Fillable Printable Small Estate Affidavit for Nonresident Decedents
Fillable Printable Small Estate Affidavit for Nonresident Decedents

Small Estate Affidavit for Nonresident Decedents

Small Estate Afdavit for
Nonresident Decedents
This Afdavit may be used if the owner of the unclaimed personal property at issue was not a resident of the State of
Washington on the date of his or her death. Claimants should use the “Afdavit of Successor” form if the owner was a
resident of the State of Washington at the time of his or her death.
REV 80 0053 (8/29/13)
Use this form if the following is true to the best of your knowledge
• That the name and address of the undersigned claimant are as follows:
Decedent’s Name:
Claimant’s Name:
City: State: Zip:
• The decedent was, at the time of their death, a resident of the state of .
• Thedecedentdidnotleaveawill.
• The estate was not probated.
• Noapplicationorpetitionfortheappointmentofapersonalrepresentativeispendingorhasbeengrantedinany
Property description
The undersigned claimant claims the following personal property, which property is subject to probate:
Your Responsibility
As the claimant you are responsible for understanding the small estate laws in the state where the deceased was a resident.
The undersigned claimant bears responsibility for following the laws of the decedent’s state of residence and agrees to
property to the undersigned claimant.
Dated this day of , (yr)
(Claimant) before me this
day of , (yr)
(Claimant’s Signature)
(Notary Signature)
Notary in and for the State of
My commission expires
Residing at
Company Reporting Property Property/Amount Claimed