Fillable Printable Sample Executive Approval Memo
Fillable Printable Sample Executive Approval Memo

Sample Executive Approval Memo
Appendix 14
Sample Executive Approval Memo
TO: [Name of Executive]
THROUGH: [Name of Division Director]
FROM: [Name of Project Manager]
SUBJECT: Request for Executive Approval To Renew Contract with (name of Contractor)
Background and Specific Request paragraphs;
Include background about purpose and nature of contract, services performed to date, highlights, note any concerns,
name of contractor, date contract expires unless renewed (such as 8/31/04), period of renewal requested (such as 9/1/04 through
8/31/05), amount of $ for period through expiration date (8/31/04, for example) and amount of $ for the renewal period (such as
9/1/04 through 8/31/05). Make reference to the completed and approved purchase requisition if one is required.
State that the renewal period was provided for in the corresponding RFP and therefore renewal is an option without having to re-
solicit competitive proposals for this renewal period.
State the next estimated date that executive approval will be requested to issue a new solicitation for the contracted services
(when either it is preferred that the services be opened to competition or when the RFP renewal options run out).
State how the renewal is in compliance with the Contracts Management Guide.
Include mandatory paragraph about contract monitoring, such as:
[Name of using division] has monitored the contractor’s performance against the contract and has attached the updated contract
monitoring schedule for your review.
The [name of using division] believes that the contractor is in substantial compliance with all requirements of the contract and
therefore recommends renewal.
[Name of Executive]
Approved:_______________________ Disapproved:_______________________________
Let’s Discuss:______________________________