Fillable Printable Sample CRA Change of Address Form
Fillable Printable Sample CRA Change of Address Form

Sample CRA Change of Address Form

Protected B when completed
Address change request
Do not use this area
Use this form to change your address and telephone number(s).
You can also update your address and telephone number(s) over the Internet using the
Change my address online service of My Account at
First name and initial Last name
Social insurance number
Current mailing address we have on file
Apt no – Street no Street name PO box RR
City Province/Territory Postal code
Country, state, zip code (if outside Canada)
New mailing address
Apt no – Street no Street name PO box RR
City Province/Territory Postal code
Country, state, zip code (if outside Canada)
Effective date
Year Month Day
Telephone numbers
Home Work Other
Information about you
Current home address we have on file (if different from above)
Apt no – Street no Street name
PO box RR
City Province/Territory Postal code
Country, state, zip code (if outside Canada)
New home address (if different from above)
Apt no – Street no Street name
PO box RR
City Province/Territory Postal code
Country, state, zip code (if outside Canada)
Date of move
Year Month Day
Complete the following section if your home address is different from your mailing address
I certify that the information given on this form is correct.
Sign here
Year Month Day
Privacy Act, Personal Information Bank numbers CRA PPU 005 and CRA PPU 063
RC325 E (13)
(Vous pouvez obtenir ce formulaire en français à ou en composant le 1-800-959-7775.)

Purpose of this form
Complete this form to notify us of a change in your mailing address or your home address or of a change in your telephone number(s).
You cannot use this form:
to notify us of a change of name
to notify us of a change in your date of birth
if you have not filed an income tax and benefit return with the Canada Revenue Agency
Why is it important?
When you tell us your new address in advance:
you can avoid a disruption in receiving your benefit payments, such as GST/HST credit payments (including certain related
provincial payments), universal child care benefit payments, and Canada child tax benefit payments (including certain related
provincial or territorial payments), as well as working income tax benefit advance payments.
More information
If you do not have a social insurance number but you already got an individual tax number or a temporary taxation number,
continue to use the tax number you have been issued.
Indicate your home or mailing address if it is different from what it was when you last dealt with us.
Send your completed form to your local office listed below:
Jonquière Tax Centre
PO Box 1900 Stn LCD
Jonquière QC G7S 5J1
Shawinigan-Sud Tax Centre
PO Box 3000 Stn Main
Shawinigan-Sud QC G9N 7S6
St.John's Tax Centre
PO Box 12071 Stn A
St. John's NL A1B 3Z1
Sudbury Tax Centre
PO Box 20000 Stn A
Sudbury ON P3A 5C1
Summerside Tax Centre
102 – 275 Pope Road
Summerside PE C1N 5Z7
Surrey Tax Centre
9755 King George Boulevard
Surrey BC V3T 5E1
Winnipeg Tax Centre
PO Box 14005 Stn Main
Winnipeg MB R3C 0E3
International Tax Services Office
Post Office Box 9769 Stn T
Ottawa ON K1G 3Y4