Fillable Printable Sample Letter of Recommendation
Fillable Printable Sample Letter of Recommendation

Sample Letter of Recommendation

Revised: 11/12/2012
Letter of Recommendation
Applicant’s Name:
Your Name and Mailing Address:
Length of time you have known the Applicant:
Please describe your relationship to the Applicant: i.e. professional, instructor, personal
Please Comment on the Following
Ability to cope with stress:
Ability to follow through on activities/commitments:
Ability to cooperate with others:
Emotional stability:
Leadership abilities:

Revised: 11/12/2012
Licensed midwives are independent practitioners. It is a profession that carries a great amount of
responsibility. In your opinion, is there any reason why this applicant should not be a midwife?
Would you choose this person to provide midwifery care for you or your family?
Additional Comments:
Your Signature:
All information provided will be kept confidential. Please return this completed form to:
The Florida School of Traditional Midwifery
Attention: Admissions Committee
810 East University Avenue
Gainesville, Florida 32601
“Delivering the Future”
Thank you for your time completing a Letter of Recommendation