Fillable Printable Scholarship Appeal Letter Sample
Fillable Printable Scholarship Appeal Letter Sample

Scholarship Appeal Letter Sample
Mr. Christopher D. Rojas
Head of Department-Education Council
John Mathews College of Commerce
4791 Alfred Drive
Brooklyn, NY 11234
09 September, 2010
Dear, Mr. Christopher
I am writing this letter to you for making an appeal for pursuing the
scholarship exams which were going to be held in our college on 25
September, 2010. I had seen the circular inviting application for scholarship
display on the notice board of the college and with reference to that I am
making this appeal to you. My college identity card number is JM-95423,
with the use of this number you can find out my academic records. I had
cleared Bachelor’s of commerce from your college with 95% marks and
now I want to purse for Master’s of commerce from the same college. Thus
I request you to please accept my appeal for scholarship examination. I
have attached my certificates and mark sheets along with this letter for you
consideration. Your kind help would be beneficial for my future studies
without any problems.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Roosevelt N. Caruso
3174 Duffy Street
Wanatah, IN 46382