Fillable Printable Sample Renewal Form
Fillable Printable Sample Renewal Form

Sample Renewal Form

National Council on Family Relations (1/1/2015)
Please check address and contact information below. Update by crossing
out any incorrect information and printing the correct information.
Mail with payment to:
1201 West River Parkway
Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Or pay online:
Toll free 888-781-9331
Fax 763-781-9348;
Already renewed online or by phone, fax, mail? Ignore this notice!
Membership types
2015 RATES
Membership renewal information
You may use this form to change membership type, length of
membership (1-yr; 2-yr; 3-yr), or to online-only journal access.
1 year 2 years 3 years
Benefactor ($50 donation included) $215 $430 $645
Professional–2; all journals* $165
$330 $495
$270 $405
Renewal start date (if known):
Professional–1; one journal*
Select one journal q JMF q FR
Member period end date (if known):
(applies to section memberships also)
Professional–no journals $105 $210 $315
New Professional–2; all journals*# $125 $250 na
Membership type:
(See table in right column)
New Professional-1; one journal*# $100 $200 na
Select one journal q JMF q FR
Journal choice(s) if included: ___ JMF ___FR
Check for online-only journal access
Emeritus–no journals (retired)
Student–2; all journals**
$160 $240
$180 na
$140 na
Section memberships:
Student–1; one journal**
(Professionals, emeritus $5 each section; students $3)
___ Advancing Family Science ___ Family Therapy
Select one journal q JMF q FR
*In addition to the journal(s) you select, you also will receive Journal of
Family Theory & Review.
#New Professional membership eligibility is limited to two years; apply
within one year of graduation. Attach a copy of a final transcript.
**By selecting a student membership level, you are verifiying current
enrollment at an accredited college/university.
___ Education & Enrichment ___ Feminism & Family Studies
Membership dues are subject to change without notice.
___ Ethinic Minorities ___ International
Payment q Check/money order q Credit card (circle one)
Visa MasterCard AMEX Discover Diners Club JCB (Japan/Int’l)
Card number _________________________________________
Expiration date ________ CVD code (card verification #) _____
Name on card ________________________________________
Billing address _______________________________________
Signature ____________________________________________
___ Families & Health ___ Religion & Family Life
___ Family Policy
Membership due:
Sections due:
Total due:
___ Research & Theory
Donation: $25____ $50____ $100____ Other_____
(Optional; tax deductible to the extent permitted by law)
U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks only. Overpayments of $10 or less
are considered a contribution. Service charge for all returned checks is
$30. Make checks/money orders payable to NCFR; FEI 41-0762436.
Membership dues are subject to change without notice.
New total: ___________________
Canadians add 5% GST or 13% HST

Membership Renewal Notice
National Council on Family Relations
Renew now to insure continuing access to your NCFR membership benefits!
Dear NCFR Member,
On behalf of the NCFR board, our staff and myself, I am contacting you at the close of your membership period to make sure
your experience with NCFR is meeting your expectations. (And if you already have renewed, you can disregard this letter!)
I hope you have enjoyed receiving NCFR Report, our quarterly member magazine. Each issue includes a “Family Focus” section that
features articles on key topics written by experienced researchers, practitioners, or educators. Recent focus topics have included:
Fatherhood Adoption Military Families Early Childhood Cohabitation
The magazine also includes updates from our affiliate councils around the country, Section news, and profiles of members.
If your membership includes journals, you had access in recent editions to in-depth analyses on the topics below.
Journal of Marriage and Family (JMF)
Attitudes toward housework and child care and the gendered division of labor
Parenting and adolescents’ sexual initiation
Religious influences on the risk of marriage dissolution
Family Relations (FR)
Work/family conflict after the baby comes
Community-engaged parent education
Contributions of parenting to social competencies and positive values in middle school youth
Journal of Family Theory & Review
Skilled support within intimate relations
Enhancing theoretical rigor in family research
As an added benefit, members who receive JMF and/or FR will also receive JFTR in 2015.
Other benefits of membership
• NCFR annual conference . . . signifcantly reduced registration cost for members, great information, great networking (2015 in
Vancouver, BC; 2016 in Minneapolis, Minnesota; 2017 in Orlando, Florida)
• Section membership . . . exchange ideas and opportunities with other members who share your interests
• The NCFR website . . . your own up-scale information mall for family research, education, and best practices
• Online “Professional Resource Library” packed with tools for family professionals (articles, research summaries, video, and more)
Membership with journals is about $3 a week, less for students and new professionals, and your continued participation keeps
you connected to the latest in research, education, and practice.
As you consider your professional development needs and options in the coming year, we invite you to stay a part of the NCFR family.
Diane Cushman
Executive Director
National Council on Family Relations • 1201 West River Parkway • Suite 200 • Minneapolis, MN 55454
Tollfree: 888-781-9331 • Phone: 763-781-9331 • FAX: 763-781-9348 • [email protected] •