Fillable Printable Small Business Loan Application - TD Bank
Fillable Printable Small Business Loan Application - TD Bank

Small Business Loan Application - TD Bank

Small Business Loan Application
The following information is needed to better understand the lending needs for your business.
Modification to an Existing TD Bank Loan (excluding interest rate & fee changes) Existing TD Bank loan #:______________________________________________
Change Requested (please describe):_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Select all
that apply.
General or Capital Expenditures Business Improvements Purchase an Existing Business Purchase Price: $_____________________
Start up Refinance or Debt Consolidation Purchase of Real Estate Down Payment: $____________________
Working Capital (specify use):
________________________________________ Purchase Vehicle (please describe): _____________________________________
Purchase Equipment (please describe): __________________________________
Automatic Payment Deduction
Automatic Payment Deduction will save you time & money by automatically deducting your monthly payment(s) from your
TD Bank Business Checking account #_______________________________________________________________________________.
Auto deduction from a TD Bank Business Checking account must be established in order to save 1.00% on your interest rate (excluding Express Lease).
Amount Requested
Amount Requested
Line of Credit
SB Home Equity Line of Credit
Time Loan (up to 90 days)
Letter of Credit
ACH Limit Requested: Debit
Officer Name:
Store #:
Sourced by: Store RM Healthcare Specialist Outbound Calling Team
Phone #:
C Corporation S Corporation Limited Liability Company (LLC) Business Individual Non-Profit
Sole Proprietor Limited Partnership General Partnership LLP Other__________________________
Date Business Established: Month_______ Year_______ State of Incorporation:_________________ Number of Employees After Financing: ________________________
Explain Nature of Business: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Manufacturing Wholesale Retail Service Agricultural Construction Other______________________________________________________
List any Affiliated Companies: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Business Legal Name:
Doing Business as (DBA) Name, if any: Primary Contact:
Tax I.D. #: Telephone #: Email Address:
Street Address (no P.O. Boxes): City: State: Zip Code:
Mailing Address (if different): City: State: Zip Code:
Own Rent
Officer #:
Store Name:
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Tell us which loan product(s) will help you meet your business needs.
Business Information (Applicant/Borrower)
The following information is required to process your loan request(s). Please complete all sections.
To be completed by Borrower(s)
New Increase Renewal
Commercial Real Estate Mortgage
Fixed Rate (3 or 5 yrs)____________ years
Amortization (10 or 20 yrs)____________ years
Term Loan Term (up to 5 yrs)____________ years
Express Lease Term (up to 7 yrs)____________ years

Collateral Current Value Current Lien(s)
Describe Collateral
(If real estate also provide address)
Owner Name(s)
TD Bank
CD Savings
Marketable Securities
New Used
New Used
Accounts Receivable
Owner Occupied Real Estate
Investment Real Estate
Mixed Use
Business Obligations Business Deposit Relationships
Creditor Loan Type Current Balance Monthly Payment Collateral Deposit Type Bank Name Current Balance
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
Please provide details on an additional page to any question with a YES response.
Yes No 1. Is the applicant party to any lawsuit or subject to outstanding judgments?
Yes No 2. Is the applicant party to taxes or credit obligations past due?
Amount: $____________________ Payable to: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Yes No 3. Has the applicant ever filed personal bankruptcy or served as an officer in a company that declared bankruptcy?
Yes No 4. Is the applicant presently under indictment or probation or parole, or ever been charged or convicted for any criminal offense other than
a minor motor vehicle violation?
Yes No 5. Is the applicant a political party, a campaign, a candidate, a public official or foreign political official or an immediate family member of
such an official, or a business entity formed by or for the benefit of any public official.
If yes, name, relationship, & position of official: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Yes No 6. Is the applicant or an owner an employee of TD Bank, N.A. or one of its affiliates?
If yes, name of employee: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Yes No 7. Is the applicant engaged in Internet Gambling?
If yes, what type of Internet Gambling does the applicant participate in? _______________________________________________________________
Include all business loans & business deposit relationships (including existing accounts with TD Bank). Do not include rent on office space or other facilities.
(Attach additional sheets if necessary.) *Please indicate in the first column below which obligations are being refinanced with this application.
CHECK ONLY the following collateral that is being offered to secure your Small Business loan request(s). Current Value, Lien(s), description & owner name(s)
are required for all pledged collateral.
Collateral to Secure your Small Business Loan
The following information will help us better understand the assets being pledged to secure your business loan request(s).
Business Obligations/Deposit Relationships
The following information is required to process your application & will help us get a complete view of your current banking relationships.
Business Financials
The following information provides us details about the financial background of your business.
The following questions are required to process your Small Business loan request.
Cash $ Accounts Payable $ GROSS SALES/REVENUE $ (+)
Accounts Receivable $ Notes Payable $ Cost of Goods Sold $ (-)
Inventory $ Credit Card Debt $ Owner’s Salary $ (-)
Machinery/Equipment $ Automotive Loans $ Interest Expense $ (-)
Automobiles $ Mortgages $ Depreciation $ (-)
Real Estate $ Other $ Remaining Expense $ (-)
Business Financials (Applicant/Borrower)
Balance Sheet as of: ____/_____/_____
Income as reported on
most recent tax return fiscal year ending: _____/_____/_____
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Form of ID: ID Number: Expiration Date:
Signature of Employee Verifying ID: X
The undersigned certifies that I intend to apply for Credit in the manner indicated in this application and certify that everything stated in this application and on any attachment is correct. The Lender may keep this application
whether or not it is approved. I certify that the credit being applied for will be used for business purposes. My signature also certifies that the information on this application and all supporting documents is true, that
my intent is to apply for business purpose credit in which the use of the proceeds will not be used to secure a dwelling or for home improvements, and that I am aware that this application is not a commitment to lend.
Applicant may be required to submit additional information to process this request for credit. My signature authorizes and requests Lender to share the information provided on this application, together with the results
of this investigation of the credit and financial condition of the company and each applicant, with the U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”) and/or TD Equipment Finance Inc. (“Lessor”) in order to allow Lender and
Lessor to offer the credit product best suited to the company and each of the owner’s/guarantor’s financing needs.
Name of Business (please print)
Name of Authorized Signer (please print) Authorized Signature
X______________________________________________________ Date_______/_______/_______
Credit Application Checklist
Bank Employee must initial next to each line item to validate that they have supplied the required documentation. If any items are omitted reasons why must be included.
Other Products & Services
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No Yes Would you like to apply for Overdraft Protection for your TD Bank Business Checking account? If yes, please provide your
TD Bank Business Checking account
#: __________________________________________________________________________________________.
If your request for overdraft protection is approved you may enter into the Bank’s Small Business Overdraft Protection Agreement.
No Yes Would you like to learn more about TD Digital Express for Small Business, a Remote Deposit Capture service which allows you to make check
deposits by scanning checks to be deposited without ever leaving your office?
Required Documentation Reason for Omission
Small Business Loan Application – Completed, signed & dated.
Attached sheet providing details to Declaration questions answered YES on page 2.
Copy of Purchase & Sales Agreement/Bill of Sale, if applicable.
For investment real estate transactions, a schedule of all property owned showing year purchased,
purchase price, outstanding loans & payments, & gross rents & expenses.
For all applicants except non-profits a Personal Financial Statement must be completed.
Required Financial Documentation
Reasons for Omission
One (1) year current business federal tax return (complete with
all schedules) or Accountant prepared Financial Statement.
One (1) year personal federal tax return - Complete with all
schedules for each guarantor.
Interim YTD business financial statement (balance sheet &
income statement) if the application date is more than
(six) 6 months beyond fiscal year end.
Two (2) year current business federal tax return (complete with
all schedules) or Accountant prepared Financial Statement.
Accounts Receivable aging report if loan is for working capital
purposes or secured by accounts receivable.
Two (2) year personal federal tax return - Complete with
all schedules for each guarantor.
Three (3) year current business federal tax return (complete with
all schedules) or Accountant prepared Financial Statement.
Bank deposits FDIC insured. | TD Bank, N.A. | Equal Housing Lender
62-16214 (12/13)
We may order an appraisal to determine the property’s value and charge you for this appraisal. In the event the property is a 1 to 4 family residential
property, we will promptly give you a copy of any such appraisal, even if your loan does not close.
Right to a Copy of Appraisal
To Be Completed By Bank Employee