Fillable Printable Sample Succession Plan
Fillable Printable Sample Succession Plan
Sample Succession Plan
Leadership Transitions
TCA Tool-kit 62
Sample Succession Plan
Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers
Leadership Development and Emergency Succession Plan
1. Rationale
The executive director position in a nonprofit organization is a central element in the
organization's success. Therefore, insuring that the functions of the executive director are well-
understood and even shared among senior staff and volunteer leaders is important for safeguarding
the organization against unplanned and unexpected change. This kind of risk management is
equally helpful in facilitating a smooth leadership transition when it is predictable and planned.
This document outlines a leadership development and emergency succession plan for the
Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers. This plan reflects ABAG's Executive Succession Policy
and its commitment to sustaining a healthy functioning organization. The purpose of this plan is to
insure that the organization's leadership has adequate information and a strategy to effectively
manage ABAG in the event the executive director is unable to fulfill her duties.
2. Plan Implementation
The Board of Directors authorizes the Board Chair to implement the terms of this emergency
succession plan in the event of a planned or unplanned temporary or short-term absence.
• It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to inform the Board of Directors of a
planned temporary or short-term absence, and to plan accordingly.
• It is the responsibility of the Strategic Initiatives Director to immediately inform the Board
Chair of an unplanned temporary or short-term absence.
• As soon as feasible, following notification of an unplanned temporary or short-term
absence, the Board President shall convene an Executive Committee meeting to affirm the
procedures prescribed in this plan, or to modify them if needed.
3. Priority Functions of the Executive Director at ABAG
The full Executive Director position description is attached to this plan.
Among the duties listed in the position description, the following are considered to be the key
functions of the Executive Director and have a corresponding temporary staffing strategy (see
Section #3 for further guidance about temporary staffing).
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Key Executive Director Functions
Temporary Staffing Strategy
Leadership and Vision
Board Chair with Strategic Initiatives Director
Board Administration and Support
Strategic Initiatives Director and Executive Assistant
Member Services and Programs
includes Membership Renewal
Member Services Committee Chair with Member
Services Director
Financial Management
Treasurer with Executive Assistant and Accountant
Key Executive Director Functions
Temporary Staffing Strategy
Human Resource
Baltimore Neighborhood Collaborative Director
Community & Public Relations
Communications and Outreach Committee Chair,
Board President, and Communications and Outreach Director
Board Chair or his/her Designee
The positions assigned in the Temporary Staffing Strategy are based on ABAG's organization
structure as of November 2004. In the event this plan is implemented and assigned positions are
vacant or no longer available, the Board Chair shall select other senior staff to support each of the
key executive director functions.
4. Succession plan in the event of a temporary, planned or unplanned absence - Short-Term
a. Definitions
• A temporary absence is one in which it is expected that the Executive Director will
return once the events precipitating the absence are resolved.
• An unplanned absence is one that arises unexpectedly, in contrast to a planned leave
such as vacation or a sabbatical.
• A temporary absence is 30 days or less.
• A temporary short-term absence is between 30 and 90 days.
b. Temporary Staffing Strategy
• For temporary planned or unplanned absences of 30 or fewer days, the Temporary
Staffing Strategy described above may become effective.
• In the event of a temporary short-term planned or unplanned absence, the Executive
Committee shall determine if the Temporary Staffing Strategy is sufficient for this
period of time.
c. Appointing an Acting Executive Director
• Based on the anticipated duration of the absence, the anticipated return date, and
accessibility of the current executive director, the Executive Committee may appoint
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an Acting Executive Director, as well as continue to implement the Temporary Staffing
d. Standing Appointees to the Position of Acting Executive Director
• The first position in line to be Acting Executive Director is the current Board Chair. If
the current Board Chair accepts the position he/she will take a temporary leave from
the Board of Directors.
• The second position in line is a previous Board Chair or current Board Member.
• The third position in line is Director-level staff.
• In the event the available staff is new to the position or fairly inexperienced with
ABAG, the Executive Committee may consider another appointee or the option of
splitting executive duties among designated appointees.
e. Cross-Training Plan
• The Executive Director shall develop a training plan for each Director-level position
for each of the key functions of the Executive Director listed in Section 3
• An up-to-date training plan shall be attached to this document.
f. Authority and Restrictions of the Acting Executive Director
• The Acting Executive Director shall have full authority for day-to-day decision making
and independent action as the regular Executive Director.
• Decisions that shall be made in consultation with the Board Chair and/or Executive
Committee include staff hiring and terminations, financial issues, taking on a new
project, and taking public policy positions on behalf of the organization.
• For additional communication guidelines refer to the organization’s operating policies
on transitions.
g. Compensation
• Director-level staff appointed as Acting Executive Director may receive an end of year
bonus or additional benefit. This shall be determined by the Executive Committee
based on the duration of the assignment and available resources.
• If staff serves as Acting Executive Director for 6 months or more, the Executive
Committee may consider a salary adjustment.
• A current or former board member appointed as Acting Director may enter into an
independent contractor agreement, depending on the circumstances of their
• The Executive Director on leave is eligible for disability insurance. ABAG maintains a
self-insured 30-day policy and a long-term disability policy that becomes effective at
90 days.
h. Board Oversight and Support to the Acting Executive Director
• The Acting Executive Director reports to the Board Chair. In the event the Board Chair
becomes the Acting Executive Director, the Vice President shall be appointed Board
• The Executive Committee shall be alert to the special support needs of the Acting
Executive Director in this temporary role. The Executive Committee shall convene
monthly when an Acting Executive Director is appointed.
i. Communications Plan
• Within 48 hours after an Acting Executive Director is appointed, the Board Chair and
the Acting Executive Director shall meet to develop a communications plan including
the kind of information that will be shared and with whom.
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• The following chart identifies key supporters and a primary contact to facilitate
• As soon as possible, the Board Chair and Acting Executive Director shall implement
the communications plan to announce the organization’s temporary leadership
structure to staff, the Board of Directors, and key supporters.
• Updated contact information shall be maintained in the organization’s database with
the following designations:
• Key Contact List
• Extended Key Contact List
• Past Board Officers/Members List
• Foundation CEOs and Members
• Other Organization Contacts
• Within 5 business days, the Board of Directors shall distribute a press release with
general information appropriate to the situation.
Key Supporters
Communication Responsibility
Civic and Nonprofit Leaders
Strategic Initiatives Director with designated
Government Leaders
Board Members
Baltimore Mayor’s Office
Baltimore County Executive
State of Maryland
Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations
Foundation Program Officers
Member Services Director with designated
(holding grants and contracts)
Board Members
Major Donors
Designated Board Members responsible for
phone call to top 10 followed by a letter to all
Designated Board Members with Staff create
phone tree
Designated Staff support Affinity Groups
National Colleagues
Strategic Initiatives Director
Personal Colleagues
Strategic Initiatives Director with designated
Board Members
Operating Support (based on need)
Legal Counsel
Insurance Agent
5. Succession plan in the event of a temporary, unplanned absence – Long-term
a. Definition
• A long-term absence is 90 days or more.
b. Procedures
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• Procedures and conditions to be followed shall be the same as for a temporary short-
term absence with the following addition:
o The Executive Committee shall give immediate consideration, in consultation with
the Acting Executive Director, to temporarily filling the management position left
vacant by the Acting Executive Director, or reassigning priority responsibilities
where help is needed to other staff. This is in recognition that, for a term of 90 days
or more, it may not be reasonable to expect the Acting Director to carry the duties
of both positions.
o The Board Chair and Executive Committee are responsible for gathering input from
staff and reviewing the performance of the Acting Executive Director according to
the organization’s Performance Review Policy. A review shall be completed
between 30 and 45 days.
6. Succession plan in the event of a PERMANENT unplanned absence.
a. Definition
• A permanent absence is one in which it is firmly determined that the Executive Director
will not be returning to the position.
b. Procedures
• Procedures and conditions to be followed shall be the same as for a temporary short-
term absence with the following additions:
o The Board of Directors shall consider the need to hire an Interim Executive
Director from outside the organization instead of appointing an Acting
Executive Director. This decision shall be guided, in part, by internal candidates
for the Executive Director position, the expected time frame for hiring a
permanent executive, and the management needs of the organization at the
time of the transition.
o The Board of Directors shall appoint a Transition Committee to implement the
organization's Executive Succession Policy to transition to a new permanent
executive director. A copy of this policy is attached.
c. Hiring an Interim Executive Director
• If an Interim Executive Director is hired, the Board Chair and Executive Committee shall
negotiate an independent contractor agreement with a defined scope of work.
• The scope of the agreement with an Interim Executive Director shall be determined
based on an assessment of the organization's needs at the time of the leadership
• The rate of compensation shall be based on guidelines for Interim Executive Directors
followed by the Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations.
d. Responsibilities of the Interim Executive Director
• An Interim Executive Director shall have full authority for day-to-day decision making
and independent action as the regular Executive Director.
• Decisions that shall be made in consultation with the Board Chair and/or Executive
Committee include staff hiring and terminations, financial issues, taking on a new
project, and taking policy positions on behalf of the organization.
• For additional communication guidelines, refer to the organization's operating policies
on transitions.
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e. Board Oversight and Support to the Interim Executive Director
• The Interim Executive Director reports to the Board Chair.
• The Executive Committee shall be alert to the special support needs of the Interim
Executive Director in this temporary role. The Executive Committee shall convene
monthly when an Interim Executive Director is hired.
• The Board Chair and Executive Committee are responsible for gathering input from staff
and reviewing the performance of the Interim Executive Director according to the
organization's Performance Review Policy. An initial review shall be completed
between 30 and 45 days and 90 days thereafter.
7. Approvals and maintenance of record
a. Emergency Succession Plan Approval
• This emergency succession plan shall be approved initially by the Board of Directors.
• Thereafter, annually, the Executive Committee shall review the plan and recommend
amendments to the full Board as needed.
b. Signatories
• The Board Chair, the Executive Director, and the appointees designated in the Emergency
Succession Plan shall sign the plan.
• At all times the Board Chair and Treasurer and at least one Director-level staff, in addition
to the Executive Director, shall have signature authorization for checks and contracts for the
c. Maintenance or record
• Copies of this plan shall be maintained by all members of the Board of Directors,
Director-level staff and the organization's auditor in accordance with document
retention requirements.
d. Financial Considerations
1. It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to review the
organization's finances during an unplanned absence of the Executive Director.
2. ABAG maintains an operating reserve that the Board Chair is authorized to access
with Executive Committee approval.
From the Association Of Baltimore Area Grantmakers