Fillable Printable Sample Chart for ICS Organization
Fillable Printable Sample Chart for ICS Organization

Sample Chart for ICS Organization

Command Staff: The C ommand Staff c onsi s ts of the Public Information Officer , Safety Officer ,
an d Liais on Of ficer . T hey report directly to the Inc ident Comma nder.
Section: The organiz ation level having functional r es pons ibility for pr imary seg m ents of incident
management (Operations, Planning, Logistics , F inance/Administr ation). The Section level is
organizationally between Br anch and Incident Commander.
Br anch : That organiz ational level havi ng functional, ge ograp hical , or jurisdictional responsibility
for m ajor parts of th e inci dent oper at io ns. The Br anch l evel is organizat io nally between S ection
an d Divi s ion/G rou p in the Op er ations S ec tion, and between Sect ion and Units in the Logistics
Section. Branch es are i dentifi ed by t he use of Roman Numer als, by func tion, or by jur isdi c tional
Division: That org aniz ational level havi ng r es ponsi bility for oper ations wi thin a def ined
ge ogra phic a r ea. The Di vis ion le vel is organizationally between the Strike Team and the Br anch.
Group: Group s are established to divide the inci dent into f unctional areas of operation. Groups
are located between Branch es ( whe n activated) and Resources in the Operat ions S ection.
Unit: That orga nization elem ent havi ng functional res pons ibility for a s pecific i ncide nt plannin g,
l ogistics, or f inance/a dm inistr at ion ac t ivity.
Task Force: A gr oup of res ources wi t h c om m on co m muni cations and a le ader that may b e pre-
est ablishe d and s ent to an inc ident, or f ormed at an incident.
Strike Team: Specified c ombinat ions of th e sa m e k ind and type of res ources, wit h c om mon
commu nications and a leader.
Single Resou rce: An i ndivi dual piece of equipment and it s personnel compl eme nt, or an
est ablishe d c rew or team of indivi duals with an identi fied work super vi sor that c an be us ed on an
ICS Organization