
Fillable Printable Sample Healthcare Proxy Form - Massachusetts

Fillable Printable Sample Healthcare Proxy Form - Massachusetts

Sample Healthcare Proxy Form - Massachusetts

Sample Healthcare Proxy Form - Massachusetts

Below is an example of language used for a Massachusetts healthcare proxy
form. It is strongly recommended that individuals adapt the language to
meet their own needs and check the specific laws of their state of residence
(a helpful Web site is http://www.finance.cch.com/tools/poaforms_m.asp).
I, (client name), residing at (address), ________County, Massachusetts,
being a competent adult of at least 18 years of age, of sound mind, and
under no constraint or undue influence, hereby appoint the following
person to be my HEALTHCARE AGENT under the terms of this document:
In so doing, I create a Healthcare Proxy according to Chapter 201D of
the General Laws of Massachusetts. I hereby give my Healthcare Agent the
authority to make any and all healthcare decisions on my behalf, subject to
any limitations that I state in this document, in the event that, in the future,
I should become incapable of making healthcare decisions for myself.
If my original Healthcare Agent is unable or unwilling to serve, I hereby
appoint the following person as my Healthcare Agent:
Sample Healthcare Proxy Form
Appendix G
1. I give my Healthcare Agent full authority to make any and all health-
care decisions for me, including decisions about life-sustaining treatment,
subject only to any limitations that I state below.
2. My Healthcare Agent shall have authority to act on my behalf only if,
when and for so long as a determination has been made that I lack the
capacity to make or to communicate healthcare decisions for myself. This
determination shall be made in writing by my attending physician accord-
ing to accepted standards of medical judgment and the requirements of
Chapter 201D of the General Laws of Massachusetts.
3. The authority of my Healthcare Agent shall cease if my attending
physician determines that I have regained capacity. The authority shall
recommence if I subsequently lose capacity and consent for treatment is
4. I shall be notified of any determination that I lack capacity to make
or communicate healthcare decisions where there is any indication that I
am able to comprehend this notice.
5. My Healthcare Agent shall make healthcare decisions for me only
after consultation with my healthcare providers and after consideration of
acceptable medical alternatives regarding diagnosis, prognosis, treatments,
and their side effects.
6. My Healthcare Agent shall make healthcare decisions for me in accor-
dance with his/her assessment of my wishes, my moral or religious beliefs,
or, if such factors are unknown, then in accordance with my Healthcare
Agent’s assessment of my best interests.
7. My Healthcare Agent shall have the right to receive any and all med-
ical information necessary to make informed decisions regarding my
healthcare, including any and all confidential medical information that I
would be entitled to receive.
8. If I object to a healthcare decision made by my Healthcare Agent, my
decision shall prevail unless it is determined by court order that I lack
capacity to make healthcare decisions.
9. The decisions made by my Healthcare Agent on my behalf shall have
the same priority as my decisions would have if I were competent over
decisions by any other person, except for any limitation I state below or a
specific court order overriding this proxy.
10. Nothing in this proxy shall preclude any medical procedure deemed
necessary by my attending physician to provide comfort care or pain alle-
viation including but not limited to treatment with sedatives and pain-
killing drugs, non-artificial oral feeding, suction, and hygienic care.
If it is deemed necessary to seek the appointment by a probate court of a
guardian of my person, I hereby nominate the persons named herein as my
512 The Fenway Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health
appointed Healthcare Agent and alternate Healthcare Agent for appoint-
ment by such court to serve as such fiduciary.
I hereby grant my Healthcare Agent release authority that applies to any
information governed by the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 42 U.S.C. 1320d, as now in effect, and
as such law may from time to time hereafter be amended. I intend that my
Healthcare Agent be treated as I would be, with respect to my rights regard-
ing the use and disclosure of my individually identifiable health informa-
tion and/or other medical records.
I hereby authorize any physician, healthcare professional, dentist,
health plan, hospital, clinic, laboratory, pharmacy, or other covered health-
care provider, any insurance company or healthcare clearinghouse that has
provided treatment or services to me, that has paid for or that is seeking
payment from me for such services, to give, disclose and release to my
Healthcare Agent, without restriction, all of my individually identifiable
health information and medical records regarding any past, present or
future medical or mental health condition.
The authority given to my Healthcare Agent under this Section D
supercedes any prior agreement that I may have made with my healthcare
providers with respect to disclosure of my individually identifiable health
As long as this Healthcare Proxy remains in full force and effect, the
HIPAA release authority given under this Section D has no expiration date
and shall expire only in the event that I revoke the authority in writing and
deliver it to my healthcare provider.
This Healthcare Proxy shall be revoked upon any one of the following
a. my execution of a subsequent Healthcare Proxy
b. my divorce or legal separation from my spouse where my spouse is
named as my Healthcare Agent
c. my notification to my Healthcare Agent or a healthcare provider orally
or in writing or by any other act evidencing a specific intent to revoke
the Healthcare Proxy
I hereby sign my name on this _______ day of _____________________,
_____, to this Healthcare Proxy in the presence of two witnesses.
______________________________ Client Name
Appendix G: Sample Healthcare Proxy Form 513
If the principal is physically incapable of signing:
I hereby sign the name of the principal at the principal’s
direction and in the presence of the principal and two witnesses.
Name of Principal: _______________________________________
Name of Signatory: _______________________________________
Date: _______________________________________
Address of Signatory: _______________________________________
We, the undersigned, have witnessed the signing of this document by the
principal or at the direction of the principal and state that to the best of our
knowledge, the principal is at least 18 years of age, of sound mind, and
under no constraint or undue influence. We, the witnesses, have not been
named as Healthcare Agents.
1. ______________________________ ___________
Witness (Sign) Date
Print Name
2. ______________________________ ___________
Witness (Sign) Date
Print Name
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
County of _________________
On this ___________ day of _____________, _____, before me, the under-
signed, a notary public of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, personally
appeared (client name), proved to me through satisfactory evidence of
identification, which was __________________________, personally known
to me or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person
whose name is subscribed to this instrument, a Healthcare Proxy, and
acknowledged that he executed it voluntarily and for its stated purpose.
514 The Fenway Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health
Appendix G: Sample Healthcare Proxy Form 515
I declare under the penalty of perjury that the persons whose names are
subscribed to this instrument appear to be of sound mind and under no
duress, fraud, or undue influence.
My Commission Expires: _____________
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