Fillable Printable Sample Letter of Peprimand
Fillable Printable Sample Letter of Peprimand

Sample Letter of Peprimand
SAMPLE LETTER OF REPRIMAND (Print on department letterhead.)
Used for Hourly and Probationary Employees
TO: Employee’s Name
FROM: Supervisor’s Name (signed or initialed here)
DATE: Date of Issuance
SUBJECT: Letter of Reprimand
At our meeting today, we discussed the following [performance or conduct]: (for example:
“unsatisfactory work performance” or “excessive tardiness” or “failure to follow established
policy regarding unscheduled absences” etc.)
1. Describe the specific incident including the date, time if relevant, and description of the
event. Follow the description with a citation from the Standards of Conduct (if Probationary),
Wage Employee Guidebook (if hourly), departmental policy, Code of Ethics or job description
regarding that behavior or performance standard.
This [performance/conduct] is [unsatisfactory/unacceptable] and requires correction in order to
support the efficient operation of our department. Continued unsatisfactory performance could
result in further disciplinary action and may lead to termination of employment.
Immediate, consistent and sustained improvement is required. Suggested below are steps you
may take to improve your performance:
1. Improvement steps may be as simple as: “Report to work as scheduled” or “Follow
departmental procedures for reporting tardiness” or “Observe departmental policy regarding
xyz.” Instructions should be as detailed and specific as appropriate – so that employee knows
what is expected and has the opportunity to be successful.
I acknowledge receipt of this Letter of Reprimand:
__________________________________ ________________________________
Employee Signature Date
cc: Kathy Williamson, Employee Relations Manager