- Revoking a Power of Attorney for Finances Form - Wisconsin
- Power of Attorney and Revocation of Power of Attorney Form
- Simple Revocation of Power of Attorney Form
- Revocation of Power of Attorney for Care of a Minor Child - Tennessee
- Revocation of Power of Attorney - Canada Student Aid Alberta
- Revocation of Power of Attorney - Minnesota
Fillable Printable Revocation of Enduring Power of Attorney - Queensland
Fillable Printable Revocation of Enduring Power of Attorney - Queensland
Revocation of Enduring Power of Attorney - Queensland
Use this form if you wish to revoke (cancel) the
appointment of a person or persons as your attorney/s
(enduring power).
Form 6
Powers of Attorney Act 1998
(Section 49)
ver: 1–14/5/98
Notice to user
As principal (the person revoking the appointment), you
complete Part 1 and Part 2 of this form.
You will need a witness to sign at the end of Part 2 and to
complete Part 3.
Note: You must take reasonable steps to inform every attorney
affected by this revocation that you are bringing his/her
appointment to an end. If you fail to do this, your attorney can
legally continue to make decisions on your behalf.
If the power of attorney is registered under the Land Titles Act
1994, you must also deregister it.
PART 1: Statement revoking the appointment of an attorney
or attorneys
1. I, ______________________________________________________________________________ ,
[Print your full name here]
of _____________________________________________________________________________ ,
[Print your address here]
revoke the enduring power of attorney dated ______________________________________ ,
[Write here the date when the enduring power of attorney was signed]
which appointed ________________________________________________________________
[Print here the name/s of your attorney/s]
as my attorney/s.
PART 2: Statement of understanding
Before signing this statement, read it carefully and tick the appropriate boxes.
2. I fully understand that I am revoking a document where I gave power to my attorney/s
to make decisions on my behalf about:
personal matters (including health matters)
financial matters.
I understand that I was able to specify or limit the power of my attorney/s, and that I
was also able to give instructions about how the power was to be exercised.
I understand that the enduring power of attorney gave my attorney the power to do,
for me, anything that I could lawfully do myself in relation to these matters (except for
special personal/health matters), subject to any limitation that I set.
I understand that, under the Act, my attorney/s could not begin to make decisions on
my behalf until:
■ (if ever) I became incapable of understanding the nature and foreseeing the
effects of such decisions, or of communicating those decisions;
■ (if any) the time or occasion specified in the form appointing an attorney/s for
financial matters.
I understand that I may change or revoke an enduring power of attorney at any time
so long as my power to make such a decision is not impaired—that is, so long as I am
capable of making another enduring power of attorney. (Note: You can revoke an
enduring power of attorney without necessarily making another one.)
[Sign your name here]
[Your witness signs here]
[Write the date here]
I, _________________________________________________ , state that:
[Person signing for the principal prints his/her full name here]
(a) I am at least eighteen years old
(b) I am not a witness for this directive or an attorney for the
[Person signing for the principal signs here]
In order to revoke an enduring power of attorney, the principal must have the same capacity as
that needed to make an enduring power of attorney. It is your responsibility to check that the
principal has this capacity.
It is strongly recommended that you make a record of the proceedings and of the questions you
asked to determine that the principal had the capacity to revoke the enduring power of attorney.
3. I, ______________________________________________________________________________ ,
[Print your full name here]
state that—
(a) I am a:
justice of the peace
commissioner for declarations
notary public,
(b) I am not:
■ the person signing for the principal
■ or an attorney of the principal
■ or a relation of the principal or of the principal’s attorney/s,
(c) (tick one box only)
I am not a current paid carer or health-care provider for the principal
I am a current paid carer or health-care provider for the principal, but the
enduring power of attorney being revoked appointed an attorney/s for financial
matters only
(note: ‘paid carer’ does not mean someone receiving a carer’s pension or similar
(d) (tick one box only)
the principal signed this revocation of an enduring power of attorney in my
in my presence, the principal instructed a person to sign this revocation of an
enduring power of attorney for the principal on his/her behalf, and that person
signed it in my presence and in the presence of the principal,
(e) at the time that this revocation of an enduring power of attorney was signed, the
principal appeared to have the capacity to make an enduring power of attorney
giving the same power as the document being revoked—that is, to understand the
matters set out in Part 2.
[Witness signs here]
[Witness writes the date here]
June 2000