Fillable Printable Sample Cheerleading Tryout Score Sheet
Fillable Printable Sample Cheerleading Tryout Score Sheet

Sample Cheerleading Tryout Score Sheet

Clemson University Cheerleading Tryout Score Sheet Judge: ____
Contestant: _____
Spirit Section
*Worth 60 Points*
(Spirit, Double Jump, Tumbling) 5 Points ___
Sharpness 5 Points ___
Motions/Energy Performance
10 Points ___
Tiger Rag:
Motion Placement 10 Points ___
Sharpness 10 Points ___
Energy Performance
10 Points ___
Game Day Readiness 10 Points ___
Skills Section
*Worth 40 Points*
Standing Tumbling
10 Points___
(Scor e Range: BHS: 1-2, Standing Tuck 4-5, BHS Tuck 5-6, Triple Toe Back & BHS Full 7-9, Standing Full 9-10)
Running Tumbling
10 Points___
(Score Range: ROBH(s) 1-2, RO Tuck 3-4, ROBH T uck 4-6, ROBH Layout 5-7, ROBH full twist 7-9, full thru to full 9-10.
Stunting Element #1
: *Body positions & dismount* 10 Points___
(Coed MALE Score Range: Hands 2-3, Extension 3-4, Liberty 5-6, Aero 7-8, Scale 8-9, Heel Stretch 8- 9, Scorpion 9-10, Bow-n-Ar row 9-10)
(Stunt Group Score Range: Straight Up One Body Position 1-3, Stunt Sequence two Body positions 3-5, Stunt Sequence Two Body
Positions full Down 4-6, Stunt Sequence Two Body Positions double Down 5-7, Stunt Sequence three body positions 5-7, Stunt
Sequence three body positions full down 7-9, Stunt Sequence three body positions double down 8-10.)
*Anyone who is NOT solid, clean & crisp will be deducted 3 points from stunting score.
Stunting Element #2
: *Transitio ns & body positions* 10 Points___
(Stunt Group Score Range: Full up to Prep 2-4, Express up Tic-Toc Lib: 4-6, Full up to Cupie 5 -7
Express up Tic- Toc Scorpion 6-8, Full up TWO Body Positions 7-8, Express up Tic- Toc TWO Body Positions 7-9, Express up Tic- Toc
or Full up THREE body positions 8-10. ) (Matrix or Power Press Transition up to 8 points)
*Anyone who is NOT solid, clean & crisp will be deducted 3 points from stunting score.
Total Points____