Fillable Printable Objectives For Resume Examples
Fillable Printable Objectives For Resume Examples

Objectives For Resume Examples

Sample Resume for Supply Chain Logistics person
Tony J. Smith
250 Louisiana NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Bachelor of Science - Economics, University of New Mexico1983
Masters of Business Administration - Marketing, New Mexico StateUniversity1990
Professional Experience:
ABC Distribution Company(1993 to present)
(A national distributor of consumer products to supermarkets and mass merchandisers)
(Customers include Walmart, Costco, Sam’s, Kroger, Albertsons, Safeway, H-E-B)
Division Director Supply Chain – West(1995 to present)
Impact: Stepped into region with excessive inventory and inadequate staff and rebuilt territory to
surpass performance objectives. Exceeded profit and sales goals 10%, decreased inventory, and
fortified supplier relationships.
Responsible for the Logistics, Distribution, Systems and Warehouse leadership. Senior level
executive with experience leading operations and supply chain strategies from conception through
maturity. Strategic manager who builds infrastructure forincreased sales and revenues on an annual
basis. Quantifies prospective value of businesses, optimizes internal team processes, and shifts
necessary business models to achieve prosperity. Communicates effectively, institutes innovative
initiatives and leads projectteamsto achieve high-level goals, create positive change, efficiency and
increased profitability.
Proven advisor to business leaders and executive management. Ensures the effective execution of
operations and supply chain programs in times of high pressure and constant change. Leads
simultaneous projects without compromising quality, timeliness or functionality. Transforms
organizations within high pressure environments. Focused on business and financial analysis,
instituting on-going positive changes and continual growth. Effectively managed divisional P/L.
Saved $8 million on an annual budget of $100 million leading the 2
largest division in the
U.S. made up of 5 Distribution Centers. Had full P&L responsibility.
Supported retail sales of $1billion by directing the supply chain staff of 7 direct and 70 Indirect
reports, as well as an organization with over 2000 associates.
Saved $10 million annually by managing projects in areas of process flow improvements,
repurposing of capital assets, customer initiatives, and compliance challenges.
Increased productivity over 6% and improved safety over 10% through process flow
redesign, purchase of capital assets to automate processes, use of contingent workforce
during peak period which minimized labor costs.
Improved on-time store delivery more than 6% by instituting a delivery schedule, reducing
operational delays by reengineering loading and dispatch processes, and implementing a
TMS (transportation management system) with more sophisticated routing algorithms.
Regional Logistics Manager, AZ, NM (1993 – 1995)
Led regional staff and field organization 2 Distribution Centers in region

Saved > $1 million through increased efficiencies and reduced labor costs by implementing
several capital projects through technology, material handling equipment, and automation.
Increased revenues, customer satisfaction, and associate morale by instituting turnaround
strategy for one of our lowest performing facilities; identified operational, organizational,
systems, and technology opportunities.
Saved labor spending 15% by creating and implementing a staffing solution for a Regional
Distribution center that historically had difficulty servicing the customers during the highest
volume demand period. The pilot solution was designed to be utilized during peak periods
and leveraged a contingency workforce strategy that allowed for the workload to be shifted to
the third party staffing agency.
Walmart(1985 – 1993)
Reverse Logistics Manager (1990 - 1993)
Led reverse logistics organizations to include Walmart, Sam’s,, Grocery
reclamation, and store fixtures. These organizations were profit centers as they moved product
back to vendors for credit, as well as various charity and donation outlets for the corporation.
Saved over saved over $10 million annually by developing and implementing cost saving
initiatives geared at improving productivity, compliance, and profit growth. Integrated the
reverse processing of DVD’s through outside vendor, into the Walmart supply chain.
Saved over $5 million in one year by establishing process changes that were focused on
green initiatives. The first program was geared at recycling plastic for the purpose of
reducing land fill, mitigating transportation costs, and reducing labor costs.
Increased printing business 25% grew revenue and profitability by managing the Printing and
Mailing Distribution Center responsible for producing marketing and office supplies needed
by our corporate and field organizations.
Warehouse Manager(1988 – 1990)
Warehouse Supervisor(1985 – 1988)
Early Employment
Kroger – Management Development Program
Additional Skills:
Completed "Effective Presentations to Customers" class
Bilingual – fluent Spanish / English
Community Services and Interest:
Volunteer at local Rescue Mission
Participant in various 10k running events
Enjoy jogging, tennis, reading