- Revocation of Power of Attorney for Care of a Minor Child - Tennessee
- Revocation of Power of Attorney - Minnesota
- Revocation of Power of Attorney - Canada Student Aid Alberta
- Simple Revocation of Power of Attorney Form
- Revoking a Power of Attorney for Finances Form - Wisconsin
- Power of Attorney and Revocation of Power of Attorney Form
Fillable Printable Simple Revocation of Power of Attorney Form
Fillable Printable Simple Revocation of Power of Attorney Form
Simple Revocation of Power of Attorney Form
Land Titles Act
Sections 115
I (We),
hereby revoke the power of attorney given by me to
, and recorded in the Land Titles Office as instrument number
In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this
SIGNED by the above named
in the presence of
(Witn ess Sign Here)
Affidavit of Attestation of an Instrument
Form 31
Land Titles Act
Sections 155 and 156
in the
make oath and say:
1. I was personally present and did see
who is (are) known to me to be the person(s) named in the within instrument, duly sign the instrument;
I was personally present and did see
who, on the basis of the identification provided to me, I believe to be the person(s) named in the within instrument, duly
sign the instrument;
The instru ment was signed at
, in the
and I am subscribing witness thereto;
I believe the person(s) whose signature I witnessed is (are) at least eighteen (18) y ears of age.
SWORN before me at
in the
day of
(A Com mi ssion er, E tc. (or as the case may be))
(Witn ess Sign Here)
(Print or Stamp Name of Commissi o ner )
(Expiry Date of Co mm i ssion or Office)