Fillable Printable Example Of Objective For Resume
Fillable Printable Example Of Objective For Resume

Example Of Objective For Resume

Cornell Career Services
Chronological Re sume
John S. Hughes
Current Address Permanent Address
124 Catherine Street 32 Lexington Avenue
Ithaca, NY 14850 Roanoke, VA 23901
(607) 277-5332 (815) 583-8549
OBJECTIVE To obtain a position applying research and writing skills in publishing.
EDUCATION Cornell University, College of Arts and Sciences, Ithaca, NY
Bachelor of Arts in History, May 2012
Cumulative G.P.A: 3.46 Major G.P.A.: 3.65
HONORS/ Dean’sListfor2years•CornellTraditionFellow•MarineCorpsLeagueScholarship•JohnG.Lynch
AWARDS FoundationScholarship•DelawareScholasticPress1stPlaceAwardforSatire•NamedOutstanding
Senior Athlete by Cornell Daily Sun
Undergraduate Research Assistant Summer 2011
EXPERIENCE Associate Professor Eric Tagliacozzo, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Searched for and evaluated items pertinent to professor’s work using microfiche, databases, Internet research,
and other library resources. Proofread and corrected galleys of book, The Indonesian Reader: History, Culture,
Researcher and Writer Summer 2010
Pennsylvania Resources Council, Media, PA
Compiled comprehensive guide to recycled products for consumers and small businesses. Composed
questionnaires sent to over 500 companies nationwide for product verification; designed database for storing
information. Wrote and formatted final form of guide. Edited articles for PRC newsletter. Researched legislation
on environmental issues; attended and reported on EPA conferences.
Associate Editor 2010-2012
The Triple Helix, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Proofread and edited articles. Formatted magazine, named one of top two college journals in country.
OTHER Resident Advisor August 2010-May 2012
EXPERIENCE Community Development, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Supervised 96 students in residence hall. Served as primary resource on campus policy and information.
Counseled students having difficulty adjusting to college experience. Programmed social activities and
information sessions for overall complex of more than 500 students.
Student Intern Summer 2009
Adult Probation and Parole Services, Delaware County Courthouse, Media, PA
Supervised cases for over 50 clients by explaining rules of probation, maintaining monthly contacts, collecting
court fees, and attending court proceedings. Implemented more orderly system for recording client contacts.
Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, and SAS statistics package.
SKILLS UNIX operating system.
Proficiency in Russian. Experienced peer counselor.
ACTIVITIES Cornell University Men’s Basketball, Captain: Provided leadership to team for two seasons.
Cornell University Glee Club, Vice-President: Planned, coordinated, and supervised all Glee Club social
activities, including events with alumni and other campus groups. Organized Club participation in campus
intramural sports. Increased campus exposure of Club through informal performances and distribution of
information pamphlets.
DeWitt Middle School: Tutored sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students in reading, writing, mathematics, and
history. Focused on developing good writing and analytic skills.
Sample Resumes