Fillable Printable Sample Bill of Sale for Vehicle
Fillable Printable Sample Bill of Sale for Vehicle

Sample Bill of Sale for Vehicle

Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale
Seller: Purchaser:
__________________________________ __________________________________
Name(s) Name(s)
__________________________________ __________________________________
Address Address
__________________________________ __________________________________
City/State/Zip Code City/State/Zip Code
__________________________________ __________________________________
Telephone Telephone
In consideration of $_______________ the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; the
Seller(s) hereby transfers and conveys all rights in the following property to the Purchaser(s):
____________________ _________________________ _________________________
Year Make Model
Identification Number
The Seller(s) hereby swears or affirms the above mentioned vehicle is not subject to any security
interest or lien that are the responsibility of the Seller(s). This Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale has been
executed on this ________ day of ___________, 2010 and both parties swear or affirm that the
information entered on this form is correct. It is understood that making a false statement on this form
may constitute a crime of perjury.
________________________________ ________________________________
Seller Signature Purchaser Signature
________________________________ ________________________________
Seller Printed Name Purchaser Printed Name
________________________________ ________________________________
Seller Signature Purchaser Signature
________________________________ ________________________________
Seller Printed Name Purchaser Printed Name