Fillable Printable Sample Mechanical Engineering Resume - Freshmen/Sophomores
Fillable Printable Sample Mechanical Engineering Resume - Freshmen/Sophomores
Sample Mechanical Engineering Resume - Freshmen/Sophomores
Sample Mechanical Engineering Resume – Freshmen/Sophomores
Current Add ress:SMC 123, 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15289Cell:(412) 511-4422
Permanent Address: 21 School Aven ue, Ne w York, NY 10014
OBJECTIVETo obtain a summer internship in the MechanicalEngineeringindustry that will utilize my
analytical and leadership skills
EDUCATIONCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh, PA
Bache lor of Sc ience in Mechan ical En gin eeri ng, May 2017
DoubleMajor in Engineering & Public Policy
Major GPA: 3.2/4.0 Overall GPA: 3.0/4.0
New York High SchoolNew York, NY
High School Diploma, June 2013
GPA 3.82/ 4.0
PROJECTSMechanical CraneProject, Spr ing 2015
•Designed a mechanical crane using a truss structure to lift a weight to a pre-determined
height, with size, stress and weight constraints
•Collaborated in a team bycombiningideas to obtain a practical concept for the task
Mousetrap Car Project, Fall2013
•Built a small vehicle to carry a can of soda ten feet as fast as possible with only the
power of a Mousetrap
•Reached the finals of the competitionby working with the team to improve our design
Computer Aided Wrench Design, Fall2013
•Designed an aluminum wrench using CreoPro/E and analyzed the design for stress
concentrations with ANSYS
•Combined metal working skills with a CNC milling machine to produce prototy pe
WORKCareer and Professional Devel o p ment Center(CPDC),Carnegie Mellon University
EXPERIENCEStudent Rec ep tio nis t, Summer 20014-present
•Answer telephone and route calls as appropriate
•Complete projects for CPDC staff, such as organizing data on spreadsheets
HappySum m er Cam pSpringfield, NJ
Camp Counselor, Summer 2013
•Created and coordinated activities for ten campers 10-12 years old
•Negotiated disputes between campersand helped to set-up for parents weekend
LEADERSHIPVice-President,American Society ofMechanical Engineers (ASME),Spr i ng 2014-present
•Organize monthly speaker series, which has seven corporate and alumni presenters
SKILLSSoftware:Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Solidworks, CreoPro/E, Autodesk Inventor
Machines:Mill, Lathes, Drill Press, Band Saw
Language:Flu ent in Spani s h; Conversant in French
ACTIVITIESAlpha Ph i Omega Service Fraternity, Fall 2013-present
Intramural Sports: Softball, Volleyball, Fall 2013-present
American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME), Spring2014-present
Orchestra, New YorkHigh School, 2009-2013
HONORSCollege of Engineering Dean’s List(GPA 3.75 and above), Fall 2013
National HonorSociety, New York High School, 2013
Sample Mechanical Engineering Resume – Juniors/Seniors
Current Address: SMC 123, 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15289
Permanent A ddr ess: 3521 Second Avenue, Westford, MA 01881
Email: mfact[email protected].eduCell: 412.111.2222
EDUCATIONCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh, PA
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, May 2015
Double Majorin Biomedic al E ngineering
Overall GPA: 3.0/4.0
RELEVANTPro c ter & Gamble Manuf acturing C ompanyLima, OH
EXPERIENCEEngineering Intern, Summer 2014
•Conducted line trials to determine plant cap a bilit y and made recomme nd a tions for noise mitigation
•Implementeda daily management system for managing scrap in order to reduce weekly accumulation
•Commended by supervisor for completing projects 3 weeksahead of schedule
PROJECTSSuitca se wit h V acuum Pump, Design I I ,Fall 2014
•Developed and built a suitcase with a vacu um p ump that re moved excess air to incr ease packing capacity by
up to 50%, allowing travelers to bring more pe rsonal items per trip
Tempera ture Controlled Shi pping Unit , Spring 2014
•Designed and analyzed with FEA a shipping container that can bring a biospecimen contai ner to 4°C within
10 mi nutes
•Devised the syst emsuch that it is functio nal in 60°C ambien t temperature
Swinging Grippe r, Desi gn I, Spring 2014
•Led a team of 5 people to createa robotic gripper that used a s mall motor torque to hold ontoa billia rds ba ll
through one full swin ging mot ion
•Constructed a 3D representation of the gripper in SolidWorks and ran stress simulation on the model
Astronaut’s Coat Rack, Desi gn I, Spring 2014
•Designed a coat rack with mass and suppor t constraints to sustain a load in space
•Succeeded in creating a design that could carry threetimes the required load with an acrylic structure that
weighs less tha n 10 grams.
Hea d Mechanic a nd Buggy Chair pe rson, P i Kappa Alph a Frater ni ty, 2013 – present
•Customizedand built a gravity race r, o ut o f composite mater ia ls, for annual University racing co mpetition
•Created and manufactured all steering, braking and mounting components
•Decreased race time by more than 5 seconds with design of ne w steering
Manufacturing Sciences
Mechanical Systems Experimentation
Computer-Aided Design
Engineering Statistics a nd Q ualit y Control
Engineering Graphics
Computer-Aided Engineering
Cellular Biomechanics
Fuel Cell Systems
LEADERSHIPVice-President, Tau Beta Pi(National Engineering Honor Society), Spring 2014 – present
•Plan outreach events in the Pittsburgh area to bring awareness to the importance of STE M
•Motivate the 60members to attend meetings and organize events
ADDITIONALCarnegie Mellon University Pittsb urgh, PA
EXPERIENCEDesk Attendant, Fall 2012 – Spring 2013
•Checked s tudents’ i dent ificat ionto ensure the safety of the residence hall students
SKILLSSoftware: Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Solidworks, Creo Pro/E, Autodesk Inventor, ANSY S, ADAMS
Machines: Mill, Lathes, Drill Press, Band Saw
Spoken Languag e s:Fluent in French; C onversant i n Spanish
ACTIVITIESPi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 2012 – present
& HONORSMen’s Track and Field Team, Carnegie Mellon, 2012 –present
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2012 – present
Pi Tau Sigma (National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society), 2014 – present
College of En gineeringDean’s List (GPA 3.75 and above), Fall 2012, Spring 2013
Sample Mechanical Engineering Resume –Master’s Degree
Current Address: 123 Hobart Street, Apt #19, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Email: msmannyfacture@andrew.cmu.eduCell: 412.444.5555
EDUCATIONCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh, PA
Masterof Science in M echanical Engineering, May 2015
GPA: 3.51/4.0
Bachelorof Sciencein MechanicalEngineering, May 2014
RELEVANTFord Motor Company Dearborn, MI
EXPERIENCESummer Intern, S ummer 2014
•Developed laboratory methodolo g y to assess vehicle launch acceleration while at non-STP environ mental
conditio ns, and correla te d results to physical on-road tests and current analytical methods
•Refined analytical pro cess to verify Vmax a nd corr elated to on-road physical tests
General Electric TransportationErie, PA
Enginee ring Intern, Locomotive Fuel S ys tems, S ummer 2013
•Provided support for fuel reliability issues: leak/fail ure a nalysis, r e lia bility testing, and des ign changes
•Facilitated new product introduction and prototype development: strain gauge and vibration validation
•Coordinated communication be tween the fie ld, test lab s, offsite facilities and international t e ams/supplier s
PROJECTSAutomobile Seat Release Mechanism Design, Fall 2014
•Designed plastic parts and metal parts as components for the seatback release mechanism in Autodesk
•Revised plastic part for large-volume injectionmolding and other components using D FM & DFA methods
Bio medical Engineering Des ign –Mo bility Device, Spring 2014
•Remodeled existing technology to create a novel mobility assist device for wheelchair users
•Modeled device to increase the independence of users and to reduce the cost
Biomechatronics – Robotics Prosthetic Arm, Fall2013
•Adapted mathematical models and then assembled a working robotic arm to grab and place objects
Swinging Grippe r, Desi gn I, Spring 2013
•Led a team of 5 people to createa robotic gripper that used a small motor tor que to hold onto a b illia r ds ball
through one full swin ging mot ion
•Constructed a 3D representation of the gripper in SolidWorks and ran stress simulation on the model
RELEVANTEnergy System ModelingMath Techniques in EngineeringComputer Vision
COURSESComputer-Aided DesignBio-Inspired RoboticsE ngi nee r i ng Co mp ut ati o n
LEADERSHIPVice-President, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fall 20 13 – S pring 20 14
•Organized monthly sp eaker s eries, which has seven corporate and alumni speakers
•Motivatedthe 75members to attend meetings and coordinate events
SKILLSSoftware: Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Solidworks, Creo Pro/E, Autodesk Inventor, ANSYS, ADAMS
Machines: Mill, Lathes, Drill Press, BandSaw
Spoken Languag e s:Fluent in French; C onversant i n Spanish
ACTIVITIESAmerican Society o f Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2011 – present
& HONORSPi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 2011 – 2014
Volunteer, Philippines Service P r oject: repaired damaged houses, Summer 2011
Men’s Track and Field Te a m, Co r nell University, 2010 – 2014
Undergraduate Teaching Fellow, Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Methods, 2012 – 2013
Pi Tau Sigma (National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society), 2013 – present
College ofEngineeringDean’s List(GPA 3.75 and above), Fall 2012, Spring 2013
Sample Mechanical Engineering Resume – PHD
Manny Facture
1234 Forbes Avenue,Apt #23B, Pittsburgh,PA 15217
(412) 333-4444
To obtain a full-time position in the field of re search utilizingmyexperienceandskills in numerical(computational),
analyticalmodeling and simulations, system level designs, problem-solvingandcommunication.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,PA
Ph.D.MechanicalEngineering,GPA: 3.85/4.0ExpectedDecember2015
ShanghaiJiaoTong University, Shanghai, P.R.China
M.S. Mechanical Engineering,Major GPA: 3.7/4.0 May 2010
B.S. MechanicalEngineering,Major GPA:3.8/4.0May 2009
Carnegie MellonUniversity, Research Assistant, Fall 2011 – present
Computationaland AnalyticalModelingof BiofluidicLab-on-a-ChipSystems
Modelfor turn geometry-induceddispersion inelectrophoreticseparation microchips
•Analyzed the turngeometry inducedskewand bandbroadeningof analyte bands in microchannels.
Modelfor Joule heating(JH) dispersion inelectrophoreticseparation microchips
•Presenteda JH dispersionmodelthatholdsin all convection-diffusionregimesin microchannels, which is useful
todesignultra-fast and high electric field electrophoresis microchips.
Modelfor electrokinetically (EK) driven passive mixers and mixing networks
•Developedgeneralized models formicromixers and complexmixingnetworks.
System Level Simulation and CFD Analysis of BiofluidicLab-on-a-ChipSystems
Systemsimulation and CFD analysisof complexelectrophoretic separationmicrochips
Cadence usingVerilog-A,validated by CFD analysis involving steady-state electrostatics andNavier-Stokes
Systemsimulation and CFD analysisof EK passive mixers and mixing networks
•CreatedsystemsimulationofcomplexEK passivemixers, validated by CFD analysis involving steady-state
electrostatics, Navier-Stokesand advection-diffusionequations.
CFD ResearchCorporation Huntsville, AL
Intern, CFD Analysis and Software Development,Summer2012
•Analyzed the modelsample transport and reaction in biofluidic chipsand develop “Drag& Drop, Mixed-
Methodology-BasedLab-on-a-Chip DesignOptimizationSoftware”.
Mission ResearchCorporationNashua,NH
Software Developer, 2010-2011
•Collaborated to developa system simulation software “Microfluidic SimulationToolkit”
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh,PA
•InstructedComputational Dynamics course
•Held weekly office hours and graded problem setsandtests
Mechanics:Dynamics, Kinematics, Mechanicsof Material, EngineeringMaterials
Thermo-fluid: Thermodynamics, AdvancedHeat TransferandMass Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machinery,
Aerodynamics, Cryogenics, Air ConditioningSystem, VacuumPumps
Computing: NumericalTechniquesin MechanicalEngineering,Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
BioMEMS: Introductionto MEMS, BioMEMS, NanoRobotics,PhysicalChemistry
ProgrammingLanguages:Verilog-A, C/C++, VisualC++, Matlab,Fortran,Mathematica
Layout Design Software:Cadence Virtuoso,Coventorware Catapult
Optimization/SynthesisTools:NeoCircuit,Matlab, Mathematica
Circuit/SystemSoftware:Cadence-Affirma/Spectre,Coventorware-ARCHITECT/Saber, Simulink
NumericalSolvers:Coventorware,Femlab,CFD-ACE, Fluent, Adams/AView
CAD Software:SolidWorks, Creo Pro/E, CoventorWare
Journal Publications:
M. Facture, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, “A Model forComplex ElectrokineticPassive Micromixers”, Lab-on-a-chip, 2014
M. Facture, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, “Composable Behavioral Models and Schematic-Based Simulation of
Electrokinetic Lab-on-a-Chips”, IEEE TCAD 2013 (accepted).
M. Facture, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee,“System-OrientedDispersionModels of General-Shaped Electrophoresis
Microchannels”, Lab-on-a-chip, 2012, Vol. 4, pp.453-463.
M. Facture, Q. Lin andT. Mukherjee,“A Model forJoule Heating-InducedDispersionin Microchip Electrophoresis”,
Lab-on-a-chip, 2012, Vol.4pp.625-631.
M. Facture, R.Magargle,Q. Lin,J.F. Hoburg andT. Mukherjee,“System-Oriented ModelingandSimulation of
Biofluidic Lab-on-a-chip”, Transducer’05,pp. 1280-1283,June 5-9,2013, Seoul, Korea.
M. Facture, Q. Lin andT. Mukherjee,“SystemSimulationsofComplexElectrokinetic Passive Micromixers”, MSM’05,
pp. 579-582,May 8-12,2013, Anaheim, CA.
M. Facture, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee,“ApplicationsofBehavioralModeling andSimulationonLab-on-a-chip:Micro-
Mixerand SeparationSystem”, BMAS’04(IEEE), pp. 1-6,Oct.21-22,2012, San Jose,CA.
Refereefor “Journalof Micromechanics and Microengineering”, 2011-present
HotArticle of Labon a chip (Royal Society of Chemistry), “System-OrientedDispersionModels of General
Shaped Electrophoresis Channels, 2012
Best Poster Award,Microfluidic/BiosensorWorkshopat the University ofPennsylvania,2012
NationalExcellence Scholarship,ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity, P.R.China,2008
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