Fillable Printable Sample Schedule for Freshman Orientation
Fillable Printable Sample Schedule for Freshman Orientation

Sample Schedule for Freshman Orientation

Sample schedule for freshman orientation
Students Families
8 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Display booths – Various campus offices will staff displays providing information about their services.
Opening session – Orientation begins with an introduction to the first-year experience and details about the
Orientation program.
10:45 a.m.
FYE Peer Leader (PL) small groups:
ctivities include interactions wit
new students and FYE
, lunch at
oody’s (remember to bring your meal ticket!),
and small group photos.
his time will help
students t
become f
amiliar w
ith the resources and locations that will
assist in a successful first year.
College Transitions: Family Matters –
Members of the university community talk
about the transition to college, academic
support services, and ways family members
and the university support new students.
11:45 a.m.
Family Luncheon – Meet other orientation
families and learn more about programs and
services available through Parent and Family
Relations and the Alumni Association.
12:45 p.m.
Doing Business Buckeye Style – Despite the many papers we distributed at check-in this morning, much of Ohio
State is paperless! Students won’t receive a tuition bill in the mail, and grades aren’t sent home either. We’ll
explain how business is transacted at Ohio State.
2 p.m.
Academic overview and scheduling preparation – Academic advisors will share information about your area of
study. This is the only opportunity for family members to ask questions of their students’ academic advisors
since Day Two advising will be for students only. You should attend an overview based on your college/unit of
Afternoon opportunities – use this time to prioritize and complete various tasks and/or learn more about campus resources.
3–4:30 p.m. Calculus and Honors mathematics options – Students with AP credit or math placement level L or M can discuss
options and honors mathematics courses with a math faculty member.
3:15–5:30 p.m.
3:15–5:30 p.m.
Mathematics placement test – For students still needing to complete the mathematics skills assessment.
Foreign language placement test – For students completing placement testing in French, German, Italian or Spanish
3:15–5:15 p.m.
Residence Hall Open House Tours – Please note that construction prevents tours of North Campus residence halls
Until 4:30 p.m.
BuckID – You must have government-issued photo identification (driver’s license, military ID, passport, etc.) and a
Student Information Profile to obtain a university ID card. The BuckID oce is also open 8 a.m.–5 p.m. on Day Two.
Until 5:30 p.m.
FYE Peer Leader Concierge Service – Have questions? Find the answers with a Peer Leader, available in the
Ohio Union, by the entrance to Woody’s.
5–6 p.m.
Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) Morrill Scholars Program (MSP) Social – Mandatory for Morrill and
Young Scholars. Learn about the office that coordinates your ODI scholarship funding. Bring your dinner, interact
and network with fellow scholars. Note: this session is for students only.
Until 6:15 p.m.
Dinner – Meal cards (purchased at check-in), cash or credit card accepted. Dining solo? Dine with other orienta-
tion students and Orientation Leaders at the Union Market for a group meal after grabbing your food.
6:15 p.m.
Get Involved session – This interactive session presented by the Ohio
Union and university student leaders is a preview of some of the amaz-
ing involvement opportunities available at Ohio State.
We encourage family members to allow
students to experience the evening
independently in order to connect and
engage with their new college peers in
a relaxed, social environment. Families
wishing to reconnect with students at
the end of the evening can meet at the
Morrill Tower Rally Point at a family-
designated time.
7:30 p.m.
Evening activities – Join your fellow new Buckeyes for interactive
activities intended to get you connected to each other and to
manage expectations about what to expect on campus this fall.
Explore the Recreation and Physical Activity Center (RPAC) while
playing cornhole, board games or gym recreation games.
10 p.m.
Lincoln and Morrill Towers close
ONL: Orientation Night Live – The FYE PLs will entertain with their
comedic skills and talents. You might even become part of the act!

Students Families
7 a.m.
Breakfast available – Meal cards (purchased at check-in), cash or credit card accepted.
7:30 a.m.
Buckeye Link assistance – Visit this computer lab to receive FYE Peer Leader assistance with the course search
function of Buckeye Link in preparation for course registration. We can also help with other online business.
8 a.m.
Special interest sessions:
Intercollegiate athletics information session – Grant-in-aid and recruited walk-on student athletes must attend
this session.
Office of Diversity & Inclusion (ODI) Young Scholars Program (YSP) – All students receiving the Young Scholars
Scholarship are required to attend this session
Disability Services – Interested students will tour the facilities and learn more about services available through
this office.
Reserve Officer Training Corps – Interested students will receive information about ROTC programs, services
and scholarships.
University Scholars student information session – Learn the basics about the various Scholars programs at Ohio
This session will review the role of the Scholars coordinator, the residence hall learning community and
Scholars Mexico (a study abroad program for Scholars students). This session is for students who have been
accepted into one of the 17 Scholars programs: Advocates for Children and Education; Architecture; Arts;
Biological Sciences; Business; Green Engineering; Environment and Natural Resources; Health Sciences;
Humanities; Humanitarian Engineering; Innovation, Creativity and Entrereneurship; Internation Affairs; Media,
Marketing and Communication; Mount Leadership Society; Politics, Society and Law; Sport and Wellness; STEM
Exploration and Engagement.
9 a.m.
Life Outside the Classroom – The Office of Student Life presents an overview of college life and resources
available to help students succeed at Ohio State.
10 a.m.
Student discussion groups:
Commuting student discussion – An interactive session for students who
will be commuting to campus this fall. Meet with sta from the oce of O-
Campus and Commuter Student Engagement to get advice and learn about
services to help you have a great commuter experience.
niversity Housing discussion – A
n interactive session for students who
ill be living in the residence halls this fall. Meet with residence hall
ctors and your FYE PL to learn what it’s like to live in the residence halls.
Family session – Explore family
responses to students’ experiences at
the university through discussions led
by staff from the Office of Student Life.
Choose to attend the specialized
group with which your student most
closely identifies: commuting student
or residential student.
11:15 a.m.
Academic advising appointments
These appointments are for students only. Following your advising
appointment, proceed directly to the computer lab designated on your
folder label or as instructed in your A
dvising Overview to schedule your
classes. On average, students spend approximately 45 minutes scheduling
in the lab after their advising appointment.
Family lounge – We recommend
that families use the Thompson
Library as their home base for the
remainder of Day Two. The library
offers a quiet, relaxing environment,
information about library resources,
and food and drink at the Berry Café.
The Thompson Library is also
centrally located near any Day Two
sessions you choose to attend.
University Honors and Scholars family information session – This session is for the families of students in
University Honors or one of the University Scholars programs. The session includes an overview of the Honors
and Scholars Center's role in supporting a successful college experience for students, an exploration of typical
challenges for first-year high-ability students and strategies for supporting their transition to college.
University Honors student information session – Meet fellow Honors students and learn the fundamentals
aboutacademic expectations, Honors courses, London Honors (a study abroad program for freshmen) and getting
involved in the Honors community.

11:15 a.m.
Session options (each session is 45 minutes):
Gotta’ Get to Work – Finances and future career prospects are of major importance to students and their parents.
This session will oer tips for finding an on-campus job that will help pay the bills, while showcasing how campus
employment can contribute to career preparation and skill building.
Ohio State 101: Life as a Buckeye – Learn the traditions of Ohio State and find out about the many exciting
things that happen on campus throughout the year in this fun and interactive presentation. This is a great
session for both students and families to learn about what it means to be a Buckeye!
Sorority and Fraternity Life – Ohio State’s sororities and fraternities provide students with opportunities to
become leaders, serve their communities, and make lifelong friendships. Come to this session to learn more and
ask questions!
Student Health Insurance – Receive tips on how to prepare to use health insurance while attending school;
the questions to ask and conversations to have before students need care. This session will also provide an
overview of the OSU Comprehensive Student Health Insurance and the WilceCare supplement and an opportunity
to ask questions regarding Ohio State's health insurance requirement and selection/waiver process.
Undergraduate Research Office (URO) – Families will discover how undergraduate research enhances the aca-
demic experience at Ohio State. Lea
rn why and how students should get involved in research on campus and
where to find resources. Hear a personal account from a current undergraduate researcher.
12:15 p.m.
Session options (each session is 45 minutes):
Set your Sights on Studying Abroad – Every student at Ohio State—no matter their major—can study abroad. Drop
in and discover why graduating students with a strong sense of global awareness has become a critical goal of
higher education, and learn more about how students can choose a program that’s right for them (mini presentations
beginning at 12:15, 12:30 and 12:45).
Walter E. Dennis Learning Center – Did you know that 52% of college students suer a reduced quality of life
because of procrastination? The Dennis Learning Center oers courses, workshops and one-on-one appointments
to develop strategies that lead to success in college. Discover why students who take advantage of the center’s
services attain not only high GPAs but also higher retention and graduation rates.
Technology at Ohio State – Join the Ohio State tech store, Tech Hub, to learn about resources available
for students and how to get connected. Get your questions answered directly by store management, get
recomendations on computer purchases, and see the benefits that Tech Hub offers.
Ongoing afternoon opportunities (from 11:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.)
Fisher Career Management – This session shares resources available for Fisher students to help them with
internship and job searches. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
12-4 p.m.
Student Service Center – Meet with a representative from the Student Service Center to ask questions about
your statement of account, financial aid, registrar and bursar services, and other assistance with Buckeyelink.
Fisher Global Business – This session shares resources available for Fisher students to help them develop
their understanding of the global business environment. A brief presentation describing short-term study
abroad opportunities, international internships and semester exchange partners willl be followed by
information about scholarships.
Barnes and Noble – The Ohio State Bookstores – Visit either bookstore to exchange your voucher for The Good Food
Revolution by Will Allen. Visit our textbook department for textbook money saving tips. We offer textbooks in every format
available–used, rental, new and e-books! Reserve today as used and rental copies are limited. Visit
OhioStateBookstore for everything you will need this fall.
BuckID – You must have government-issued photo identification (driver's license, military ID, passport, etc.) and a Student
Information Profile to receive a university ID card.
Faculty Club – Located on the Oval, the Faculty Club offers a unique setting for families to treat their students to lunch, dinner
or over 50 special events throughout the year! The club invites you to stop by during orientation to give us a try. Enjoy a
complimentary lunch with the purchase of a membership ($135/year) at orientation (lunch hours are from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.).
Huntington Bank – Interested students can sign up for a bank account with Huntington, the official consumer bank of Ohio State.
Students can also make a deposit into their new account or choose to link their BuckID to their checking account.
Multicultural Center student-guided tour – Learn more about this center dedicated to celebrating the diversity on our campus.
Student Health Services questions and vaccinations – Stop by if you have questions about Student Health Services, special
health concerns or required vaccinations. Most vaccines, including the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella; $124), Tdap (tetanus/
diphtheria/pertussis; $91) and meningitis vaccinations ($230), are availalble on a walk-in basis during orientation.
Tech Hub – Have questions about buying a computer or other technology purchases? Stop in and visit the staff at Tech Hub.