Fillable Printable Sample Resume for High School Graduate
Fillable Printable Sample Resume for High School Graduate

Sample Resume for High School Graduate

Sample Resume #1
Iam Bright
1 Perfect Street, Sandy Spring, Maryland 20860
Home: 555.555.5555
Cell: 566.486.2222
Sales Associate, The Retail Store, June 200 9, Summerand Christmas season2010
•Maintain and restock inventory
•Provide customer service
•Operate computerized cash register system
•Child Care, September 2005 – Present
•Provide child care for several families after school and on weekends
•National Honor Society:20011-Present
•Academic Honor Roll: 2008-2011
•Sherwood Scholar Athlete 2008-2011
Volunteer Experience:
•Big Brother/Big Sisters2008-2011; help at various events throughout the year
•Olney Boys & G irls Club2009; summer counselor
•Sherwood Relay for Li fe -May2009, 2010and 2011
•Sherwood High SchoolLacr oss e Tea mJV -2008, Varsity 2009, 2010, 2011
•GirlScouts – since 2005
•Piano –since 2002
Computer Skil ls:
Proficie nt with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, andWebDesign

Iam Bright
13245 Right Street, Sandy Spring, Maryland 20860
Home: (301) 111-2222
Cell: (301) 222-3333
email: Ia mbri g ht @sh er
School:Sherwood High School 2007-Present
School Activities:VarsityTennis Team – Grades 10, 11, 12
Drama Club Stage Crew – Grade 9
Warrior Improv Troupe – Grade 9, 10
Varsity Cross Country Team – Gr a des 10, 11
Science H onor S oci ety– Grade 12
National Honor Society – Grad e 11, 12
Community/ReligiousMember of St. Marks United Methodist Church
Activities:Served monthly at community soup kitchen - Gr. 9, 10, 11
Big Brothers/Big Sisters – Grade 11
Olney Boys &G irls Club – 9, 10, 11
Relay for Life – 10, 11
Leaders hip Pos itionsCo-Captain of Varsity Cross Country Team –Grade 12
Held:Captain of Varsity Tennis Team – Grade 12
President, Youth Group - Grade s 11, 12
Awar ds, Honors:Presiden t ial Aw ar d for Academic Exc el lenc e
U.S. Outstanding Scholar/Athlete Award
Employment:Sales Associate for Eddie Bauer – Summer, 2009and 2010
Internship:Researcher Assistan t for NIH- Summer, 2011
Paris, France; Rome, Italy and London, England
Piano, Chess Club