Fillable Printable Sample Resume by a First-Year Student
Fillable Printable Sample Resume by a First-Year Student

Sample Resume by a First-Year Student

Resume by a First-Year Student
Jane Sample
School Address: Permanent Address:
501 Hartranft Hall 18 Burger Road
University Park, PA 16802 Cheswick, PA 15024
(814) 825-1431 (412) 965-1089
Seeking a summer internship to enhance my meteorological forecasting
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
Bachelor of Science in Meteorology
Anticipated Graduation: May 2012
Christiana High School, Newark, DE 15678
Honors Program; Class Valedictorian
Graduation: June 2008
MEMBER, Campus Weather Service, Penn State University,
University Park, PA. June 2008-present
Volunteered for a weekly shift at campus weather station.
Collected weather data and recorded weather reports for
broadcast on local radio stations.
VOLUNTEER, Springhouse Homeless Shelter, Eatontown, NJ.
May 2007-June 2007
Supervised children while their mothers attended classes.
Delegated duties to other volunteers.
Dean’s Freshman Scholarship, Penn State, 2008
Bear Creek Township Women’s Club Scholarship, 2007
Severe Weather Committee, Campus Weather Service, Penn State, 2007-
Academic Decathlon Gold Medal for Speech, 2007
Volunteer, Bear Creek Nursing Home, 2003-2005
Active in mountain biking, piano, and golf
Working knowledge of PASCAL and BASIC.
Four years experience using Microsoft Word.
References Academic and personal references available on request.

Conventional Resume by a Sophomore Seeking an Internship
Jane Sample
Present Address: Permanent Address
506 Irvin Hall 223 Cambridge Rd
University Park, PA 16802 Coshocton, OH 43812
(268) 893-2052 (743) 629-3279
To obtain summer employment with a company where I can gain
experience in weather research.
Education Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802
Bachelor of Science in Meteorology
Intended graduation: May 2012
Coshocton High School, Coshocton, OH 43812, May 2008
Experience NASA Glenn Research Center. Summer Intern, summer 2009
Icing Research Branch, Cleveland, OH 44135
- Worked 40 hours a week gathering in-flight weather data from aircraft-
based instruments.
- Used data to create charts and graphs in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for
branch researchers.
- Prepared presentation for researchers base-wide using Microsoft Power Point.
- Volunteered at air shows on weekends, interacting with young children and
other patrons.
Lake Park Aquatic Center. Certified Lifeguard, Cashier, summers 2006, 2007
Coshocton, OH 43812
- Worked 30+ hours a week, supervising swimmers.
- Maintained and monitored safety of the pool area.
- Initiated CPR/PR when needed.
- Handled large sums of money, balanced cash drawer, and verified prices.
Academic Chairperson for Irvin Hall (Spring 2009 to present)
Chairperson, Earth and Mineral Sciences Phone-A-Thon Committee (Spring 2009)
Volunteer, Penn State’s Earth and Mineral Sciences Open House (Spring 2008)
Maintenance Worker, Adopt-A-Highway (Fall 2007)
Red Cross Blood Donor (Spring 2006)
Fundraising Volunteer, United Way of Coshocton (2006 to 2007)
Volunteer, New Life Ministries (2004 to 2006)

Resume by a Junior Seeking an Internship, with References Listed
John Sample
1886 Fork Road 3007-C Vairo Blvd.
York, PA 17407 State College, PA 16803
(717) 238-4486 (814) 764-2259
To enhance professional breadth through a summer internship position in
materials science and engineering.
Education Bachelor of Science in Ceramic Science and Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
Anticipated Graduation, May 2011.
Current GPA: 3.05/4.0.
Bachelor of Arts in Natural Sciences, Co-op Engineering Program
Lock Haven University, Lock Haven PA 17745
White Rose Roofing, Inc. York, PA.
2008, 2007, during summer and winter breaks.
As part of a team, I installed new roofing systems and repaired old and
damaged roofs, sometimes working 50+ hours per week.
Stevenson Library, Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PA.
2006, 2005, during academic year.
I worked in the Reader Services Office 10-15 hours per week, documenting
newly arrived materials and answering questions from library patrons.
Weathershield, Inc., York, PA.
2004, 2002, during summer and winter breaks.
I assisted in the insulation of over 20 new and existing homes.
Sigma Pi Fraternity—treasurer and chair of membership committee.
Member of Management Science Club and the Ski Club.
Volunteer for the Red Cross.
Six years of written and oral Spanish.
Working knowledge of Pascal, BASIC, and introductory CAD systems.
Working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel.
Dr. Simon Silica Mr. Bruce Bookish Mr. John Cutter
119 Steidle Building Lock Haven University 237 Rosemont Avenue
University Park, PA 16802 Lock Haven, PA 17745 York, PA 17408
(814) 865-2262 (717) 399-4487 (717) 645-6693

Conventional Resume, Senior Stressing Related Coursework and Experience
Current Address
Permanent Address
136 Eden Lane 1306 North Dallas Parkway
Pleasant Gap, PA 16802 Dallas TX 75420
Cell Phone: (814) 236-6778 (214) 609-9612
Position with a mining company in production or engineering.
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering, Anticipated May, 2009.
Relevant Mine Maintenance Engineering Mine Systems Engineering
Courses: Mining Engineering Analysis Elements of Mineral Processing
Senior Mining Engineering Project Rock Mechanics
Mineral Processing Laboratory Mine Plant Engineering
Mineral Land and Mine Surveying Mineral Property Evaluation
Engineering Assistant, Cyprus,Inc., Waynesburg, PA
6/08-8/08 - Participated in an Engineering Student Co-op program and gained
1/08-4/08 diverse experience in the operation of a longwall mine.
- Assigned to Engineering Department but also worked for other
departments, including production, safety, and maintenance.
- Performed surveying, data compilation, and time-study tasks.
- Completed computer simulations for ventilation and belt haulage.
- Participated in quantity and pressure ventilation surveys.
Roofbolter Helper, Solar Fuel Company, Grindstone, PA
- Began as a surface and underground laborer for a room and pillar mine.
- Was promoted to a steady roofbolter helper position on a single-boom machine
for final two months; also performed other working face duties.
Laborer, Deerfield Coal Company, Irwin, PA
- Performed minor land improvements on reclaimed properties.
Laborer, FCI Corporation, Irwin, PA
- Operated a forklift and made deliveries of machined parts.
Experienced with IBM's Lotus 1-2-3, Penn State's Mine Ventilation Simulation
program, and West Virginia University's Belt Haulage Simulation program.
Student member of the Society of Mining Engineers, 2004-2008.
Active in racquetball, water-skiing, and canoeing.
Letters of reference provided upon request.

Conventional Resume, Senior with Unrelated Work Experience
John Sample
Present Address Permanent Address
1297 East Hamilton Avenue 123 Macintosh Drive
State College, PA 16801-5331 Coraopolis, PA 15108
(814) 861-3767 (412) 230-9208
OBJECTIVE Seeking an analyst position with a consulting firm where I can apply
and enhance my mineral economics and business logistics training.
EDUCATION The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Bachelor of Science in Mineral Economics
Minor in Business Logistics
Graduation date: May 2009
Overall GPA: 2.96; Junior/Senior GPA: 3.5
• Salesman. The Oxford Shop, State College, PA. June 2005-present.
Responsible for cash register, inventory control, and customer service.
Developed radio and newspaper advertising campaign.
Programmed computer for inventory, mail order, and sales projection.
• Research Assistant. Penn State Department of Economics. Summer 2004
Assisted Economics professor with library research and computer
programming. Programmed computer code to evaluate data for self-employed
US citizens. Utilized computer packages including SAS and Word Perfect.
• Owner, Manager. Foley Lawn Service, Coraopolis, PA. Summer 2002.
Started own business for lawn service and general handyman work.
Employed three high school students, organized payroll, developed
business contracts with residential and civic groups.
• The 2008 Penn State Dance Marathon, Rules and Regulations Chairperson
Helped organize the largest student-run philanthropy in the country.
Supervised 90 students in the areas of registration and security.
Redesigned rulebook and registration processes. Supervised registration.
• Theta Chi International Fraternity
Held the offices of Vice President, Social Chairman, and Caterer.
Developed chapter philanthropy that benefited terminally ill children.
• Theta Chi Penn State Chapter Outstanding Brother of the Year, 2005-2006.
• Theta Chi International Fraternity Key Man Award, 2004, 2005.
• IBEW/NCEA Scholarship, 2003.

Conventional Resume, Senior Stressing Education and Honors
Current Address Permanent Address
999 Lions Hall 111 East Street
University Park, PA 16802 Johnstown, PA 15905
Cell: (814) 861-2233
OBJECTIVE To obtain an entry-level position in the testing, analysis, or manufacture
of ceramic substrates or integrated circuits.
EDUCATION The Pennsylvania State University, Park, PA
B.S. in Ceramic Science and Engineering
, High Honors
Anticipated Graduation—May, 2009
Curriculum: Completed thorough engineering curriculum in the processing and electrical,
optical, mechanical, and thermal properties of ceramics and glass, with
electives in circuit analysis and semiconductor physics.
G.P.A.: 3.96/4.0
Thesis: Rapid Thermal Sintering of Nanocrystalline Ceramic Films.
, Burlington, VT., SUMMER PRE-PROFESSIONAL (5/08-8/08).
Developed quantitative and qualitative procedures for analyzing solder using
x-ray fluorescence.
Analyzed solder samples to ensure that the solder met purity specifications.
Evaluated the accuracy and reliability of the x-ray fluorescence results against
other analytical tests.
Penn State Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, TYPIST (1/08-5/08).
Typed course notes for a graduate engineering mechanics seminar.
Penn State Office of Disabilities, PROCTOR (1/07-1/08).
Proctored handicapped students during examinations and provided physical
assistance as needed.
Johnstown Civic Band, Johnstown, PA., MUSICIAN (6/04-12/07, seasonally).
HONORS/ College Marshall, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Penn State (2009)
ACTIVITIES Dean’s List (all semesters, 2005-2009).
Member of the American Ceramic Society (2006-2008).
President of National Honor Society for Ceramic Engineers (2007-2008)
Member of Earth and Mineral Sciences Student Council (2005-2009).
Recipient of the Cook Memorial Scholarship (2006).
Academic Chairperson for Residence Hall (2005)