expand my (education/ skills/knowledge) and utilize it to
strengthen the facility's operations
A position as a (Licensed Practical Nurse) in a Health Care facility where I can utilize my nursing education and
training, as well as my interpersonal skills to provide the highest level of care
A position as a (Licensed Practical Nurse) with a facility that will enable me to represent my employers
professionally and provide the highest level of comfort and care to patients
To obtain a clinical position in a Physical Therapy facility that emphasizes Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Human Resources
Seeking a Human Resources Management position where my professional experience and education will allow me
to make an immediate contribution as an integral part of a progressive company
A position in Personnel or Human Resources Management which will require me to apply my business experience
and education to assist the company in the accomplishment of its goals
A position in the Human Resources +eld where I can utilize proven people-oriented skills to develop and promote a
positive work environment
Law/Legal Assistant/Paralegal
(Student/Entry level) - Seeking a position in which my interest in the law +eld will be challenged; fostering new
career opportunities and enhancing my skills
(Student/Entry level) - A position in a Law Firm where I will be able to expand my knowledge and gain experience
and expertise in the area of _______
A position in a Law Firm where my skills in research, communication, and a passion for law can assist in the
protection of the public interest
A maintenance position which will require me to utilize my maintenance and electrical experience to strengthen
Seeking a position in maintenance and repair where problems and opportunities are a match to my wide range of
skills and abilities
Seeking a marketing position with an organization where demonstrated skills in marketing, administration, and
sales can be used to increase pro+tability and promote growth
To obtain a Management position with a dynamic corporation where I can use my energy and skills to develop,
motivate, lead and encourage employee productivity
Seeking a management position with an organization where I can utilize my skills and experience to improve
operations, increase pro+tability, and enhance growth
Management responsibility with an organization where demonstrated skills in marketing, administration, and sales
can be translated into improved growth and pro+tability

To obtain an Oce/Clerical position in which my customer service, bookkeeping, personal, clerical and general
oce skills will contribute to greater oce eciency and productivity
Public Relations
Seeking a Public Relations position which will require me to integrate my writing skills, advertising campaign and
media relations expertise to accomplish the agency’s ultimate marketing goals
(Student/Entry Level) - Sales position where I can utilize my retail sales, cash management, and supervisory skills
(Student/Entry Level) - A position as a sales management trainee
Seeking a sales (manager) position with an organization where I will be able to utilize my ability to stimulate and
motivate a productive sales force to maximize the company’s sales objectives
A sales position in which I can make a signi+cant contribution to an employer through an increase in sales volume
and pro+t
To obtain a sales manager position where I can fully utilize my outside sales experience, marketing knowledge,
corporate training and sales management skills to increase pro+ts and bolster growth
Seeking a sales position that will utilize my diverse experience to positively impact company pro+tability
Seeking a Word Processing Secretary position which will require me to utilize my computer knowledge, strong
people skills, organizational abilities, and business experience
To provide prompt and courteous service to the customers of a restaurant, cocktail lounge or club