
Fillable Printable Resumes, Applications and Cover Letters

Fillable Printable Resumes, Applications and Cover Letters

Resumes, Applications and Cover Letters

Resumes, Applications and Cover Letters

U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Reprinted in 2009 from the Summer 1999 issue
of the Occupational Outlook Quarterly --
includes updated information for 21st
century jobseekers
Résumés, applications,
and cover letters
1 2 5 Y E A R S
Occupational Outlook Quarterly • Summer 1999 (2009 update)
Olivia Crosby
(updated in 2009
by Drew Liming)
Drew Liming is a
contributing editor
to the OOQ and
can be reached at
(202) 691–5262 or
ou have skills that employers
want. But those skills won’t get
you a job if no one knows you have
Good résumés, applications, and
cover letters broadcast your abilities.
They tell employers how your qualifi-
cations match a job’s responsibilities.
If these paper preliminaries are con-
structed well, you have a better chance
of landing interviews—and, eventually,
a job.
cover letters
Summer 1999 (2009 update) • Occupational Outlook Quarterly
The availability of personal comput-
ers and laser printers has raised employers’
expectations of the quality of résumés and
cover letters applicants produce. E-mail and
online applications help some employers sort
and track hundreds of résumés. Technology
has also given résumé writers greater flexibil-
ity; page limits and formatting standards are
no longer as rigid as they were several years
ago. “The only rule is that there are no rules,
says Frank Fox, executive director of the
Professional Association of Résumé Writers.
“Résumés should be error free—no typos or
spelling mistakes—but beyond that, use any
format that conveys the information well.
However, the no-rules rule does not mean
anything goes. You still have to consider what
is reasonable and appropriate for the job you
want. Advertisements for a single job open-
ing can generate dozens, even hundreds, of
responses. Busy reviewers often spend as
little as 30 seconds deciding whether a résumé
deserves consideration.
This article provides some guidelines
for creating résumés and cover letters that
will help you pass the 30- second test and
win interviews. The first section, on résu-
més, describes what information they should
contain, how to highlight your skills for the
job you want, and types of résumés. The next
section discusses the four parts of a cover
letter—salutation, opening, body, and closing.
A final section offers suggestions for finding
out more about résumés and cover letters. The
box on page 5 provides advice on completing
application forms.
Marketing your skills
A résumé is a brief summary of your experi-
ence, education, and skills. It is a marketing
piece, usually one or two pages long, designed
to interest an employer. Good résumés match
the jobseeker’s abilities to the job’s require-
ments. The best résumés highlight an appli-
cant’s strengths and accomplishments.
There are four main steps to creating
a résumé: Compiling information about
Occupational Outlook Quarterly • Summer 1999 (2009 update)
yourself and the occupations that interest you,
choosing a résumé format, adding style, and
proofreading the final document. You may
also want to prepare your résumé for e-mail-
ing and an online application form.
Gathering and organizing the facts
Start working on your résumé by collecting
and reviewing information about yourself:
previous positions, job duties, volunteer
work, skills, accomplishments, education, and
activities. These are the raw materials of your
résumé. This is also a good time to review
your career goals and to think about which
past jobs you have liked, and why.
After compiling this information, research
the occupations that interest you. Determine
the duties they entail, credentials they require,
and skills they use. Your résumé will use your
autobiographical information to show that you
meet an occupation’s requirements.
You will probably need to write a differ-
ent résumé for each job that interests you.
Each résumé will emphasize what is relevant
to one position. Remember: Even if you do
not have many specialized and technical
skills, most occupations also require abilities
like reliability, teamwork, and communica-
tion. These are particularly important for
entry-level workers.
The next step is to organize the personal
information you have assembled. Most ré-
sumé writers use the following components.
Contact information.This includes your
name; permanent and college campus address-
es, if they are different; phone number; and
e-mail address, if you have one. Place your
full legal name at the top of your résumé and
your contact information underneath it. This
information should be easy to see; review-
ers who can’t find your phone number can’t
call you for an interview. Also, make sure the
outgoing message on your voicemail sounds
professional. If you list an e-mail address,
remember to check your inbox regularly.
Qualifications summary. The qualifi-
cations summary, which evolved from the
objective statement, is an overview designed
to quickly answer the employer’s question
“Why should I hire you?” It lists a few of your
best qualifications and belongs below your
contact information. A qualifications summary
is optional. It can be particularly effective for
applicants with extensive or varied experience
because it prevents the important facts from
being lost among the details.
Education.List all relevant training,
certifications, and education on your résumé.
Start with the most recent and work back-
ward. For each school you have attended,
list the school’s name and location; diploma,
certificate, or degree earned, along with year
of completion; field of study; and honors
received. If you have not yet completed one
of your degrees, use the word expected before
your graduation date. If you do not know
when you will graduate, add in progress after
the name of the unfinished degree.
The education section is especially impor-
tant for recent graduates. Include your overall
grade point average, average within major, or
class standing, if it helps your case. The gen-
eral guideline is to include averages of 3.0 and
above, but the minimum useful average is still
widely debated. Graduates should also con-
sider listing relevant courses under a separate
heading. Listing four to eight courses related
to a particular occupation shows a connection
between education and work. College gradu-
ates need not list their high school credentials.
Experience.Résumés should include
your job history: The name and location of
the organizations you have worked for, years
you worked there, title of your job, a few of
the duties you performed, and results you
achieved. Also, describe relevant volunteer
activities, internships, and school projects,
especially if you have little paid experience.
When describing your job duties, em-
phasize results instead of responsibilities and
performance rather than qualities. It is not
enough, for example, to claim you are orga-
nized; you must use your experience to prove
Job descriptions often specify the scope
of a position’s duties—such as the number
of phone lines answered, forms processed, or
people supervised. If you worked on a project
Summer 1999 (2009 update) • Occupational Outlook Quarterly
Applications: Fitting yourself to the form
Many jobs require jobseekers to complete an application instead of submitting a ré-
sumé. But an application is a résumé in disguise: Its purpose is to show your qualifi-
cations. Assembling the following information about yourself in advance will make it
easier to complete applications:
Identification.Be prepared to give your name, address, phone number, and
social security number. You may also need to bring proof of identification when you
pick up and drop off the application.
Employment history. List the month and year you started and ended each
job; your supervisor’s name, address, and phone number; your job title, location, sal-
ary, and major duties; and your reason for leaving.
Education and certification. Know the name and city of the schools you
attended and the year you received your degrees and the name, level, and award and
renewal dates of certification.
Special skills. List any special skills you have that are closely related to the
job, such as computer applications, or equipment operation.
References.Provide the names, phone numbers, and addresses of three or
four people who have agreed to recommend you.
When you pick up an application, don’t miss an opportunity to make a good first
impression. Dress as you would for the job. Politely request two copies of the form,
or make your own copies of the original before you start filling it out. Read the entire
application before you begin. Then, use one copy as a rough draft and the other as the
final product. Write neatly with black ink.
Answer every question on the application. Write “not applicable” or “none” if a
question does not apply to you. Some reviewers suggest answering “will discuss in
interview” if asked for information that might disqualify you.
Make a copy of your completed application. If you go back for an interview, take
this record with you. Having a completed form will also make it easier to fill out the
next one.
Although forms do not offer the same flexibility as a résumé, you can still find
ways to highlight your best qualifications. For example, you can use strong action
verbs to describe your duties. If you do not have paid experience, you can give job
titles to your volunteer work or list relevant academic experience, substituting student
for job titles.
Computer applications. If you are filling out an application for a computer data-
base, you will want to use keywords and simple formatting. Put the most important
information first. Include as much information as you can for each question without
becoming wordy or repetitive. The more relevant details you provide, the better your
chances of using a keyword that matches an employer’s requirements. Before submit-
ting the form, copy and paste your answers into a word-processing program so you
can check the spelling.
Occupational Outlook Quarterly • Summer 1999 (2009 update)
with other people, tell the reviewer your
accomplishments came from a team effort.
Also, mention any promotions or increases in
responsibility you received.
Use specific accomplishments to give
your experience impact. Note any improve-
ments you made, any time or money you
saved, and any problems you solved—for
example, were you praised for handling dif-
ficult customers? Were you always on time or
available for overtime? Did you start a new
program? Mention quantifiable results you
accomplished, such as a 10-percent increase
in sales, a 90-percent accuracy rate, a 25-per-
cent increase in student participation, or an A
Activities and associations.Activities can
be an excellent source of experience, especial-
ly for students in high school or college who
don’t have much work experience. Students
can list their involvement in school or extra-
curricular activities as a way of showing a
prospective employer their initiative.
Activities might include participation in
organizations, associations, student govern-
ment, clubs, or community activities, espe-
cially those related to the position you are
applying for or that demonstrate hard work
and leadership skills.
Special skills.If you have specific com-
puter, foreign language, or technical skills,
consider highlighting them by giving them
their own category—even if they don’t relate
directly to the occupation you’re pursuing. For
jobs in information technology, for example,
jobseekers may list programming and com-
puter application skills in a separate section.
But because most occupations now require
computer skills, jobseekers in other fields also
may list those skills separately.
Awards and honors. Include formal
recognition you have received. Do not omit
professional or academic awards. These are
often listed with an applicant’s experience or
education, but some list them at the end of
their résumé.
References. Usually, résumés do not in-
clude names of references, but some reviewers
suggest breaking this rule if the names are
recognizable in the occupation or industry.
Some résumé writers end with the statement
“References available upon request.” Others
assume reference availability is understood
and use that space for more important infor-
mation. Regardless of whether you mention it
on the résumé, you will need to create a sepa-
rate reference sheet to provide when requested
and to carry with you to interviews.
A reference sheet lists the name, title,
office address, and phone number of three to
five people who know your abilities. Before
offering them as references, of course, make
sure these people have agreed to recommend
you. At the top of the sheet, type your name
and contact information, repeating the format
you used in your résumé.
Other personal information. Your résumé
should include any other information that
is important to your occupation, such as a
completed portfolio or a willingness to travel.
Your résumé is your own, and you should
customize it to fit your needs. However, some
information does not belong on a résumé. Do
not disclose your health, disability, marital
status, age, or ethnicity. This information is
illegal for most employers to request.
Choosing a format
There are three main résumé formats—chron-
ological, functional, and combination. Each is
defined by the way it organizes your experi-
ence. Choose the one that shows your experi-
ence to its best advantage.
Chronological. This résumé type is the
most common. It organizes your experience
around the jobs you have held. This format
is an excellent choice for people with steady
work histories or previous jobs that relate
closely to their career objective.
To create a chronological résumé, list
each position you have held, starting with the
most recent and working backward. For each
position, give the title of your job, name of
the organization you worked for, and years
you worked there. Next, relate the duties and
accomplishments of that job. When describ-
ing jobs, use action statements, not sentences.
Instead of writing “I managed a fundraising
Summer 1999 (2009 update) • Occupational Outlook Quarterly
Sample chronological résumé
Elizabeth Smith
Current Address
Permanent Address
1016 Campus Drive, room 312 1510 Park Street
College Town, LS 41112 Hamlet, LS 41112
(453) 555-5555 (454) 555-5555
Sm[email protected] Smith@somewhere.com
Qualifications Summary
Proven communications skills and experience creating promotions for wide audiences.
University of Large State
Bachelor of Arts, English, expected 2010
Minor: Business
G.P.A.: 3.5/4.0, English Honors Society
Related Courses
Public Relations The Language of Advertising
Marketing Writing for Mass Media
Consumer Behavior Writing for Business
Program Coordinator
Campus Activities Council, Large State University
Initiated and organized the Campus Run for Charity
Promoted event with fliers, e-mail, newspaper ads, and campus radio station announcements
1,000 students participated
Campus Tour Guide
Office of Recruiting, Large State University
Led weekly tours for prospective students and parents
Answered questions and addressed concerns
Wrote information sheet explaining campus-housing policy
Selected to train new guides
Administrative Assistant
summers, 05 and 06
ABC Business, Harristown, Large State
Drafted correspondence
Prepared and edited reports
Complimented for accuracy and attention to detail
Foreign Language Skills
Fluent in Spanish
References available on request
Horizontal lines help
define different sections
Students often list
education before
Coursework relating to
the position applied for
Most recent job first
Give approximate
dates of employment
Show results
Separate section
for special skills
Statement sometimes omitted
Occupational Outlook Quarterly • Summer 1999 (2009 update)
campaign,” write, “Managed a fundraising
campaign.” Use strong verbs to begin each
Be specific, but not overly detailed, in
describing what you did. Employers say three
to five statements are usually sufficient for
each job. And no job should have more than
four consecutive lines of information under it;
large blocks of text are difficult to read. If you
must use more space, find some way to divide
the information into categories.
Your most important positions should
occupy the most space on your résumé. If
you’ve had jobs that do not relate to the posi-
tion you want, consider dividing your experi-
ence into two categories: Relevant experience
and other experience. Describe the relevant
jobs thoroughly, and briefly mention the oth-
ers. If you have had many jobs, you probably
do not need to mention the oldest or least
important ones. Just be careful not to create
damaging gaps in your work history. For a
sample chronological résumé, see page 7.
Because the chronological format em-
phasizes dates and job titles, it is often a
poor format for career changers, people with
inconsistent work histories, or new entrants
to the work force. For these applicants, the
functional résumé is a better choice.
Functional. The functional résumé or-
ganizes your experience around skills rather
than job titles. This format is ideal for stu-
dents who have some work history, but not in
positions that relate directly to the job they
want. Organizing experiences around skills
can connect less relevant jobs to career quali-
fications; a job waiting tables, for example,
can be combined with other responsibilities
to show organizational and customer service
To create a functional résumé, identify
three or four skills required for your target
job. For each skill, identify three to five
concrete examples to demonstrate that abil-
ity. Again, use action phrases—not complete
sentences—when writing your list.
Arrange your skill headings in order of
importance. If you have a specific vacancy
announcement, match the arrangement of
your headings to that of its listed require-
ments. The closer the match between your
skill headings and the reviewer’s expectations,
the more qualified you seem.
The last part of the functional résumé is a
brief work history. Write only job titles, com-
pany names, and employment years. If you
have gaps in your work history, you could use
the cover letter to explain them, or you could
fill them by adding volunteer work, commu-
nity activities, or family responsibilities to
your job list. For a sample functional résumé,
see the facing page.
Combination. This format combines
the best of the chronological format with
the best of the functional format. Combina-
tion résumés are as varied as the histories
they summarize. One variation begins with a
chronological format but then subdivides each
job description into skill categories. Another
variation uses a functional format but, for
each example of a skill, identifies the organi-
zation where the example occurred.
Adding style
You will create a good impression if your
résumé is attractive and easy to read. An invit-
ing style draws attention to your qualifica-
tions. If you take pity on the reviewer’s eyes,
chances are better that he or she will spend
more time reviewing your résumé—and will
remember it better.
To make your résumé easier to read and
copy, print it on high-quality white or lightly
colored paper. Loud, garish colors may attract
attention, but they risk creating an unprofes-
sional impression. Also, use a laser printer
and keep the font size at 10 point or above.
The reviewer shouldn’t have to struggle to
read your words.
Design. Good résumé writers use design
elements strategically. Boldface, large type,
capital letters, centering, or horizontal lines
make headings stand out on the page. Bullets
or italics can draw attention to key accom-
plishments. One-inch margins around the
page and blank lines between sections will
make all the information easier to see.
Summer 1999 (2009 update) • Occupational Outlook Quarterly
Sample functional résumé
Sarah Jones
1310 Rock Ledge Street
Hamlet, Large State 41112
(455) 555-5555
Strong customer service, administrative, and communication skills to improve workplace efficiency.
Large State Community College
A.A. in Liberal Arts, expected May 2010
G.P.A.: 3.6/4.0
Hamlet High School
Diploma, May 2007
G.P.A.: 3.3/4.0
Customer Service
Selected for the express lane while working as a cashier
Directed customers to product locations
Served restaurant patrons and responded quickly to requests
Handled food substitutions and special requests efficiently
Recorded meeting notes and maintained membership roster for College Outdoors Club
Calculated restaurant customers’ bills accurately
Explained menu items to customers
Relayed special requests to chef
Received A’s in speech and composition classes
Computer Applications
Excel, Word, Windows XP
Table Server, Good Food Restaurant, Hamlet, Large State, 2008
Cashier, Blue Skies Chain Store, Hamlet, Large State, 2006-2007
References available upon request
Leave adequate
margins on all sides
Bold capital letters
emphasize major headings
for the
Brief work history
goes at the end
Include specific
Begin statements
with action verbs
Occupational Outlook Quarterly • Summer 1999 (2009 update)
Any graphics you use should be consis-
tent with your occupation’s standards. Graph-
ics appropriate for one occupation might be
inappropriate for another. As a general rule,
small design elements—such as a border
or a name and address printed in letterhead
style—are fine. But large, bold graphics are
risky for an accountant who isn’t applying for
a position as a graphic artist
To give your résumé a consistent flow,
maintain the same style from beginning to
end. Every section should have the same de-
sign elements. For example, if your education
heading is bold and centered, every heading
should be bold and centered. In the same way,
chose one typeface, such as Arial or Times
New Roman, and use it throughout.
When you have finished, hold your résu-
mé at arm’s length and examine it. Make sure
the type is easy to read and that the material
lays out evenly on the page. You may need to
experiment with different styles before decid-
ing which you like best.
Length. A long résumé is difficult for a
reviewer to digest and retain; and, given the
volume of résumés many reviewers receive,
long résumés are often ignored. Although
rules about length are more flexible than they
once were, general guidelines still exist. Most
students and recent graduates use a one-page
résumé, other workers use one or two pages,
and the very experienced use two or three
pages. If your résumé doesn’t match this pat-
tern, it probably contains unnecessary words
or irrelevant information. Eliminate anything
that does not help prove you’re qualified for
the job.
Take time to prepare the best résumé you can.
You might not be the most qualified candidate
for every job, but your résumé might be bet-
ter than the competition. The most common
mistakes are simple typographical and spell-
ing errors. Computer spelling checkers do not
catch correctly spelled words used incorrect-
ly—“of” for “on,” for example, or “their” for
“there.” You want your résumé to stand out,
but not for the wrong reasons. Avoid mistakes
by having several people proofread for you.
Before you send out a résumé, review the
vacancy announcement and fine-tune your
résumé to meet employers’ criteria. Sprinkle
your résumé with language found in the posi-
tion description, paying special attention to
your qualifications summary if you have one.
Cover letters:
Introducing yourself
Every résumé you send, fax, or e-mail needs
its own cover letter. Sending a résumé with-
out a cover letter is like starting an interview
without shaking hands. The best cover letters
spark the employer’s interest and create an
impression of competence.
Cover letters are an opportunity to convey
your focus and energy. Especially for students
who may not have a lot of experience, the
cover letter is a way to show enthusiasm. And
following up with a phone call shows the em-
ployer drive and interest. Although you should
feel free to consult references and models, use
your own words when writing a cover letter;
don’t mimic another person’s writing style.
Parts of the cover letter
Cover letters should be written in standard
business format with your and the reviewer’s
addresses at the top and your signature above
your typed name at the bottom. (E-mailed
cover letters do not include mailing address-
es.) All letters should be single spaced, flush
left, with each paragraph followed by a blank
line. Use professional, polite words. Reveal-
ing your personality is fine, as long as your
style conforms to business protocol. For a
sample cover letter, see page the facing page.
Most cover letters are two or three para-
graphs long. Every cover letter should fit on
one page and contain the following four parts:
Salutation, opening, body, and conclusion.
Salutation. Whenever possible, send your
letter to a specific person rather than to an
office. Consider how differently you respond
to a letter addressed to you, as opposed to one
Summer 1999 (2009 update) • Occupational Outlook Quarterly
Sample cover letter
John Ryan
15 Spring Road
Hamlet, LS 41112
(545) 555-5555
January 5, 2009
Mr. Brian Carson
Hiring Manager
Rest Easy Hotel
Hamlet, LS 41112
Dear Mr. Carson:
The management trainee position you advertised in today’s Hamlet Gazette greatly interests me. The
Rest Easy Hotels have always served as landmarks for me when I travel, and I would like to contribute
to their continued growth. I have enclosed my résumé for your review.
In May, I will be graduating from Large State University with a degree in business. While in school,
I developed strong organizational and customer service skills. As a dormitory assistant, I organized
events, led meetings, and assisted students. As treasurer of the Business Society, I maintained the
budget and presented budget reports. My summer jobs also required extensive interaction with the
public. I believe these experiences have prepared me for your management trainee position.
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications more fully in an interview. I can be
reached at (545) 555-5555. Thank you for your consideration.
John Ryan
John Ryan
Addresses are omitted for
e-mailed cover letters
Letter is addressed to a specific
individual, if possible
Place your phone
number near the end
Sign each letter
Request an interview
State position
applied for
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