Fillable Printable Sample Cover Letter - Education
Fillable Printable Sample Cover Letter - Education

Sample Cover Letter - Education

Sample Cover Letter – Education
Edwina Educator
14 Happy Students Road
Churchill VIC 3842
Mobile: 0440 736 042
18 May 2015
Mr Brown
The Principal
Princeton Primary School
55 Princes Highway
Happy Town VIC 3002
Dear Mr Brown,
RE: Graduate Teacher 2016 position No 3674523
I wish to apply for the position of Graduate Teacher at Princeton Primary School, as advertised on Recruitment
Online. I have recently graduated from Monash University, Gippsland with a Bachelor of Education. My studies
have provided me with the theoretical grounding and my teaching rounds with the practical experience to
continue growing as the excellent teacher that I strive to be.
I was inspired to apply for the position at Princeton Primary School due to your philosophy that “not all children
are ready to learn the same thing at the same time in the same way”. I found this particularly true during my
school placements where I embraced opportunities to scaffold students’ learning in order to facilitate individually
appropriate stages of learning within a safe and constructive environment.
I am impressed with the range of activities undertaken at the school, such as the Science in Schools and
Reading Recovery programs, and how these are tailored to meet the needs of the students. I am passionate
about being involved in an active school community that is characterised by a willingness to engage new
programs that provide opportunities for students that extend the standard curriculum. The culture of ongoing
self-reflection and improvement that is indicated to me by your School Charter and Code of Practice documents
is very encouraging to me as I am keen to develop my skills as an educator. I am a passionate and enthusiastic
individual who enjoys working with positive people who share my enthusiasm for teaching and learning.
I have a varied repertoire of employment experience and believe that my professional knowledge and skills
together with my personal qualities make me an ideal candidate for this job. My communication skills and
professional approach to teaching have added to the successes I have enjoyed so far in my teaching
experiences which is reflected in the reports of my teaching supervisors (available upon request).
Enclosed are my curriculum vitae and response to the Key Selection Criteria, which together illustrate my
experience and particular skills. I look forward to the opportunity to share with you examples of my experience
and developing teaching practice through my professional portfolio. The link to my iwebfolio is: Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you in
the near future.
Yours sincerely,
Edwina Educator
DO NOT COPY: You are advised not to copy this sample, but to
use it to generate ideas to create your own document.

Graduate Teacher
Princeton Primary School
Princeton Primary School is situated in the southern suburbs of Melbourne, approximately 25 kilometres from Melbourne.
Enrolments of the school have increased substantially over the last number of years due to the school being situated in
the growth area, current enrolment is 520.
Princeton Primary aims to provide a safe and secure environment for all students. Central to the schools teaching
philosophy is the core belief that “not all children learn the same thing at the same time in the same way”. The
curriculum is designed to provide for personal achievement and success through valuing individual differences and
addressing individual children’s needs.
Our goal is to develop in students, qualities and life skills such as responsibility, citizenship, leadership, communication,
independence, inquiring minds, problem solving and creativity. To this effect, t
he school offers a broad range of
activities as part of the curriculum, including Science in Schools, Reading and Recovery – these programs are
tailored as much as possible to individual student needs. The school prides itself on developing innovative and
engaging programs that extend beyond the curriculum.
Teaching staff are encouraged to undertake professional development opportunities and an established mentoring
program provides graduate teachers with essential feedback, encouragement and support.
The staffing profile of the
school is balanced with experience from graduate teachers to those who are preparing for retirement. This ensures a
breadth of enthusiasm, experience and innovation.
The Curriculum offers learning and teaching opportunities using the Victorian Essential Learnings. Our emphasis is on
Literacy and Numeracy, as well as the offering of a wide range of extension and support. Integrated Curriculum is planned
using the Inquiry Model for planning. Specialist teachers provide Library, Physical Education, Information Technology,
Visual Arts, LOTE (Indonesian) and Science. Our school consistently performs above SFO & State benchmarks.
Our Welfare and Discipline policy encourages students to be seen as individuals as well as vital members of a school
community. The school supports this principle through offering opportunities for students to participate in the Junior School
Leadership Team and House System.
During the past four years we have improved the school through the following projects;
- The building of a Middle Years Building
- Refurbishment of the junior playground areas
- Extensive beautification of the main school entrance on Smith street
Selection Criteria
SC1 Demonstrated knowledge of initiatives in student learning including the Standards, the Principles of Learning and
Teaching P-12 and Assessment and Reporting Advice and the ability to design curriculum programs consistent with their
SC2 Demonstrate an understanding of how students learn and effective
SC3 Capacity to monitor and assess student learning data and to use this data to inform teaching for improved student
SC4 Demonstrated high level written and verbal communication skills and high level interpersonal skills including a
capacity to develop constructive relationships with students, parents and other staff.
SC5 Demonstrated commitment and capacity to actively contribute to a broad range of school activities and a capacity to
reflect on, evaluate and improve professional knowledge and practice.

The primary focus of the graduate teacher is on further developing skills and competencies to become
an effective classroom practitioner with structured support and guidance from teachers at higher levels.
Graduate teachers are new entrants to the teaching profession who in their initial teaching years
receive structured support and guidance from teachers at higher level. Under guidance, graduate
teachers will plan and teach student groups in one or more subjects. Graduate teachers are expected to
participate in induction programs and general staff development activities, and in activities designed to
ensure the integration of the curriculum across the school.
Teachers at this level are responsible for teaching their own classes and may also assist and participate
in policy development, project teams and the organisation of extra-curricular activities.
Core responsibilities include:
- planning and implementing a range of teaching programs or courses of study
- teaching an area of the curriculum or a general curriculum to a year level
- monitoring, evaluating and reporting student progress in key learning areas
- implementing strategies to achieve targets related to student learning outcomes
- maintaining records of class attendance and recording student progress
- implementing effective student management consistent with the school charter.
- working with a mentor to participate in professional development planning, implementation and
reflection developing a professional portfolio
Additional responsibilities may include but are not limited to:
- supervising a range of student activities including support and welfare programs
- contributing to a range of co-curricular programs
Who May Apply
For the purpose of the Teacher Graduate Recruitment Program, graduate applicant eligibility is defined
as a four-year trained qualified teacher who has completed all course requirements and graduated
within the last four years; and not employed as a teacher by the Department at the time of the
commencement of the advertised vacancy. Applicants must also be currently registered or eligible for
registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.
EEO & OHS Commitment
The Department values diversity and is committed to workforce diversity and equal opportunity in
schools and all education workplaces. The Department recognises that the provision of family friendly,
supportive, safe and harassment free workplaces is essential to high performance and promotes flexible
work, diversity and safety across all schools and Department workplaces.
Other Information
- All staff employed by the Department and schools have access to a broad range of employment
conditions and working arrangements.
- Appointment of successful applicants will be made subject to a satisfactory pre-employment conditions
- A probationary period may apply during the first year of employment and induction and support
programs provided.
- Detailed information on all terms and conditions of employment is available online at the Department's
Human Resources website at
In support of your application you must address each of the key selection criteria in a separate document. Please
provide details of your iwebfolio and include a copy of your resume. Applications close 25 May 2015.